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myOtaku.com: Dark Knight Ian

Sunday, October 30, 2005

no quote, took a survey though
this damn thing took me a little over an hour to do. so this is me for those of you who didn't already know.

long long long survey (over 300)
~*~ First, the basics. Of course. ~*~
What's your name?:Jonathan I Garcia
How old are you?:15
When's your birthday?:12/7/89
Where do you live?:Del Rio, TX
Are you a guy or a gal?:guy
~::~Your looks~::~
What color is your hair naturally?:black
Is it dyed right now?:no
What color are your eyes?:dark brown
Do you where contacts or glasses?:glasses, but i'm getting contacts
If you where contacts, do you where colored ones?:well i don't have them yet do i?
How long is your hair?:short
How do you usually where it?:combed forward
How tall are you?:5'10" ish
How much do you weigh?:185 ish
What size shoes do you where?:11 or 11 1/2, some shoes fit different for me
What style clothes do you usually where?:whatever
What are you wearing right now?:jeans, shirt
What jewelery do you where regularly?:silver crusifix, but i need to get it shined
Have any piercings?:no
Are your nails painted?:no
#~#Would you or have you ever #~#
Dive into a pool of jello?:sure why not?
Get a tatoo?:maybe
Try and get on Fear Factor?:for money :)
Try and get on some other reality show?:again, for money :)
Pierce your tongue?:no
Go bungee jumping?:maybe
Sky diving?:again
Scuba diving?:i don't swim well
Ask someone out?:i would if she would BREAK UP WITH HER BOYFRIEND ALREADY!!!!!!!!
Fly an airplane?:can i? sweet! *flys plane, crashes into mountain*
Fly in a hot air balloon?:sure! *same story*
Try and get in the Olympics?:well there is some shooting events, so i guess
Eat a bug?:for money :)
::!:: About your crush, bf/gf, etc. ::!::
What's their name?:i'd rather not say
Are they a boy or a girl?:girl
What's their favorite color?:uhhh
Favorite animal?:ummm
Favorite pass time?:errr
How long have you known them?:since 7th grade, about 3 years
Do you talk alot?:sometimes
What size shoes do they where?:ehhh
What color is their hair?:black
What about their eyes (the more detailed the better)?:well, just, beautiful
Do you like their style of dress?:yea
Would you change anything about them?:no, shes fine the way she is
Do they sleep with stuffed animals?:i don't know
How tall are they?:about 5' 8"
What's their favorite food?:i don't know
Favorite song?:damn it, i don't know that either
Favorite sport to play?:shes in Volleyball
To watch?:uhh
Favorite band?:umm (i need to talk to her a little more i guess)
How old are they?:shes 16 i think
Do you think you'll marry them someday?:hopefully
Are you in love?:....
>~< Your favorite things >~<
Color?:midnight blue
Pass time?:guitar
Sport to watch?:football
Sport to play?:well, even though i havn't played full-pad since 6th grade, its football
Food?:Spaghetti (did i spell it right?)
Ice cream?:Rocky Road
Time of day?:sunset
Day of the week?:friday
Time of the year?:fall, just before winter starts
Memory?:my old friends from back home
Place to be?:my room
Person to be with?:i'm usually alone, but any of my friends
Room in the house?:mine
Article of clothing?:the jeans i'm wearing right now
Accessory?:my silver crusifix
Name?:i don't know
State?:well, Texas, i guess
Kind of weather?:light rain
=?= Word Association =?=
Friend::show (didn't i just do this one?)
Annoyance::Chris Petersen
=) Answer in song lyrics (=
Describe yourself::uhh, this is kinda hard
Describe your friends::...
Describe your family::...
Are you a guy or girl?:...
Where do you want to be right now?:...
Describe how you feel 'bout your crush, etc.::...
Describe how you feel right now::...
Describe your life::...
Give me a word of advice::...
Tell me something uplifting::... (i'll do this section again and post it later or something)
@',---- Randomness ----,'@
What are you doing right now?:taking this survey, DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I'm hungry. Are you?:got the munchies
What are you listening too?:Staind - Right Here
How many people are you talking to on IM?:no one is on right now, but i got maybe like 12 friends
Are you singing or talking or anything like that?:humming along to the song
Who do you miss?:oh, great, make me depressed why don't you! now i'm not saying
Who did you get your last email from?:i don't know, havn't checked it in a while
Who do you wish would write?:i never get mail
Learned anything new lately?:yea, i'm in school ain't i?
What's the last thing you ate?:Chinese food
Got any hobbies?:music and games
How long has it been since you've done something creative?:i'm still working on a song
When's the last time you went outside?:5 minutes ago
Who's the last person you hit?:i don't remember
Who's house where you at last?:Javi's
Who's house did you last spend the night at?:Tony and JP's
What's on your mind right now?:nothing really
When's the last time you were really angry?:thursday
When's the last time you got royally emberassed?:7th grade on a UIL trip
Who do you wish you were with right now?:hmmm, i wonder, there was only an entire section above on this!
Got any plans for the weekend?:it is the weekend and i already carried out my plans
Are you getting tired of this yet?:yes *twitch*
Will you be my friend?:will you give me a dollar?
When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do?:i punch a wall
/*/ This or That /*/
Green or blue?:blue
Red or purple?:purple
Hot or cold?:cold
Pizza or lasgna?:pizza
Bread or ice cream?:ice cream
Cake or pie?:cake
Tofu or chicken?:chiken
Ugly or fat?:DAMN YOU!
Camera or camcorder?:camera
IM or in person?:in person after IM
Phone or computer?:Phone
Movie or TV?:movie
