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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
stop this!!!!!
GAH!!!!!my sister got on my case becuase my brother started crying.i didn't make him cry he started crying becuase he thought i was mad at him.i was frustrated that he took something of mine and said it was his,then my sister is telling me to apologize to him.why should i apologize he's the one who took them.(they were cards i was trying to sell).hmmmmmmmm.....let's see what elso on she was going to have me walk home.grr.that would have taken about 2 hours to do.and she said i was a bitch for making him cry when i didn't.well onto happier things,today was funny.we took maki's shoe and she couldn't get it back,lol.her sox had holes in them it was funny.well that's about it ttyl bye!
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
omg today i was out it lol.i almost fell asleep walking in P.E. and i couldn't concentrate.i'm still a bit tired though.i need more sleep or less issues hhhmmmmm i wonder.i just saw this really funny halo cartoon on newgrounds it was so messed up.lol.well um.. that's about it so bye!

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enjoy the pictures ttyl bye!
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Monday, November 8, 2004
well my parents are getting on my case again about how i'm gothic.i'm not gothic!well anyways my sister was saying that she is in socialigy class and she said people dress like the way i do are classified as a wana be goth since i'm not wearing pale make-up and all black.omfg she also started complaining about me wearing a HIM necklace.i like his music doesn't mean i'm a satanist.my family keeps pushing my buttons and i'm going to explode soon.well anyways lunch was fun i wanted to push this one girl we don't like down the stairs^^which would have been awsome.it was funny they said that she would probably bounce the whole way down^_______^(she's the one that smack my head on the keyboard and punched me in the leg).i was also squirting maki(fallenfromgrace)with my juice puches and i finally got her after the secong pouch^^SCORE!!!.well that's about it for today bye!
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
um...there isn't really a title for this
i just got back from going outside(which i haven't done for about a week or two,not counting school).well me and my friends went into and pre-construction site,it's still dirt and i decided to run ahead while they were checking out this HUGE tracker.well i got caught by some Arabian security gaurd and he started asking me what i was doing and where i lived the whole bit.my friends were laughing at me when they saw me walking back with the security guard behind me.well anyways we didn't leave when he told us to we just went where he couldn't see us.well we sat there for awhile throwong rocks into a pond and i had to leave since it was getting dark.my friends kept saying that were coming but everytime i turned around they were still sitting there.as far as i know they're still sitting there now.it's really dark outside becuase we have a rainclod overhead and i'm worried that they're going to get hurt on they're way back since we had a hard enough time geting there when it was still light out.hope they get home fine.
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
well i'm just sitting staring off into space^^O.Oooo a spider.well anyways the one time that i accually read a horoscopeit is suprisingly correct for once on me and my friends at CHS.jus' thought i should say that Bye!

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Friday, November 5, 2004
well i decided to continue to bore you all with my constant rambling^^.lets see today was AFA and we sat there watching comercials for animes woohoo.um.....uh..........school's still the boring crap that we will never need in life,or at least i don't need math or science for what i want to do^^.i'm either going to be a writer or a musician or something along those lines anything creative^^.well that's about it for today goodnight!

i put those there becuase me and maki(fallenfromgrace)were talking about how she would jump out an 18 story building for the fun of it.KODACK MOMENT "weeeeeeee...o shit....eeeeeeeeeee"
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
late start
today we had a late start.i asked my dad if he could wake me up earlier so he did.....but i bit too early^^;he woke me up at 5am.i was like "dad what the heck are you doing?!!!"then he said(i think)"you told me to wake you up earlier".not that earley i went back to sleep then he woke me up around 7^^.ahh it's so nice to sleep in^^.let's see wut else went on today....................well i guess that's it for now BYE!

^^ a bleeding heart^^

that is very true for me

these are some avatars i like,there's still one i can't find right now but when i do find it i'll put on here^^
[edit]more avatars^^



ok that's good i'll put more if i find some i like^^sry lots of the ones i like are kinda mopey
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
interesting lunch^^
hey everybody today is my friends Britney's Birthday^^well anyways today was freakin insane(like always)well anyways maki(fallenfromgrace)was running around sounding like the crab from futurama^^.lol and she kept screaming "my spleen"whenever some1 tickled her.i was doing my homework so this was funny to watch.then i was trying to put some papers back into my folder since the wind blew it out and the wind kept blowing every time i tried=(i got so frustrated and started swearing at my homework^^;.also maki sent me this completly random note that had no point whatso ever except 1 sentence about our before Christmas plans.well that's it for today bye!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
MMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWAHAHAHAHAHA i completed it.Judgment day is now upon you all.lol jk.I only finished changing the theme of my site^^.just wanted to scare you all.*looks at crowde*HELLO???? IS THERE ANYBODY THERE WHO DIDN'T HAVE A HEART ATTACK???lol.well thnx for the ideas(even though there weren't too many^^)k bye!
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