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Honor roll and honor band^^; I'm such a nerd
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Today I went out for sushi with Miranda, Sharron, Richard, Mia, Katie, Alex and Jamie. Well things were good at first. Lol Miranda and Sharron were making fun of my pronouncing the works properly. Well first they started to mess up the drinks. Sharron stole it because none of us ordered an extra one so I don't think I will be going back there for a while. I phoned my dad and had this massive conversation try to explain to him that I will be late for school. Its not like I miss all my classes which will be over in a month.
Well I got Rice, Miso soup, green tea and octopus. I didn't really like the miso soup. The broth didn't taste the greatest. I have grown a liking for green tea. I used to hate it now I don't mind the flavour. People told me to get the octopus instead of crab so I did and people were like no way you ordered that. Octopus kinda is tasteless but almost feels like bacon. I would try it agian if I got a chance but no before I try crab or lobster.
Every one was making a big deal out of all the stuff suck as the californa rolls which I ended up eating along with some shrip. Mmmm shrimp. Most of their stuff is very good but expencive. Sharron was trying to break the chopsticks, complaining that they were for chinese massive iron body builders. Once she found out that the chopsticks were made out of bamboo she started to freak out that the chinese were killing the pandas which was halarious because people from different tables were staring at us. We all shared our food except for KT and Mia but they are stingy and greedy and no one likes them lmfao.I didn't get to try sashimi which is raw fish but some day when I go back there maybe I'll get some.
Well after a lot of mistakes were fixed up I ended getting to school with Sharron 10 minutes late which is bad because my parents didn't want me to be.
I have decided that I will put sandwiches in all of sharron's house and be the sandwich fairy. Then she will run outside to the neighbors and declare that god has blessed her with sandwiches lmfao. Sharron had tape on her pants and I shoulda have written "bush town" by her crotch but she didn't have tape with her:(
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Yeah I haven't been on the longest time but I hope to improve this site. I have been soo busy with my school work along with drivers ed and our musical which is complete now. I hope to be on more often as to speak to all of you who have graciously accepted me as a firend. I hope I don't let you down as one.
A girl in my class right now just spilt water all over herself and had to dry herself off with a heatgun. Problem with those is that they have so much heat and are usually used to take off wallpaper so you can guess what it can do to hair.
I am doing pretty good in all my classes right now except in math and science which are standing at 60's. Everything else is 90's and 80's so I am pretty happy about that. I guess I am a high achiever lol.
My friend Michelle won't stop smoking even though her parents caught her twice. you must be very stupid to be caught twice. They are sending her to a shrink now which I think she needs because she gets drunk by herself, I find that pretty sad. She also gets depressed easily but then agian so do I but I take into account all the things I have around me unlike she does and she is constantly surrounded by people.
This ugly dude we know came into the threatre and my best friend sharron, who used to go out with the guy, started to scream and ran out the door, I fell on her and had to crawl out. It was absolutly halarious.
I dyed my hair and cut it agian so it is chin length now. I plan to grow out my hair for a few years and cut it agian.
I recently listened to the Emo Song. I find it pretty funny considering I am partially one myself. My parents don't agree with wanting me to be one even though I like the stuff. I don't slit my wrists or anything because I am too lazy to do that.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Smoking vs. Friends?
Well two of my friends started to smoke. One quit because they knew it was stupid and the other went on because they thought it was cool. Well now they are in battle to become friends agian but the problem is that the one that is smoking is moving away from her bestfriends and is hanging out with bad influences. This is terribly affecting the rest of us making it hard to hang out wih either one of them. kinda sad because once the person trying to make the person stop smoking gets told off she is planning to commit suicide which I or any of her friends want her to do.
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
 Familiar feelings
Lately I have been feeling depressed even though I have nothing to be sad about. I guess I am just so stressed about school and relationships I am screwing myself over. I know I should relax but when I do I tend to get carried away.
I am planning to be Sally from TNBC but my mom keeps on post poning the date to get the material. She has been a real bitch lately, going on about how money doesn't come out her ass.>.<
I hate winter. I am cold enough as it is when it becomes fall. I usually have very cold hands, feet and nose so it is ver bad during winter. I have been called an ice queen on many occassions and I like it when people jump when I put my hand on their neck.
I have decided to totally give up on guys because all they have done is hurt me. I am pretty fucked up when it comes to my love life so not much luck there.
In english I reading the diary of Anne Frank. She is one smart 13 year old bitch. Thank god I am not a Jew. Poor jews they don't deserve to be treated like that. Amazing how humans are so cruel.
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Friday, September 30, 2005
Its been awhile but i haven't changed much. Loaded up to my eyes with homework, thinking about getting a job in a few months and going to take drivers ed in Novemember. Lately I have been having weird mood swings but w/e. I have decided to give up on guys but it doesn't seem to work^^; I am not boy crazy but I get a crush every now and then. Seems like the closer I get to them the more I push them away.
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Friday, June 3, 2005
haven't posted forever so this may be a little long^^;
Well, Aled and I had a talk and we agreed to to kiss and stuff. We are just super good friends we can't be more even if we did have feeling for each other we wouldn't be able to ask each other out cause of friends(arent they great?). i still like him though^^;
I had my birfday party and had caitlin and sharron sleep over. We all slept in the same bad lol. then I started to rp in bed. Sharron was like are you rping in 3am and in bed?! lmao we were laughing saying we should do that all night/morning. it was her highlight of the day.
Went to Sharrons birthday party. We watched the exorcist and watched people play games. Michelle clung to my arm during the movie which was pretty funny.movies arent the same without aled:( i like to cuddle
i created a poem for anyone who cares lol.
hopefully its the right one lol. well i made it when i was locked off of the computer and i had to get rid of left over emotions. i think my poem is that I forgive people even when they do the worst to me
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
well i was talking to justin and he said i am doing what sluts are doing and that i am shallow if i continue to kiss aled. supposably aled is using me cause he can get some from me. I talked to aled on the phone and he said he cares for me and that he did when he asked out sharron. He said he was trying to space between me and him but it didnt really work lol.I think im closer to aled now but we are not being anymore than bffs cause of other ppl and friendships. I kinda screwed over some. I wish i had a time machine to go back so i would have asked him out 4 months ago and everything would be fine considering a lot of ppl thought we were going out anyways. The whole sharron and aled thing threw them off i guess.
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Monday, May 23, 2005
Ice cream escapade and mon bday
yeah so a few days ago was mon bday. I got ma hair cut then headed to a friends. I got make up brushes, jewelry and the nightmare before christmas special editionXD. Sharron and Aled broke up too. their relationship only lasted four days. kinda funny cause aled had two relationships lasting no more than a week.
Today i'm planning to go on an ice cream escapade with a couple of friends. Just to talk wbout things in life and eat 4 litres of ice cream^^ Nothing brings up the mood than eating ice cream and being with friends.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
well i'm over him:D i thought it would take forever but after i talked to one of my friends(very easy to talk to) i was much better:D he and i are just bffs now if he would ever tell me anything*rolls eyes* he's so hard to talk to. he really needs to open up
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
im gunna get fat
Well im kinda deppressed over the whole sharron, aled and i thing. I know i shouldnt be but i am. I'm trying to get over him but i know its gunna take awhile. i love the guy and am super jealous of sharron. one of my friends is being a sweetheart and taking me out for a slurpee tom and we are going to buy a 4 litre thing of ice cream to gorge on. i'm gunna gain 10 pounds^^; lol Talking about it kinda works too. A few friends are trying to convince me that hes disgusting and i could do better. I hope i get over him soon so that i dont have to be a jealous bitch.
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