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Friday, July 8, 2005
*listens to music*
I'm n e more....*sigh* *doesn't know whats going on* huh? meh..
*listens to song on my site* *dances* I'm addicted to the song on my site!!!!! I can't stop listening to it!!! *dances* Well today was rather depressing. VERY depressing...but I'm not gunna mention it..*sighs* I don't what to say man....*le sigh* I bought an FMA shirt at the mall today! and FMA cards. (yes I spend lots of money because I am not the kin d to save money *smiles big*)
I got tired of Angel's unfinished site so I temporarly fixed it. It has music and an FMA icon. She better be happy! lol. Speaking of her...she never called me back..that monkey butt....-_-" *yawn* I'm sleepy. I'm gunna go to bed...
~*peace and love*~

Dark kitty
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Thursday, July 7, 2005's late.

*yawns* Well I came back to El Paso for a few days, so..I can update!!!!! But I can only comment at night cuz I'll be at the hospital with my grandpa. Heh I love him SO much.
Well, I decided to go ahead and change my theme (kinda). Its roy and hughes! (HUGHES!!!!^^) I'm gunna add other stuff later. It's late right now and I'm dead tired. Soo.,...sleepy....must stay awake *dies*
Sunday, Me and my cousin came down top Cruces cuz my Grandpa had surgery (Outcome is very bad btw....Don't wanna mention it now.) but man.. My cousin was like Whoa. He was goin 90! I was like "omg he's trying to kill me 00" lol But omg...We went back to Alamogordo that ngiht, and man is he depressed. I mean I am too, but I'v never seen him lke that. He was actually tearing up. I mean, he won't cry infront of me (prob cuz I was cryign so hard), bu I felt soo bad. And I couldn't say n e thing to him. I hope I c him 2marro. We need to talk. Poor X.
Well, Happy late 4th of July!!! Wha did you all do? Me, I went with my cousin's to their Uncle's house/ranch. I got to Ride Rocky! She's a super pretty horse, but man! She scared the sh*t outta mecuz I've never ridden a running horse, so I was like "Oh wth, I'll just try it." My god! That horse was making me bounce upa nd down and fall off the sides! I was so afraid that I was gunna fall *gasps for air*. lol But I rode her about...2 times? Than me, my cousin Sara, and My cousin Stephanie went to go ride the 4wheeler. That was fun!!! I made it go 40 mph! Doesn't seem like much, but Man it was cool!! Than we got to sit on the roof and watch fireworks. Than when we got home we wathed the city fireworks (I was in Las Cruces btw) It was cool.
And now, X is getting blamed for somethign he didn't do! Man he is sooo POed! (Pissed off) It's like.....I'm so glad I'm not near him tonight. Geez...
Meh...Fma is gunna come on, So i'll t2ul. I missed ya'll!!
~*peace and love*~
Dark Kitty
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Friday, July 1, 2005
wow. not a lot of ppl visit n e more. lol Well I trioed yto get to a lot of your sites, but I probably failed horribly.Sry guys v.v I just decided that now its posting time b4 I change the bg and leave. Only got 15 minutes. So my site mite be erally oddly redone. lol. ANYWAYS, I'm tired.....but not mad n e more! I don't have to much to say, cept that im dead tired....-_-"
I'm leaving 2marro for about 3 weeks sto visit my aunt and uncle in Alamogordo. Hey, free IMAX movies! and popcorn! ^^ If I post it'd be at night, so I'll like try and get to your all's sites alright? Ok. Well i mgunna grab food and change my bg. L8erz peeps!
~*peace and love*~

dark kitty
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Ugh. I saw madagascar today. Man I loved it! My cousin ate all the popcorn! And drank mine AND her drink! My gawd! Lol but my god. Angel just got me so POed. Just...grr...-_-" That donkey! grrr *steams* well. cant type much. IM me (PLEASE) byee
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

BLA! Omg I'm dead tired *dies* We have a full house. 3 kids, my cousin's wife, my aunt and uncle, and me and my parents. -_-" I'm not gunna be able to visit people I'm too busy man. I'll visit soon enough ^^ Wel tommarrow I'm supposed to go c madagascar. I heard its gewd. Now if only I can get a hold of Angel -_-" She better learn how to answer her fone. Steph being a pain in t he @$$ man. She got all POed just cuz I decided to stay here with my cousins instead of going to her house.She a dumb@$$. Must kill lol Oh well. Well My cousins are all here lol In town I mean. Im so glad my cousin's are here. I love spending time with them. Well my little cousin is here with me while I type my post lol. I'll t2ul.
~*peace and love*~

-Dark kitty
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Ooooo look at the double screens

