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| Dante of Thren
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
WoW. I'M sOo tiRed oF mE clAss, I likEs It, BUt MAn loTTA woRks. *sRy'S fER nOt GitIN O ALl yA's On wEekeND! -.-;* So yA. AnsWer MEs ThiS QueSt iF yA'S plEasE!
If you had one question to give me. What would you ask?
*WhO knOws, I miGht AnsWeR, HAHAHAahaAH!*
sRys, buT thAt'S aLl I gOtS tIme Fer. TaKe CareS, HaVe A GoOd One!
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Friday, July 15, 2005
MaN, I fEeL bAD...
SonG oF thE DaY.
"Song of Healing"- (From The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
oH, MaN. I tOtAly FeRgoTs WhO wRotE tHis GrEaT pIeCe oF muSiC... sO, GuyS, HelP Out, PLeAsE! I nO wAnNa fEel gUiLtY bY nOt MenTionINg thE pErSon whO wRotE, anD poSsiBlY PLayEd, thE sONg... :(
*oH yEah, I noTicEd ThaT I haD bEen PosTiN eVeRy Day
-.-; tHat'S cAusE I PosT rIghT bEfORe I gEtS tO sLeeP... I nO TrYin To AvOids gEttIn TO yEr SiTes _._; I juSt GotS nO tIMe :( I tRy To gEt TO SomE, bUt TOo mANy. Or MAybE I nO leAve A cOMmEnt >*<-ouch
SrYs aGaIn If I haVen'T vIsIteD aNyonE... I geT 'eM MaYbE oN thE wEeKenD? yA, wEll, How ManY oF yA's EvEr mEt sOmeOne ReAlly GrEaT tHaT'S sUck WiTh yA (eithEr MentAlLy, PhyScAlLY, or BoTh)? LikE sAy, fEr InstANce, tHe yER Bf/GF, oR a ReAllY gOod FriEnd? I No KNoW, bUt I'D likE tO heAr fRom yA'S iF yOu'D hoNOr ME?* TakE cAreS aLl. HaVe A GoOd One.
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Thursday, July 14, 2005
SonG oF ThE DaY.
“1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou”-Siam Shade (From Rurouni Kenshin, Fifth Ending) I fInaLly FouNd It!!! BuT nOw I No SuRe iF It iS ThE 5Th EnDiN.... ENJoY.
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Kowareru hodo aishitemo sanbun no ichi mo tsutawaranai
Junjou na kanjou wa karamawari I love you sae ienaideiru my heart
Nagaku nemureani yoru ga kimi e to omoi
Sore wa koi na n desu to sasayaku yo
Tomedonaku katari nakeru yureru todou wa
Binetsu majiri no tameiki e to kawaru
Give me smile and shine days kimi no smile de
Itetsuku yoru samusa no mo good koraerareru
Kowareru hodo aishitemo san bun no ichi mo tsutawaranai
Junjou na kanjou wa karamawari i love you sae ienaideiru my heart
Mannatsu no ame no you ni kawaita suhada uruosu kimi no egao ga mabush
Give me a smile and shiny days, kyuu ni sumasanaide
Donna ni konnan de nankan na kabe mo koeru kara
Dore dake kimi wo aishitara kono omoi todoku no darou
Mitsumerareru to ienai kotoba ga chuu ni mau
Hanarereba hanareru hodo itoshii hito da to kizuku
Motomereba motomeru hodo ni setsunai kyori wo kanjiteru my heart
Give me smile and shine days
Give me smile and nice days
Moshi mo kono ude de dakishime-aeta nara
Dore dake kimi wo aishitara kono omoi todoku no darou
Yume no naka de wa tashikani ieta hazu na noni
Kowareru hodo aishetemo san bun no ichi mo tsutawaranai
Junjou na kanjou wa karamawari I love you sae ienaideiru my heart, my heart
Even if my love reaches the breaking point, 1/3 of it won't reach
My true feelings are just spinning on air, my heart isn't even saying "I love you"
On the long, sleepless nights, the images I send to you
Whisper "that is love".
Continuously shaking speech that moves you to tears
Changes into a slight fever mingled with a sigh
Give me a smile and shiny days, by your smile
I can withstand the cold of a frozen night.
Even if my love reaches the breaking point, 1/3 of it won't reach
My true feelings are just spinning on air, my heart isn't even saying "I love you"
Like rain in the middle of summer, the dry, bareness moistens, your smile is bright.
Give me a smile and shiny days, don't clear up so quickly!
Because we can overcome any wall that stands in our way.
Whoever you love, these images will reach them, right?
Don't say you can find them, your words are dancing in space.
The further apart you go, the more it hurts the person you love
The more I chase them, the more my heart feels the cruel distance
Give me a smile and shiny days,
Give me a smile and nice days,
If only we could meet in an embrace...
Whoever you love, these images will reach them, right?
If only you had said so in your dreams
Even if my love reaches the breaking point, 1/3 of it won't reach
My true feelings are just spinning on air, my heart isn't even saying "I love you"
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I juSt reAliZed thAt I nEveR IntRoduCed mYseLf tO aLl oF yOu. SorrY bOut thAT. SO heRe goEs...
