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myOtaku.com: dark angel 05

Tuesday, January 6, 2004

   another boring day at school. though it somethingh did come out of it but i don't really get it. i worte this durong fourth hour and i don't get it. you tell me what u think: hello everyone one out there in the real world of the living, the dieing, and the dead of the world, in the universe of which is forgotten and lost through out time and space of the myeteries of the history of the life, death, and anchant times of the people who left this world, universe, or plane of existance in this place we call home, life, death, living, dieing, all together in this mysterious world of the lost and forgotten people, humans, animals, plants, trees, all in this world, place, existance we call home, home of the things you and me beleive in, the existanceof everyone depends on you, the fish, trees, plants,animals,humans, all life depends on you mother of all things seen, heard, felt in this place we call home, though we do not all call you or think of you the same, you still are our mother, giver of life, love, happieness, in this place of yours, ours, now untill it is no more of this you share with us, your beauty will be eternaly there, your wateras will ever so shine with your presents and knowledge of our home, you will be eternaly there for sll the living, dead, and dieing we are just your children of all time on this world you gave to us, though we don't understand, you give us a place to call our own with all it's beauty, and wonders of yours you are our mother earth, our life and love and giver of all we hold dear to us, earth land of eternal beauty and life.
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