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myOtaku.com: Dark Knight Ian

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Music (11/20/05)

hello there
aww when i was younger my best friend's name was Ian...and he liked cloud too
but thats not the point
i like the site it's kool
hugs not drugs

RikkuXxXx (11/20/05)

::Holds Up Peace Sign:: Yo!! I'm Rikku! ::Smiles, And Bows:: ThankYou for signing my GB!!!! ::Jumps Up And Down:: YAY FF FAN AND NEW FRIEND!!! ::Glomps:: I'll add you too!!!!! ::Bounces Around:: I LOVE the site!!! ::Waves:: Well take care!! Cya Round'! ::Bounces Away::


dud wheres my car (11/20/05)

hay thanks 4 sineing in on my gb. i like your site.

RaineDrops (11/20/05)

Hey. You're from TX too? Awesome. ^^ See ya.~RaineDrops

s.o.d girl (11/20/05)

Hey cool site

thanx for signin my GB.

i added u as a friend!

s.o.d girl x x x x

evilcookie-1 (11/19/05)

hi thanks for signing my gb i like your site also is pretty awesome because i like the 2 colors you have black and red anyways i'm adding you as a friend so do the same ok bye for now

xXLifelessSoulXx (11/19/05)

Hey there.Umm thanks for taking my guestbook virginity away...lol just messing with ya. Well I'm adding you as a buddy kk. You can do the same. XOXO

cherriegirl (11/17/05)

nice site well just writing to say hey
come to my site and sign my gb

metal-inuyasha (11/16/05)

I am going to random sites
and I came to yours
so I wanted to sign your Guestbook,
and just so this Guestbook signing isn�t boring
I will say this
see ya

~may Peace be with you in a world of Zombies

NekoVampLuna (11/13/05)

I love your site!! *looks over band list again* I love all those bands!! I'll add ya, kay? Laterz!

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