HelLo tHerE. HoW arE yA? My Name'S DanTe, thE sOn oF a JudIcIouS mAN, anD ConSEquentIAL WomAN. I wAs bOrn iN a LitTle THeraPeUTic FaCilItY OuT In thE WeSteRn WorLd. I aM oF mAlE GeNdeR, aNd aM vEry SensIblE tO AlL. I crEatE ChImeRa WitH onLy tHe StrOnG wIlL oF MinD, aNd hElp tHe AGgrieVed pEoplE WhOm SeEk HeLp. I gRow LoCkS oF BrUneTtE, ObSErve ThOuGH dArkEnEd DiaLatEs, aNd cAn sEE fuRthEr thAn thE aVerAgE FolK. NeVer Do I tOunGE aT OthErs, aND NevEr dO I PiLfeR aT oTheRs. LiStEN wElL I dO, aNd PerCivE eVerY eLemeNt BefOre JudGinG. I gUiDe wHO guIdeS, anD ShaPe whO iS aMorpHouS. CoNFide In FolK I dO, FolK cOnfidE In Me, thEy dOn'T. MorE thE truTh, LeSS to bE knOwN aBout DantE. i leAve iT aT thIs My FrieNds. FoR loVe ANd FoR peAcE tO aLL.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
HeLlo AlL.
SonG oF thE DaY.
"Hikari (kingdom instrumental)
So I sEEs SomE pPl miSsED mE... CoOl, I miSs yA guyS tOo, buT maN iS schOol a KillER. *bY zE wAY, I gOiN tO cOllEge fOr SuMm* So, ThE fiRsT DaY I GeT thEre aND mE ProFfeS gEts TheRE laTe, bOut tEN mInS laTe. So, I fInaLL gEt IntO thE aIr ConDitIonIng, aNd Me PrOffEs SpEnDs An HOuR bY haVinG uS IntRoDuCe OuRsElVeS tO thE cLaSS. yA, HOw cOOls It ThaT? thEN, We juSt Go OvER thE SyLybuS *excUsE mE laCK oF sPeLlin IT* aNd tALk fOr thE laST HouR. tHen ToDay, wE sTiLl DiD alMosT noTHin. WelL, wE tOok NotEs On WhaT HistOrY iS. *YeS I taKin US HIST* aND I fOuNd ouT thaT ppl tHinK thAt hIst iS a CollEcTion oF ImPorTanT PeOplE aND eVeNTs, buT NO, iT'S noT. HIST IS HIST, nOtHin MoRe. eVerY siDe MUsT bE taKen tO bE rEal HisT. EveRyonE iS aPaRt Of HIsT. SO yA, I thOughts yA miGHt NEed tO knoW thAT yEr aLL ImPOrtANt! YESSSSS. sO yA, noW I'M ofF tO wOrK oN mE eIghT tWo-Pg eSSaYS....
HaVe A GoOd ONe Ya'LLs.
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Monday, July 11, 2005
HelLo mY FriEnDs. I wOn'T bE poStIn' Up oFtEn aS uSuaL. *I TrY mE haRdEsT* I haVe ScHoOl "tOdAY" *thO iT'S onLy 11 O'ClOckY heRe..." aND I wIlL bE wIpEd OuT fEr A whIlE... sO, As I SaID, I wOun'T bE pOsTin aS UsUaL. aNd sO I trY tO gEt nEw SonGs aDded In wHeN I cAN. wElL, I'M oFF tO slEeP. *SrY I cOUlDn'T geT to YeR siTes AlL weEk fEr sOme Of Ya'S. It'S beEn HeCk FeR mE alLs WeEk.* HaVe A GoOd One.
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
YeAh iT dOeS rEPeAT MaNy TimEs...
SonG Of ThE dAY.
"Clocks"-Coldplay. YeS, I'M aWarE thaT thiS sonG haS vEry FeW lYrIcs thAt Don'T repeAt, buT I sTiLl LikE thIs SonG. EnJoY.
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Lights go out and I can't be saved
Tides that I tried to swim against
You've put me down upon my knees
Oh I beg, I beg and plead
Come out of things unsaid
Shoot an apple off my head
And a
Trouble that can't be named
Tigers waiting to be tamed
You are
You are
Confusion never stops
The closing walls and the ticking clocks
Come back and take you home
I could not stop that you now know
Come out upon my seas
Cursed missed opportunities
Am I
Part of the cure
Or am I part of the disease
You are
You are
You are
You are
You are
You are
You are
You are
And nothing else compares
And nothing else compares
And nothing else compares
You are
You are
Home, home, where I wanted to go
Home, home, where I wanted to go
Home, home, where I wanted to go (you are)
Home, home, where I wanted to go (you are)
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
GoT fRom "Disasterpiece" ThankS! *SrY tO aLl wHom I haVe StoLen yEr idEaS fEr qUizZeS.*
You are pink. You are in limbo. Not pure and manipulated like white, not impure and noble like red. You are unsure of your real identity, but whatever you chose it to be, you can be it. That is your power. You change everyone you touch, and everyone remembers you. In literature, pink represents the place between heaven and hell. You are the one we will never forget. What inner color are you?
YeAh, SrY yA'Ll I juSt wANna SpReAd THe Joy Of A GoOd QuiZ yA knoW?
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