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somewhere......maybe....I'm not tellin'
Member Since
internet user, video game player, and tv watcher. And of course book reader. yepoh! and how could I forget. my other job is being the family idiot.mhm. aren't I "special"?
Real Name
tis Lauren. But you can just call me koo,koo-chan,...or Dark Heaven now I guess too...
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^
 I gots DDR!!! and makin honor roll for the first time in awhile, and..singing? Well, I made the county music festival...
Anime Fan Since
elementary school, dude. actually scratch that. pre preschool. The pokemon days.
Favorite Anime
Bleach, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, FullMetal Alchemist, and many others.
learn to cook! And get better at DDr
ddr!!!, singing, writing, glomping,drawing,eating. I aint fat though. nope. >.<
singing, writing, drawing
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
what's up??? I'm tired right now...too tired. >< I can't really think of anything right now to talk about.....oh but plz wish me luck in finding my mp3 player ^^'
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Monday, July 9, 2007
Hey!So what's up with everyone? I'm doing ok. Man, I am so tired today...I laid down all day and watched tv. Hm.....yeah.
Last night I drank a 20 ounce berry vault. It was so good. I was just a tad hyper afterwards though. ^^ You know, I wonder what would happen if you took the sugar and caffiene out of energy drinks, but left the effect in them, and I drank about, oh say 15 or 16 of them, and let loose on DDR. O*O smuck yeah.
So I had a kick smass family reunion. My cousin pushed my uncle in the pool. WAHA! It was so funny. My uncle then got revenge via squirtgun. *w* So awesome.
Hope y'all have a great day!
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
hey everyone!
Terribly sorry I haven't been on lately. Hope you all had a great fourth of july!! I spent most of the day with ym second cousin.Which was fun except I had plans, and as usual, they were blindsided so I could play with her. But it's not my fault she doesn't do anything when she's up here. You wouldn't believe the conversations we had though. She was amazed by my boobs for some reason. OO I was like, their mine!!! *runs and hides* Maybe because she's an a and I'm a c. She's just very...blunt about stuff I guess.
And the other day I got to go to the beach with Ed-chan and her mom. ^^ We gots aaaall these shells that I'm going to paint. uwaaahh! It'll be fun. Well, I'll talk to ya laterz. Have a great day everyone!
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
hey everyone, what's up? I'ma gonna try to fix up my site nice and pretty. I learned to make it so the bg doesn't scroll with the words you type in fixed. So, does anyone know what other words can affect the site?
thanks and have a great day everyone!!
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
Girliness TAKE THIS SURVEY! | Take this survey
| Do you straighten your hair everyday? | nope. only did it one time. ONCE. | Do you worry about the size of your boobs? | why? I mean, I'd love to be superflat chested if that counts, but I don't want them to be bigger. ( damn you, genetics. *glares at mother*) | What's your favorite girly magazine? | i'll read pretty much anything you throw at me. I don't care. | Would you kill for chocolate? | ...maybe... | Jeans or Skirt? | jeans, baby!! | Do you wear clothes, shoes, jewelry that's uncomfortable? | I've worn heels before, but just on special occasions. | Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? | -.-+ ok, first off, I have no guy to get pretty for. Unless you count Kyo (^^'''). And second!!! | Would you leave the house without makeup on? | pfft yeah. | On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? | 8 ^^ depends on what ur shopping for. | Are you spoiled? | nohpe. | Do you think lip gloss is the best? | >.< it doesn't even last longer than a potato bakiing so no way. | Do you freak out if you miss your favorite shows? | it's called I have nothing else to do, so I get to watch. | Do you yell alot? | it varies with my mood, I'd say. | How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? | 7 min, unless i shower in the morn | Do you wear sweatpants or pajamas to school or work? | once or twice. | Do you like skater boys? | they're kinda cute i guess... | Is pink truly the best color in the world? | it's ok. Blue is better!!! XP | Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? | smuck no. I'm dressed all Koo, all the time. | Gold or silver? | silver ^^ shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny | Do you dress up too much for holiday? | I wouldn't say so. | Do you like wearing dresses? | sometimes. I them. XD ehhhh.... | Do you write a lot of mushy love poems | HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. | On a scale of 1-10, how much do guys confuse you? | 5 | What makeup could you not live w/ out? | the kind i like to call my natural face. | Do you fall in love easily? | | Do you have cramps? | O.o duh. | Do you think you have the best friends ever? | HELL YEAH | Do you condiser yourself pretty? | eh, not really... | CLICK HERE TO TAKE THIS SURVEY! |
More surveys @ beware the horror that is...A SURVEY.
