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Gabby ^.~
Slept for 17 hrs! WOOT!
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Inuyasha, Fruits basket, FMA, wolf's rain, Chobits,FMA etc. lol
To meet Orli
| Dark anime kitty

Reika's Anime & J-Pop Music Codes
Sunday, August 21, 2005

IM CHEESE!!!! YAY!!! *Dances*
Eh, well nm to reports now. Y-day I went to the mall. They sell the L'arc en ciel cd there (MUST BUY!) lol I want it soo bad! My uncle gave me $20 too! lol He tld me to take it or he woldn't stay with us. -_-" Wut a rotten deal. ^_~
I saw these homer pj pants at mervyins. I want them!!!!! I love homer!! mehehehehe.
My grandma came yesterday. Shes staying with us for 2 wks. Hey I can get my spanish homework done in 2 wks insead of 5! ^_^
Hey, do any of you know how to make music video codes? I want to make one for one of my music videos but I don't know how *sigh* PM me if ya know how and i'll love you forever!
Today Angel is gunna go somehwere with this chick. I don;t know her, but apparently she's been cryign after school and stuff, so I get to meet her tommarrow (woot) ^_^ I hope shes nice. lol. Well I'm gunna go munch on my poptart.
~*later days*~

Dark kitty ^_~
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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Hey! I'm listening to a song by Porno Graffitti! Its called palletoc or something....I love it!Totally addicted! Well school is um interesting. I have h/w (im a procrastinator so i'll do it 2marro) I ite go to the mall today, doubt it tho. I'm talking to Kira. Man shes all annoyed lol It's fun annoying her! ^_^ lol I wub u Kira!! Well I gots nm to say, so eh. I'm a lazy assa at commenting, but I'll try after meh nap *falls asleep* fdaj fd;l
~*dazed and confused*~

Dark Kitty
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
..*le major sigh*...
omg I'm the saddest person evr! I totally in love with this guy from my school! It's sooo sad (must go out with him *dies*) Well ya guys, i need opinions again. Should I Ask him to the movies or not this saturday? I mean...idk...And another question. If the guy hugs u for a long time and notices you in the hallway all the time, than doesn't that mean something?
~*lost and confused*~
dark kitty (sry no pics today)
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Yay!!!!! ^_________^

OMG OMG OMG!!! SCHOOL STARTED Y-DAY!!! lol It was cool man! I have THE best teachers ever!!! And I know you all know that if your teachers cusses or tells you he's a liar your gunna have an awsome yr with that teacher!!! Well, I must describe meh classes.
Spanish-I have 6 friends in there (which rox) and my teacher is soo sweet! Cuz I didn't learn shit lst yr in spanish so she's unna help me ^_^
science- omg my teacher is awsome!!! He says hes a liar and he has favorites and all that sh*t, its so awsome! He is like the best science teacher!!!!
Pe.....she seems nice but idk yet
history-well, my teacher is cool, but I have all the cholos! (help me JL!!!) omg its like..ugh *sigh*
geometry- omg I love my teacher! He makes me wqant to learn geometry! I actually look forward to math!!
English- Shes cool, she nvr yells man, it's so awsome!
Ok well for today, nothing very interesting happened. Ate with Angel and Alexa (they ate cereal and cookie and me and J (angel) tried to drink a 2 liter fanta lol ) oh!! I had to get my books today right? omg it took an hour and 20 minuts!!!!! HOW GAY MAN!!! But but but but!!! I saw The guy I like!! and omg! I found out he's a senior!! Im soo sad *cries* we MIGHT go out tho, if i play my cards right. lol He gave me a hug! and not just n e hug, a long hug! 2wice!!! *loves* lol but he didn't wait for me to get my books (i kidna annoyed him BUT that's ok he wubs me) and ya..I'm just ubr happy. Well I have geomertry and Biology h/w (it should take me 30 minutes) so I'm gunna write 2marro. Luv ya'll!! Byee!!
~*peace and love*~

Dark Kitty ^_~
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Friday, August 12, 2005
*cough* ugh....*sniff*
its raining im cold and my net doesnt work. just fyi i wont have net in my room till tommarrow or sunday so i cant update. And its pouring over here! More than 2 inches of rain already! *dances* Well im freezing and im uber sore I went to wet n wild yesterday with my friend kathy and her bro and her bros friend. It was great but now I'm super sore. well i g2g my mom doesn't want me on here to long. I'll post more 2marro or sunday.Byee!
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*cough* ugh....*sniff*
its raining im cold and my net doesnt work. just fyi i wont have net in my room till tommarrow or sunday so i cant update. And its pouring over here! More than 2 inches of rain already! *dances* Well im freezing and im uber sore I went to wet n wild yesterday with my friend kathy and her bro and her bros friend. It was great but now I'm super sore. well i g2g my mom doesn't want me on here to long. I'll post more 2marro or sunday.Byee!
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