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Well, you know that house you were always afraid to pass by alone when you were a kid? Yep, right there!
Member Since
Full time obsessive-compulsive
Real Name
I have achieved superior intelligence and sarcasm in this life, who knows the next?
Anime Fan Since
I have no idea, I think it was a bit after my obsession with Harry Potter, I had to focus my life completely on something else and I found an Inuyasha manga so, new obsession, there I was!
Favorite Anime
Rorouni Kenshin is my main thing right now, it's my life ^_^ ---- Oh and also, Death Note, Bleach, Trinity blood, Blood +, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Gravitation, Air, aaand more to come as I remember later!
To graduate with an advanced diploma, get in the Air Force, and study Criminal Justice.
Reading Stephen King books, drinking Vault, Drawing in my comic (which I will put up as soon as I figure out my scanner) writing stories/novels/poems, singing badly, dancing even worse (You should see me at parties, haha)
I have the annoying habit of being optimistic about everything, I listen very well I have been told, and I am a self-proclaimed narcicisstic. Yes, that is a talent. ^_^
| DancingxxDemons
Monday, May 14, 2007
So, let's fill in what's happened in these last few days:
I went to my Washington D.C. Field trip with the ROTC. I had tons of fun! We went to the Marine Corp Museum where they had the coolest exhibits on wars and stuff, we saw a little 12 minute movie on it too and we bought a M.R.E. (Meal ready to eat, it's a military food and people overseas fighting in Iraq for example, eat these).
Then we went to the 8th and I parade where we got to sit tightly together in the stands where it was humid and hot, but soo worth it since we got to see the Silent drill platoon, the President's own along with the Commandant's own. I sat beside Mer(Who was just as scared as me when they shot the cannons!) and Sophia (who fell asleep on my arm!) and I had Zack between my legs (I know that sounds wrong but have you ever sat tightly together in stands??? The person sitting in front of you is definetely sitting between your legs!) and yeah, it was hella fun!~
We came back at like, 12:30 at night! Best part, I think, is the time :)
Saturday, I went to watch the new Spiderman movie. That was pretty cool, I hate myself for thinking that the "black" spiderman (with the hair over his face and that horrid attitude) is actually kinda hot. Damn me!!
So then sunday, we went walking. My sister and I walked to the park, played around, I listened to my I-pod..... it was good.
Today, I slept till late (0745!) and came to school in a good mood :) I am in study hall now, and am looking forward to ending this day!
Okay, that's it for today! I'll leave you with one quote that came to me saturday: "Never judge a day before you live it!"
Annnnd on to the funy stuff!~:
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Q. What did God say after he created man?
A. "I can do better than this."
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