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Inuyasha, Fruits basket, FMA, wolf's rain, Chobits,FMA etc. lol
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| Dark anime kitty
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
Im in such a better mood now!!! lol Im waiting for the cake tho...anyways, ppl are over and we were tlaking so yea..gewd mewd now ^^
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o.0? Er...Sry you guys if I'm not in my better moods l8ly...Just I can't..stop..thinking people are really pissing me off lately!!! -_-" I'm so regreting telling n e 1 about Gill -_-" For reasons that I shall keepith to myself...ith..
Anyways, on a lighter note, We're having a party today! ^^ My mom's family/friends are comming over for a get together. It'll be boring but hey, I can get away with n e thing ^^! And my mom made food...omg my house smells good!! ^^ Im starving!!! *crawls in kitchen* fo.....o......d....x.x lol....*sigh* I'll just update later when I'm in a better mood...
Dark kitty!
P.s. For anyone who wants it, my LJ account is Nyte_angel....its not done yet so posty for awhile
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Friday, May 27, 2005
OMG I LOVE YOU JL!!! *rolls on floor laughing* *calms down* sorry. Well sorry I haven't been on..or well here today. Stephc alled me this morning and asked me if I wanted to go for a walk and since I had nothing better to do I went with her. First we had to stop by her house to drop off her dog, Bella. Walking there (she doesn't live very was) was hell! It got humid cuz it was drizzling! So we went and changed shirts (made me wear a holter top -_-") Anyways, we walked to A&W. MAN!! It was good!! We paassed by where Gill lives!^^ I wish I had gotten his ADDRESS!!! Anways, me and Steph stayed in A&W for about an hour. The coney was good!!!!! lol. It rained really hard while we were there though!!!!! But anyways, We watched sophmore girls and hot chick at her house. It was fun! I just got home like an hour ago or so...
Now I'm just here watching tv and tal;king to people. I'm tired tho! Stupid Shadow!!(my dog) He slept in my room last nite cuz of the storm..didn't sleep till 2 -_-" stupid dog..I love him though!! lol
Angel sry I wasn't on earlier! Call ya later? ^^
Well I have to go help my mommy with the decorations for the party tommarrow! IM me if you wanna talk. Byee!!!
~*peace and love*~
Dark Kitty
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Glad Angel didn't read my post ^^ lol WELL!!! Today is my 1st official day of not going to school!! *dances* Had to clean my room tho -_-" lol I found a book! Not my poto book but a book. lol I have a lot of stuf funder my bed..poor ddr pad its full of dust lol.
Anyways, I finally got another LJ account (yes I know should've kept the old one but eh). I'm STILL trying to figure out exactly how I want it to look. Heh....if yo u want my lj name..I'll tell you later. lol
*sigh* Today is a hard day...1`st day (not counting the weekends during shcool) without gill...*sniff* But I'm actually coping very well *pats self on back* heh. Well I'll just t2u alater. Ill post again tonite with my new LJ name if I finish it today, k? k so check later!!! lol
Here's the same quiz angel took:
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Hewwo!!!!! Omg today was the best...yet worst last day of school evr!!!! Well Today was the last day I get to see Gill *cries* But the cool thing is that I've seen him ALL DAY! This morning we ditched our review to go to Starbucks (mmm...frapp) N e ways, So than after that Gill, Katie, Steph, and me roamed the hall till we had to go back to class. Than I saw him when me adn angel went to lunch. He took a pic with me and angel ^^ Anways, than during our break for our LAST final (jumps for joy!!) I went to go find angel but apparently she had taken her test. Everyone in her class looked at me (except her)so I just ran out of the class. Than I met up with gill and he was climbing the portable bathroom to get a soccerf ball off the roof. We said good-bye than. Omg the test was soo hard after saying bye! But I saw him after school!! J I'm soo sry for ditching you (I think) after school! But yea I stayed with him 'till his bus came and than I started crying when i was hugging him. lol He said I made him feel bad v.v ll but it's all good. We kissed each other ^^ He's gonna call me in 2 wks when he gets his fone back ^^!!!
Anways, I woudl like to comment on ...a comment:
Angel in Hell
Posted Yesterday at 10:27 PM
Aww poor wittle Gabby is gonna miss Gill
Its ok *hugs*
Just call him a lot
Poor wittle me eh? -_-" Son of a monkey -_-"
Yes, Angel is a monkey hehehe ^..^
lol evil face. My theme is supposed 2 be broken hearts but I need pics. If you guys coudl help me in n e way I'd love you 4evr! EVR! lol Well i'll t2u all l8er!