Sleepy (I really need a sleep icon)
I just got up.....meh....I had to come back Saturday night because I have a doctor's appointment today, but I'm going back tonight, so I decided to update while I can.
Well, erm.....I had an interesting weekend. Friday my cousin came to pick me up *twitch* I'm soo gunna hurt him He was treating me like a lil kid and being protective and junk throughout the whole day. It was soo annoying!!! When we got home he got better tho, we watched Taxi (which btw is a gewd movie. Than I decided to call Angel (or she called me...cant remember)So we started talking and my cousin brought me the xbox to play games *coughhalo2cough* Than he said g'nite and ok, when sum1 says g'nite,I don't expect to see them until the next day. He came back like 5 times! Once to check what was going on outside because the dogs were barking, and than to check on my the rest of the times. He got all stupid Cuz I was on the fone soo late. -_-" Oh well, still love him..wait..I HAVE TO SEE HIM TONIGHT?!?! Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah well. I';ll beat him up or something (mind you hes liek 22 or 23 and a helluva lot taller and stronger than me) The odds are good right? XD Well anyways, about my grandpa, if you wanted to know...He's still in the hospital. I hate those doctors *stab* They haven't told us the truth I think because everyone's story is different!!!! Grr!!! *le murder* Stupid doctors...*mumble*
Oh, welll yesterday a visitor from the UK that works for my dad's company came to our house yesterday. I couldn't get overf his accent. ^^ I tried to speak "English" but Failed miserably. lol.
Well, Angel is SUPPOSED to come over before I leave but I have no idea what's gunna happen. I missed ya'll!! You know how hard it is to be without internet for 2 days? muchless a week!? Meh...*sigh* Oh well, My cellfone buddy is with me ^_________^
Well, Maybe I can go to the University with my cousin and update there tommarrow, but if not, than I'll post Saturday nights/Sunday morning. I g2g to the doctors now! *looks at clock* 7:21 Am *mumbles* Byee ya'll!
~*Peace and Love*~
Dark Kitty
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Okay you guys, A very big family emergency came up. I most likely won't be on for a wekk because I need to be with my grandma know because um..well, I gues you all should know...My grandpa is in the hospital. He has internal bleeding, and I have no idea where its comming one knows, soMy grandma needs me now, especially since she's alla lone in the house cuz my family works. So I'll be back next week. He is very sick, and giving up on life, so I'm not exactly sure wuts gunna happen, so now I have no idea what becomes of MYO account. I'll update when I get back to let you know what happened. Ill miss you guys bunches!!!!!
~*peace and love~*
-Dark kitty
Comments (12) |
Thursday, June 16, 2005
*picks off dog hairs*

Wuts up ya'll?? Ugh, I've done so much b4 12^^ lol I cleaned my room!!!! But than my mom made me wash the dog..and now..I have dog hairs all over my shirt *mumbles* At least he smells clean again.
Hey, if any of you read the comment my friend posted on my site, I'm soo sorry. I didn't find out about it until I got home. She's"
Anyways, I'm stil.llplaying the Fullmetal alchemist game! *mumbles* I can't beat that stupid fat blob! he doesn't stay dead!! *mumbles* *kicks tv* Oh well, I'll get it eventually. Thanks for the tip JL!
Hey, I'm sorry I didn't get to some of your sites yesterday but my friend came over when I was commenting so I stopped, and by the time I got home I got really lazy.(and I couldn't tell who updated)Heh. I'm so....-_-" My aunt is comming ovwer and my cousin-in-law..i guess is wut I'd call her, and her 3 kids! are all staying here! nxt week!! wtf?! That means I get to sleep on the couch ^^ joy! *dies* But that also means I won't be on too much cuz I wont have a ocmputer cuz the computers are in my room and the guest room, and they'll both be occuipied. x.x guh....
Well I hope Ya'll have a great day!^^
~*Peace and love*~
Dark kitty
Oh! Btw kiralover, I still have Angel's phone, she won't come and get it, sooooo Don't expect a call until prob nxt weekend. ^^
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
*murders title*

Stupid game! I can't beat Camilla! *mumbles* Stupid big blob of death that never dies!! *kicks tv*
Anyways, *glares at tv* I actually go to talk to Angel last night. She actually called me!! Wut a miracle ^^ She can actually call people! lol And Sh got on the net late last night! lol geez We were tryiing to figure out if we could do something today, but apparently we're not going to, so eh. Thats alright ^^ lol
Okay, I did finish my drawing, but I unno....*thinks about it* here it is: lol. Yesh theres a messege but thats for my cousin's daughter, Desiree. ^^ lol But damn, the marker gave me such a headache last night -_-" Tell me what you think...I might draw something else, lol but I like this one ^^
Meh....Well, I'm gonna go check on all your sites now ^^ Byee!!
~*Peace and Love*~
Dark Kitty
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
*thinks of title*

Heh, I'm sry for not commentng and updating. Bad But hey I'm not busy n e more! So I can finally update and comment ^^
Okay, Kira, I'm sry I have Jaunell's phone, but at this rate, she ain't gettin' it back for awhile. Only if we do something this weekend, or if she comes over during the week, but I'm not exactly sure. lol
Anyway, Nothing really exciting is going on today. I'm just gunna play FMA and finish my drawing for my little cuzin. I'll try and post it up later to see if you guys like it, but I don't know if I can (stupid large paper). Well, that's all I have to say for now. How are your guys's day going??? ^^
~*peace and love*~
Dark kitty
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