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This heat is just...
It's ICKY. I can barely stand it!!! I wanna go swimming now....I mean, it also sucks because I want to play ddr, but it's too warm. And I can't go outside either. I nearly passed out three times today because of the temp!!! I hope you all are surviving it! Have a great day despite the heat! ^^
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
double post
I can't think of anything else to say, so I am posting what I did on my other site, tellin ya about my week. so far.
Six Flags: Monday my family and I went down to SF in Mass. and we spent about 2/3's of our time at the water park. It was like water slide city, I mean seriously! It rocked. And then I got a little tan by just lying there. I almost fell asleep. -.- And after that little debacle, we went on some seriously kick ass coasters, plus a raft ride. Mind Eraser and Batman were the coasters, and my dad said I was nuts after we got off of them. XD Hey, eh went on em too! and on the batman they take your pic, and the look on my dad's face was a look of pure, pure fear, I tell ya. Only bad thing is...I had a mini meltdown at lunch. I started sobbing because my parents were fighting over ice. ICE. DAMN ICE. they apologized, but i wasn't better for a little while.moving on, I ended up changing into white shrots and went on that water raft ride. It was fun, but guess who got the most water, especially in the shorts? yeah. Little Miss Koo. all in all, it was awesome. no, awesome times infinity. No, awesome - you get the point. oh yeah, and there was DDR. I was doing speed over beethoven, and once it ended i was waiting for my grade and this , rather cute , I must say, guy about my age or a year older got on with me and statred pretending to do it. He was staring at
Baby shower!!!: after my wonderful two days of anime con, which by the way, I found my friends Saturday andwe weere all like "wooooo party!!!!" or sommin like that. ^^' anywayz. My first cousin once removed is due in august and we went to the shower for her little froglet, which I call him/her that, because Kate (my FCOR) and her hubby Ben chose that to be like their, theme animal or sommin. ^^ they gave us onesies to desin, and I did a smiley face and kitty on one, then a flower, and a frog. it was fun. ^_^
Chris Benoit: I really don't get into wrestling, but at the hotel last night my bro and parents were going to watch monday night raw, and instead, it said "Remembering Chris Benoit". and the same for his son and wife. after some brief research, I found out it was a murder-suicide. He strangled his wife, smothered his 7 YEAR OLD son, and hung himself. My condolences to their friends and family, this was an awful event that should not have happened. they suspect some steroids were involved. My family I also feel bad for, because he was one of their faves. Once again, my condolences.
Today: On the way back from our hotel, I had another meltdown. I felt like a huge brat, who was worthless and stupid, and I...I even planned suicide. But my parents eventually acknowledged something was wrong and started to talk to me, in hopees to cheer me up. Afterwards, I was still sad, but I soon became happy, because I realized that suicide at that time would do nothing.
well, I am going to try updating this site more often, and you all have a great day
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
So, how have you all been? my summer vacation is going well so far. I shall be seeing some of my friends this weekend finally! Yay! Andand I don't know if I wanna have a birthday part or not. my bday is about a month away still, but I am gonna start thinking if I want a party or not. hm...I don't know......Oh well, I'll make a decision at some point. ^^ Hope all of you have a great day!
Koo koo ka chu (XD)
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Monday, June 18, 2007
here come the waterworks sort of...
...only, it's one of those times where I wanna blow up crying, but the tears won't come. It is like last year when my chorus teacher left. I cried several tears but not as much as I felt like is wierd. I sat down and really thought about this year, and I realized I don't think i ever put in alot of effort compared to tohers. Not in my relationship with Jeff, not in my friendships, not in some of my schoolwork, not in my activities and dammit not in improving myself. I let myself go downhill this year, by giving into temptation and breaking promises by cuting and putting myself down.I'm telling you it was an incredible year, but I just feel like I could have put a hell of alot more effort into everything. I'm sorry I'm not a great friend sometimes you guys, I'm sorry I can be so distant and burden-like. I just...UGHUGHUGH!!!! Why must I do this all the time?! I'm always finding something bad in the good things....
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
I apologize.
my site is experiencing a temporary tecnical difficulty, but it shall hopefully be in it's former "prime condition" soon. Thank you for your time.
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