~*peace,love, and Gill*~
~.^ Dark kitty ^.~
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Hey you guys..
Well today was my math final. I loved it! Gill, John, Me, and this other chick were playing Egyptian rat scurry. lol Gill won with 2 decks!! How gay!! Well yea..I'mhome but I don't feel right...I think it's cuz I saw him today cuz now i realize hes really going. God damn school! Can't it last for a ilttle longer? Yea I know None of oyou want that but I do...n e ways Im glad I take my spanish final 2marro, he's gonna bring his camera ^^ oH WELL..i'M GONNA GO MAKE FOOD AND PLAY GAMES NOW ^^ pEACE OUT YA'LL!
~*peace and wuv*~
Dark kitty
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Monday, May 23, 2005

Omg the doctors took 4evr!! 2 HRS!! I fell asleep in the doctors..thing w/e dont no wut its called. It felt gewd. A 30 min nap, ahhh lol. Well I loved today. Angel was soo nice she ate lunch with me ^^. She threw doctor pepper on me tho! You son of a monkey!!! -_-" Anywayz, tommarrow is the last day I get to see Gill..*cries* I'm gonna miss him o so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sobs* Oh well I hope we eat lunch together tommarrow. Oh, for those of you who said you found the FMA game everywhere. let me clarify wut I meant. I couldn't find the game at Circut City last night. I know you can find them at other stores lol But does my dad take me? NO! *sighs* Well..Im starving so I'm gonna eat dinner!!
~*Peace out*~
Dark kitty
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Sunday, May 22, 2005

Wuts up ya'll? Well I had my recital today..I actually did pretty well. Missed a couple of notes but eh thats alright everyone complemented me ^^! Like my newemotion....thing? lol They're not decorative but I dont care I was to lazy to decorate them lol I could barely right the txt on them! Well anyways, finals are this week. *sigh* Tuesday is that last day I see Gill...*sigh* I'm gonna miss him soo much...8crieS* Hope we stay in touch tho ^^. Anyways, I'm looking for the FMA game for the PS2....can't f-ing find it man!!! grr..wonder if my parents will let me buy it off the net...hehehelol. Okayw ell Im gonna go watch [phantom of the opera than do my homework. lol Shouldve done it thursday but oh well. Peace!
~*peace out*~
Dark kitty
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
*is happy*
Well I love today even though it was the last day of school! *sniffle* my gill is gonnnnnneeee!!! NOt really I'll see him tuesday ^^! But n e ways,a bout my day...Well I did get to miss 1st pd (thank gawd!!) and i got there right when the bell rang so i bought my yr book! Than gil and ash and some other ppl signed it! ^^ heh. Well yea thats..kinda what happened today. Tyhan I had to stay after school to present a project *sigh* JL was there but did she stay to help clean up? NO! grr..N e ways lol than i went to the movies with Angel in helland another friend.She tried to throw coke on me when i got home but i was too smart 4 her! yes i was!!!! lol Gill was supposed 2 go but he didnt *cries*Im gonna guilt him into eating lunch with me tuesday ^^heh but omg im gonna miss him!!!! v.v o well I hope we stay in touch!! Well I;'m tired now so Im going 2 bed. g'nite!
~*peace out*~
Dark kitty
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
OMG! ew!!!!!!!!!! I saw so much that i didnt need to c! Okay well I went to my Grandmas house today and I was gonna play Halo right? Okayw ell I had to install the dang thing so I hooked it up to the VCR but it wouldnt work so I pushed play to see wut channel it needed to be on. So I pushed play and omfg...There was a porn video in there!@ I was like 0.0 wtf is going on!!!! *eyes burn* omg eww my eyes! He wasn't there tho so I didnt have to look at him but still ewwwwwwwwwww. I mean I kinda new that he did that but still it was gross! Than I found a lighter in his room and stuff so yea..he doesn't smoke tho! lol I thought he did for a sec lol. Well I nvr did get to play halo *sniffle* lol Well it's rainin here now. My dog is in here sniffin my floor. Doesn';t smell that bad does it? j/k lol well yea thats about it. Im dead tired from my recital last nite which btw was so awsome!!@!! lol Well I have no more to write Ill t2ul!
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