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myOtaku.com: dark desirers

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Conflict, decision making and assertiveness skills have been presented this semester. How have you applied these skills to your own life to promote healthy active living?

I am concider myself a mix of these thre diffrent types of assertivness. I can be at time quite aggressive when mad, I yell and I tend to ruin things around me by kicking objects around or throwing object. When I�m ******, I just don�t care what�s going on around me and let almost anything slide by without caring. When some one is yelling at me, I�m usually not paying attention to them. And then I�m passive. I don�t want any one touching me and I don�t want anyone to talk to me and I feel uncomfortable. You could even say I�m skitzafrenic because of my always changing emotions.

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