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myOtaku.com: dark desirers

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

BC has a variety of plants in its areas. Sackitoli national park we contain both coniferous trees and deciduous trees. The upper area of the park is contains a mixture of Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir, and lodgepole pine, with whitebark pine. The most common tree in B.C is the Trembling aspen and along with that a few others such as the black cottonwood, paper birch, Garry oak and the big leaf maple. In the grass lands the bunch grass plants dominate the land as well as a few other grass like plants. And the bogged areas are party covered by lichens and mosses such as Racomitrium, Polytrichum.

Reason for protecting.
This park was created for protecting wild life and plants. This stops roads and rural areas from being built near by, this means it will save animal habits in the area. Another way that it saves animals it that it stops poaching and saves endangered animals with in the park. Also this park lets children from the next generation to see true nature and not just city weeds or their back gardens. The park also teaches. In our national park we have found over 20 different species of animals, plants and insects. There are a many other numbers of reason to why this park was made.

In this park we have strict rules that must be obtained and followed and if not followed you may/ will be fined.
Do not feed animals. The animals may become dependent if you do this.
Do not pet animals, this is for your safety as well and animals.
To NOT LITTER!! Put your garbage into a black bin so that animals may not get in.
NO HUNTING what so ever!
Do not pick or cut down trees and plants.
Make fires only in designated fire pits and no where else.


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