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| Dark anime kitty
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Sunday, June 12, 2005

Tired and Sore
Man...The party was great y-day!! We had a ton of food (big family!) and a ton of fun!! lol Well, In the begining, my cuzin Chito(whose going back Tuesday *Cries*) came over with his wife and kids. So I had to go in the pool with their kids. They are the sweetest and cuttest kids!! ^^ They had to much fun trying to swim around! *rants on* oops...sry..
Later on, the adults decided to get in. My Ita(grandma) got in too! Aw man, everyone had so much fun! Than they threw both my cuzins AND my uncle into the pool lol
We started playing volleyball too. I was on my cousin's team with my tia and his wife and my otehr cuzin Than, while we were playing, my cousin started throwin water at me. -_-" I misses half of my shots man! Than my uncle Jumped in! lol With his jeans and everything! It was great!
After everyone tired of that, my cuzin dunked me! TWICE! -_-" lol Just because I splashed him with water *makes face* lol Sry.
Well, anyways my cousin's daughter, Desiree drew me a picxture saying that shes gunna miss me! ^^ Im gunna send her one, buy her a little present whenever I go to the mall again.
That pretty much is all I'm gunna say about the party because I don't want to get to much into it.(the food was super good!)
Omg though, don't ever swim for 5 hours when you've only applyed sunscreen once. Man, my back, shoulders, hips, and cheeks are sunburned! *can't move* And my feet and body..oww..
BUT!! GUESS WHAT?! My dad bought me the 1st FMA game!! ^^ I'm gunna buy the 2nd one...sooner or or you know what? Angel, you owe me a b-day present, and my b-day was 5 mnths built up! Now you owe me the new FMA game! Because you gave Ash her present right after her b-day and your buying one for Molly and Me noting *sniffle*
Well g2g you guys! Gunna go play me game!
~.^ Dark kitty ^.~
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Saturday, June 11, 2005

Hey guys!! What's up? Well, I'm sitting here trying tog et all my computer stuff done before 11 AND do my hair AND clean my room.Today is my party!! I can't wait! I get to see my cousin that I haven't seen in a yr!!! My dad's Aunt and Cousin are here already. We had to go pick them up in Juarez. They are so happy to be here. Probably because they get to see our house and see my grandpa.
Okay, I'm warning you all now, I might not be able to get to many sites today, and I'm very sorry. I'll try to tonight, but I don't know if I'll be home tonight, or tomarrow morning. SO , if worse comes to worse, I'll comment tommarrow ^^ lol
NOW, (this is directed to Kiralover) Me and Angel can so kick your ass at SSBM! heh. I'm very gewd at Dr. Mario. *throws pill in air**pill falls on head* Ow...But you can most likely beat me at the other game you mentioned because I've never played it b4.
I want to thank roy mustang90 for giving me a music code! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! *hugs* I love you man!!!
Okay you guys, I really have to go now, I have to re-straighten my hair because it's gay and it curls up when I go to sleep *mumbles about hair* Love ya guys! ^.~

~.^ Dark kitty ^.~
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Hewwo! ^^

Okay I don't have a good Icon for excited so this will do. BUT I'M SOO HAPPY!!!
Well , Yesterday my aunt and uncle came to visit us ^^ We ate chicken and I got to eat some mint chocolate chip ice cream ^^ Anways, I found out that at the end of this month, they're staying here for a week, which means giving up my bed -_-" but that's ok. I get to spend the week with my Favorite Aunt and Uncle. He gave me 10 bucks! Which doesn't seem like much, but hey, Ive almost got enough for the FMA2 game ^^.
Than last night I cam back on the net to check out who updated, comments, that junk. lol Well, my friend was online last night and he was the only one on so we started talking, and guess what!? He's downloading Kingdom of Heaven for me!!!! ^^ *Dances* I love him soooooooo much!! I'd ask him to get me the FMA movie, but he doesn't like anime so I'm not gunna bother. Maybe I can get him to bring down Calcium Kid (I'm not orli obssesed ^^)
Anyways, today hasn't been too bad. I'm talking to Kira now (Hi kira *waves*) and playing SSBM. I visited most of your sites, But now I'm getting lkinda caguth up and my comp's starting to act up, so I'll viusit them tonite if I already haven't. Well, I've got nothing more to say, except I hope you all have a really good day ^^.
**Dark Kitty**
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Im trying to redo my theme (yes fma, and it will be here for some time, but don't worry ill change the bg every once in awhile) Anways, if it doesn'tlook right, than eh. I need your guys's help. Do any of you know where I can find a fullmetal alchemist music code?? I can't find one! Well that's all I needed to post. Help me plz!!!
Dark kitty
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005

sry I didn't update y-day. Angel and ashley came over last night. We went swimming, and stupid Angel is such a weakling. She went in the jacuzzi because "its too coold *says in weak voice*" Heh. I love her tho ^^ Than my dad made us bacon! Cuz he's just soo sweet ^^ lol Annyways, we sat around my table eating and tlaking (they had the nerve to call me, ME a monkey..-_-") But than they started talking about Phantom of The Opera, and they wouldn't stop, so I just left and started playing ddr in my rm (man I want Candy!!(its a song)) Than they came in and said I ditched them ^^ Which I didn't. We played games anf stuff and they surfed the net. We watched Inuyasha and FMA. I love ed!!! He's soooo cute ^^lol Everyone picks on him just cuz he's short. ^^ lol
Me and Angel started watching the ROTK (Return of the King) Commentaries. It was great. lol Thje guy who plays Gimli said that evl;es sleep like this: *snore**Fart*snore*fart*snore*fart* lol lmao It was great! I love the commmentaries! ^^
Than today we all went swimming again, played games, that stuff. Than we started to watch Phantom of the Opera. I acutally got into before my dad took Jaunell home. Heh, but now Im being lazyand eating chicken. *sigh*
Well, Im gunna go watch sum tv. L8erz!
Dark kitty
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Monday, June 6, 2005
Dance dance dance!!

