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Monday, November 22, 2004
well me and my brother are just in the back seat of the car and my parents keep getting on our case about having fun,yes i know it sounds stupid but it is something.well my dad stops the car and starts telling us to shutup i mean shouldn't he be happy that we are not fighting and having fun.*scratchs head*adults are such strange creatures,they think they know everthing.o this was funny.we went to the macoroni grill and i was drawing on the tabvle scary things.she kept staring at all the pictured.when i drew the HIM sign her eyes went wideO.O.i fet like laughing my head off.well that's about it for today bye!
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today was ville's,from HIM,birthday or so i've heard^^.

here's a better pic

hehehe,i'll post more about today later.
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
today my dad woke me up saying it was snowing.i've never sen it snow before so i'm very happy to see that.we live in the desert so it never snows^^.so happy.my friend KC was trying to snow board in it with his skate board.right now it's melting and it just stopped raining.hehehe snow^^.it's so white outside hehehe.well that's it for this morning bye!o i smell cookies.
snowball fights were awsome

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Friday, November 19, 2004
ok we just got a pool done,so yea i'm glad about that.well anyhoo the plaster guys decided to poor the plaster in a drain.turns out it was the main drain.well my mom woke up this morning,took a shower then went downstairs.While she was down there she heard this water pouring.she looks in the hall it is flooded with raw sewage.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! my sister's whole bathroom and bedroom floor was covered.good thing she's in New
York right now.we would be paying for the damage if we hadn't found out it was thee plaster peoples fault.so they are going to pay for it and we don't have any water till monday.EEW!!!they're trying to figure out a fast way of cleaning it out right now but so far no good,damn plaster is like cement.well that's it for now bye!
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
i feel slightly better after writting out all my emotions.thnx everyne for your comments.
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seems everyone is sad
*sigh*torment is cutting into peoples hearts yet again.so many problems going on with my sisters and i.my other friends are all i having issues that i want to help with.today in class people around me thought i was insane cause i asked them was the damn cricket sound was coming from.they said that there was no cricket sound and gave me a weird look.i swear i heard that damn cricket it was driving me insane the whole period.i'm glad to see that my sisters are slightly happy again.i wrote a song today.i may put it on here another day,maybe.so far my friends like it,omg i want to smack my head on something until blood squirts out my ears.but i can't do that becuase i need to stay alive or my sisters will die.GAH!!!!I'm so tired i want to sleep forever,let time pass me by.right now i'm on the look for a guy dressed in all blue,so far not so good.o today my sister left for New York for thanksgiving.my chest is hurting right now it feels as if my heart will stop at any moment but i never will,it is not my time.WOA I'M WRITING A LOT!!!o also resently my sisters and i found out one of our friends mey not be as honest with us as we thought and is working against us,so that's extemly crushing becuase we think we know who it is.O.O.um...let's see what else is going on.sry if i sound so malicolly here some random happyness....Maki those puppies are messed up,lol.well i'll be sitting here for the next few hours so bye!
November 17,2004 i put that since it is about to set all the sites for the 18th.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
sitting here
well i'm just sitting here trying to get this freaking cartoon to show up on my photo bucket account.damn it all.um..let's see in 30 min i need to call my friend to get the latests updates on the situation we're in and,o yesterday me and the people i hang around with started a mini-mosh pit,lol.it was so fun.i was beating the crap out of my friend.my friend nick almost smacked his face against the wall.well that's about it for now bye!
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
well right now i'm awake and one of my friends just left for church.it is 6:18am.all my friends fell asleep early,i was like WTF!?are you pplz doing?well anyways.last night we waiched final destination and some tv.we were supposed to watch the haubting but i searched an hour for it and i couldn't find it.i got so frustrated.well that's about it for today goodnight.o originally i only invited 2 people over but we ended up with 6,oops^^;
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
HHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO every body!!!i'm sitting here at home right now with my friends from CHS.WOOHOO!!!!! i went to my friend house last night,which was freakin awsome.it was funny,on her bed we saw this red spot and we started freaking out becuase we thought it was blood.lol.now we're sitting here playing lemon^^lol.i missed the AFA novemberween party last night,they were haing a halo2 competition NOOO!!!!i missed it.o well.ttyl all later bye!
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
no school today o yea!!!!i sat around at home today trying to get my friend's birthday present together,which is almost done.they is nobody signed on to talk to so i'm just bored right now.i'm making her 3 cds of music since she has none at all.um..... well there is nothing else to talk about so bye!
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