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| Dark anime kitty
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I really don't like today except that I got to see Gil (yes im in love lol). Well Okay, I mean today wasn't like yesterday, but it still wasnt good. Okay well I mean i got a 87 on my suepr hard test *dances* but that's like the only good thing. Today J didn't come to school cuz she was sick (get better soon!*hugs*) so it was me, Kathy, and Steph....Remind to go with other people when J isn't here. They were like..rude..or at least Kathy was. It was mean of them tho cuz like they kept leaving me. Like we went to this church place to get a free lunch and I was getting juice and stuff and they went to sit down! And I was lik e" Oh thanks for waiting guys" and they did that to me ald ay! And do you know how bad it is to eat with a health fanatic?! Geez1! I just bought an ice cream cuz my throat is buggin me and it was f-ing hot! And I got a lecture from her. -_-" And Stephwis still shunning me a little bit, not as much tho. She was like trying to control me tho. *sigh* and today my spanish teacher is a tard because she made us move seats and now I sit with all the annoying guys. THEY'RE SURROUNDING ME!! *cries* So far my day is getting better since I got home. I hope it stays that way...
Dark kitty *sobs*
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Hey!! (i need new subjects *sighs*)
Wuts up? Ugh I have a case of the Monday's..on a Ugh well I haven't had the best day. I just fought with my friend (whom I'm stilol very mad at -_-") details. Anyway, I'm so happy i read the Chrono manga! It was kewl! lol AND!! I HUGGED MY HOTTIE!!!! =^.^= lol *dances* I'm STILL worried!!! JL hasn't said n e thing about my ed kitty..I wonder what happened to her? Could it be she doesn't like Ed n e more?? =P lol Well Don't know what else to write 'Cept J is officially my bestest buddy ever!!! ^.~ Byee!!
~*peace out*~
~.^ Dark kitty ^.~
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Hey You guys!! Whats up? Me nm j/c(Just chillin =P) Well today was really cool. Me, J, and Ash went to the mall. It was really awsome!! It was cool cu first we went to Tilt and we played DDR, Tekken 5, and Air Hhockey. It was kinda sad tho, because DDR and the air hockey machine hated me and didn't work. *sniffle* Well anyways, we went to Suncoast! It was cool cuzI was reading the Chrono manga and chrono is so awsome!! ^.^ I want a Chrono pic J!!! Anyways, so thn after that we went tooo...where did we go? lol Anyways, we went to the pet store! The Dogs were soo cute!! The cocker spaniels (sp?) The were soo kawaii!!! lol J named the chiuahuah Chiti! lol Isn't that cool! And Ash named the Cocker spaniel Scotty! (HI scott!! ^.~) Well anyways, we went to the toy store. lol We are SUCH little kids! lol It was fun tho, cept J hit me in the butt with a ball. lol We played the DS. lol We playe da Wario game and man! It's addicting!! lol Than we played the Xbox at zumies. It was totally awsome! I'm glad Stephanie didn't go with us tho because all she wants to dso is go shopping for clothes. If we ever did this with her she would complain soo much! *dies* She can be so gah sometimes. lol. I'm glad i went with Ash and J. ^.~ Omg tho. I was so scared of Ash's dad. He drives like a maniac! It was soo creepy!!!! Well anyways, I'm Realllllly surprised at JL. She hasn't said n e thign a bout the ed kitty. I thought she'd be screaming or something, but she hasn't been on. So weird..... lol. Well J is part of my Ed kitty thingy! *hugs* I'm so happy! Well how was your gyus's day? I'm so sorry for posting so late! I'll t2ul later!! Byee and g'nite!!
~*peace out*~
~.^ Dark kitty ^.~
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Okay well I;'m pretty happy with myself! I made two banners which i wub!!! AND I love my fanclub thing! *dances* I have too many cats though -_-" Well I don't have much to say lol. How are you guys' Day going??
~*peace out*~
dark kitty
Comments (2) |
Yesterday was such an swsome day!! Okay well First I got My highlites so im kinda blonde again except this time u can see the brown in my hair! ^.^ Granted it took 5 hrs but thats ok!! Okay Since i went in at 9 and got out a 2 i was f-ing hungry! I hadn't eaten at all yet. SO We went to my aunt's house and I ate Half a subway sandwhich. Than we got to my ant's house. I ate cake and MAN! It was good! Than after that (I didn't do much so ya lol) We went to visit my grandparents.My tia and tio were they anad we had all been invited to go eat hot dogs and stuff and my tio Ponchos house. (For those of you who dont know what tia and tio is its aunt and uncle). Anyways, my cuzin called me a true blonde! I am SOO not a true blonde! I just act like it sometimes..*Sigh* Well than after that we came home and I came home and got on the net. Oddly enough, no one was on. Anyways, so i went llooking for more kitties AND guess wut?! Scott found the ed kitty for me! *hugs scott* SO now its my icon thing! Until i can fit it in a bg. lol Well I just got up and i've decided to back to bed. So g'nite all! Or..g'morning. w/e lol Byee!
~*peace out*~
Dark Kitty
Comments (8) |
Friday, April 22, 2005
Hey yall!!
Well I'm talking on the fone with my friend steph. She's rambling about her dog -_-" lol Well I've seen J ALL day today!!! It's so annoying ^.~ *huggles j* Well anyways, I have a major headache right now cuz some dummy in my spanish class set of a stink bomb. *gags* But I'm in a pretty gewd mood^.^ I';m so happy!!! I LOVE my joey and ayame kitty! lol Ayame has cute eyes doesn't he! *swoons* Ed is so cute!1 I found a cat of him but i can't c it! GAH!!! *dies* Well ive got nothin more to say so byee!!
!*peace out*!
Dark anime kitty
Comments (2) |
Oaky i just had to post this!
Thats our dear angel in hell lol!
This is me:
Ain't i cute?!?! =P Ill post more l8er tonite byee!
~*peace out*~
Dark anime kitty
Comments (7) |
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Hey ya'll!!
Whats up? ugh *sigh* today was the TAKS test. What a pain in the butt!! Sitting there for 3 1/2 hours!! lol In a room full of garcia's! My family was there *sniffle*(Cuz my alst name is garcia and mostly every1 in my room except for jl and sum others last name were garcia too lol) Anways ugh. And than my stupid science teacher gave me a tes right after TAKS!! I h8 her *growls* But I'm talking to my friend right now! And Angel in hell was hyper earlier! lol Glad shes off now. lol Well I have nothing much to report! T2ul!! Byee!!
Nice talkin 2 ya 2day JL ^.^
~*peace out*~
Dark anime kitty
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Since you apparently cant leave a comment i re posted this
YAY!! I LOVE TODAY!!! *dances* It was so great cuz I only went to 3 of my classes!! AND THEY WERE THE FUN CLASSES!!! lol Bwahahaha! Anways, I'm so happy!! I'm getting lots of comments on my kitties!! If you guys want one just ask! I;'m willing to give ya'll one! I need to find FMA ones!! *dies* And they have a sango one bu ti cant get it! *cries* Oh well anyways I'm STILL looking for gewd music. This one doen't play very long. Stupid clip of music. gah *dies* Well I'm not sure really wut else to say. Thnx ya'll for visiting me site!! t2ul!!
O and i got a hug from the guy i like *swoons*
~*peace out*~
Dark anime kitty
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sry sry sry had to add this!!
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