Hey you guys, sry for being so depressed l8ly. I'm better tho!!! *dances* heh. Guess what?!!? My cuzin's in town!!!! *dances* I haven't seen him in a year soo I'm happy ^^ He's comming here sometime during the week.
Anyways, Saturday we're having a big party cuz my dad's family is commin over for a swimming party. lol Ya'll are invited too ^_~ heh.
Well, I just finished playing DDR. I'm so proud of myself!! Yesterday I wa splaying on oni mode (wiht the controller of course ^.~) And I got a 750 combo!! How cool is that?! But I failed on the last song *kicks bed* OWWW MY TOE! *jumps around in pain* *trips over ddr cord* *lays on floor* I'm just gunna stay here now...=S
Okay well I decided you all should see who Gill is. So here:
Thats me and him...I look so bad -_-" But hey That was a great day man! lol I stayed with him for a long time after school that day cuz I had to work on a project (so wut if I got to class at 4:20?) lol JL remembers the project (tho she never stayed after school to help -_-") lol Well I don't have much more to say. Hope you guys have a really great day!!! ^^
Dark kitty
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Sunday, June 5, 2005

Yea its another cat Shut up -_-" Im not in a very gewd mood right now. Only good thing is I got to talk to Scott and Kira today.Cept Scott when tog o so some um..."stuff" with anoter chick so I talked to Kira ^^ heh. Well anyway, I wish I coudl just lay on a cloud and think. I haven't been really feelin good l8ly, and I don't feel very happy l8ly either. Heh ya I know how to fake happyness ^.~ But I don't know, I've just been really pensive lately. I just wanna go and fly off somewhere where I can be alone!!
Okay, sry....Well the only better thing besides that is I hit the 200 hit mark in like 2 months ! How cool is that! ^^Made me happy at least..but I'll prob get put down for that to..*bows head down while cloud is overhead and it rains on me* *sigh*
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
Guh....(I'm in a very Orli mood today ^^)

Hey! I'm soooo tired...Why is it the one time I want to sleep no one lets me?! *dies* I fell asleep at 3!!! Stupid Stomach!! Than my dad made all t his noise and woke me up at like 6:30ish and THAN!! I went back to sleep and Steph called me..Okay, don't you think if I don't answer the fone the 1st 2 times I'm not gonna answer?! She called me 5 times! 5 TIMES! Who does that?! Now she won't answer me back -_-" w/e tho
Anyways, lol sorry forthe orli icon, but I put that cuz that's my mood today. Heh, and I have an orli colorbar too, which yesh, I am gonna post because he's sexy! And because I love him so ^^ Im gonna make a sexy colorbar soon...bla lol
Last night, my family an dI went to see Monster-in-law. That's the funniest movie! lmao The mother in law was EVIL! ^..^ Evil I tellz ya! lol So was charlie tho, so it was pretty funny, and I got to eat my watermelon sour patch! ^^
I have a Q: Why don't they just give the rabbit the trix?! Maybe he's hungry too! Selfish brats, hogging all the cereal and making the rabbit starve! Argh, well, hope ya guys have a good day! I'm gonna visit your sites tonite cuz I need to rest! t2ul!

Dark kitty
P.s. Isn't he seksy?!
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Friday, June 3, 2005
blargh monkey bla
BLA!!! I haven't gotten much sleep l8ly..I feel so You try goin to bed at..*thinks* 3 or 4 in the morning 3 nites in a row *drops oon floor and falls asleep*
Anyways, I'm trying to make my own icons...but they aren't comming along as good as i thought they were. Heres one of them I colored this from one to 3 last nite..Man it's relaly bad but w/e lol I did it late at night, what do you expect?!
Anyways, I'm going to the movies tonight (I think) to see moneter-in-law. My stomach hurts tho!!! (Why do I have to have cramps? geez -_-") Oh well, Buy me some ice cream ^^ lol My mommy bought me Mint chocolate chip ice cream!!! ^^
Well, I'm gonna start coloring some of the other cats (Someone shoot me plz) lol T2ul!
~*peace out*~
Dark Anime
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Sorry havent updarted in awhile..I've jsut ben to lazy. Damn summer lazyness lol. Well I spent the Night at angels house monday night. It was cool! Cept angel's a pain and her dog is like the devil lol. Shes soo cute tho!!! ^^ Me and Angel played Egyptian Rat Scurry! lol It was fun but LONG!!! lol Stupid Leemers!! Stupid angel lol -_-" That was funny! And we kept slaping on 4's and Jack's! It was funny! Than we started playing was fun...but...Angel was sleepy so she didn't do very well lol. Than when we went to bed she started watching attilla...or however you spell it. I watched liek 10 minutes of it than fell asleep. Than aAngel was dumb and let her dog in in the morning. But YUki wasn't that bad she just kept licking me. She settled down tho. Than I went home for awil;e so angel could sleep more (What a lazy ass huh?) Than I went back at night and we played Halo 2. That game is soo cool!! But I suck at it. That's alright tho I got a little bit better last nite. Except I kept shooting our Hey I'd liek 2 c u tell the difference! Well ya..and today Im just bored and tired...Might go swimming later...soon..I don't know.. g uys notice how I always seeem to mention Gill in my posts at least once? Well I wanna know if you guys wana see who he is or not (cept angel and kira cuz they saw him alread so w/e angel comments it doesn't count cuz she's gonna say somethgn bad n e way ^.~) Anways, just tlel me and the comments, k? Cool than t2ul!
~*Peace & wuv*~
Dark kitty
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