Alone or over crowded?:alone or with a few people
Music or silence?:music
Walk or run?:walk
Bike or rollerblades?:walk
Ring or bracelet?:ring
Taken or single?:DAMN IT!
Guys or gals?:gals
Dark or light?:dark
Bright or subdued?:subdued
Cheerful or cranky?:cranky
Smile or grin?:grin
Pen or pencil?:pen
Paper or plastic?:plastic
Tiger or cheetah?:tiger
Dolphin or shark?:dolphin
Catsup or Ketchup?:neither
Mayonnaise or miracle whip?:neither
Pirates of the Carribean or Lord ofthe Rings?:both
Knife or scizzors?:knife
Pants or shorts?:pants
Windy or calm?:breezy
Flower or weed?:flower
Half empty or half full?:half full
Cordless or cell?:cell, HINT HINT MOM AND DAD!!
House or home?:home
Karate or kick boxing?:self trained
---->About your friends<-----
Who's the nicest?:Ram
The cutest?:damn it, i only have a small amount of girl friends. well, damn, this is hard. hmm. (actually this isn't hard, but again, i'd rather not say who it is)
The tallest?:Broyles
The shortest?:Javi
Who's the meanest?:depends
Do you have a crush on one of them?:*taps fingers on desk*
Who's most likely to end up in jail?:Albert HAHAHA!
Who's most likely to become all the want to be?:Javi
Who's the smartest?:Javi or Jacob
The loudest?:Phillip
The quietest?:not including me? than Javi
The nosiest?:Albert
The most obnoxious?:hmmm, possibly Albert
Who can you relate to best?:used to be Albert, now its either Ram or Javi
Who knows you the best?:Javi
Who have you known the longest?:Javi
How 'bout the shortest?:Javi (sorry man, they asked it twice)
Who do you see most often?:Ram
Who makes you laugh the most?:all even
Who makes you cry the most?:none
Who's the strongest?:oh, theres a good one. Javi, Ram, Michael, or Omar
The weakest?:hmm, i don't know
The most creative?:Javi or Phillip
The shyest?:well i'm the shyest of us all
Most outgoing?:Ashley maybe? i don't know
Most colorful?:Ashley
Most stylish?:i don't know
Most likely to become a model?:Phillip LOL XD jk, i don't know
Most likely to end up pierced many times over?:hmmm, Ethan possibly
Most likely to hurt themselves accidently?:Josh XD
Most likely to try a citizens arrest?:Javi
Who sings the most?:Javi or Albert
Who has the best singing voice?:Javi
Best talking voice?:depends on who is sick at any one time
Who wears the most jewelry?:Ashley i think, or Phillip, jk
Who whistles the most?:Frankie
Who's house do you spend the most time at?:Javi
*#* Thought provokers *#*
Is abortion wrong? Give the reason for your answer.:to me, yes, i think of it as murder
What about euthenasia?:there is such a thing as a mercy kill
What are your thoughts on the war in Iraq?:"bring them home" are my thoughts
I just got a letter from President Bush! ( I know, that didn't fit):ooookay....?
Is there life on other planets?:its possible
How did we get here?:i'm a creation believer
Creation or the Big Bang or something else?:i just said, Creation
Is sex before marraige wrong?:yes, hence, half our school is evil
Is it wrong to be gay?:thats God's call
How old should children be when they start school?:its fine how it is (how old are we when we start school any way?)
Is the Bible true?:i'm not gunna answer that
Did Jesus really come to earth and die for our sins?:yes, i believe
If you could do absoulutley anything, what would you do?:i don't know
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?:half to charity, half for shopping
Jesus loves you.:this i know...
Why are we here?:ask God, not me
)(More random randimosity)(
What color is the sky?:no color, the blue is a reflection of the light off of the sea
Is color real or just an illusion?:well, i don't know
Do you think I could have the president for a pen pal?:i guess
What's behind you?:my back
Who's in the room with you?:no one
What can you hear right now?:my music
Without turning your head, what can you see?:the computer, the TV, my guitar, my sterio, my dresser
What are your emotional fears?:...
What are your physical fears?:...
What brings you joy?:music
Do you have any addictions?:no
Any obsessions?:not really
What's on your bedroom walls?:posters, no wait, i took them down. nothing
Do you have any stuffed animals?:no
I forgot this one - what's your favorite movie?:i don't know
How many people are in your family?:alot
Got any people you call siblings, but aren't related?:no
Who's the last person you hugged?:hmm, i think it was Ashely, but i'm not sure
I'm still hungry, are you?:getting there
What's something you're waiting for?:my calling
Do you like to take pictures?:no
Collect anything?:no
What can you see out the nearest window?:nothing, its dark
What's your least favorite chore?:trash
What do you dread?:losing loved ones
What are you looking forward too?:graduation
Do you like your handwriting?:hmmm, not really
How fast do you type?:semi-fast
What color are your socks?:white
What do your favorite pair of shoes look like?:black sketchers
How long has it been since you've worn real tennis shoes?:two days
Do you want a pair of converse all stars?:not really
What color?:i said "not really"
What was the last commercial you saw?:Orbit gum
What was the last movie you watched?:South Park
What was the last movie you watched in theaters?:Wallace and Gromit *cough* it was crap! *cough*
What was the last movie you saw that you'd never seen?:again
This is almost over! Happy?:YAY!
What are you gonna do when you're finally FINISHED?:uh, i don't know
Are you smart?:yea
Is your room a mess or clean or in between?:inbetween
Do you like cheese?:yes
I like peanut butter on cheese. Am I weird?:no, just unique (i'm gunna try that)
Quick! Start singing!:k, But you allways find a way to keep me right here waiting...
What's the weather like?:partly cloudy
When's the last time you flew?:2 years ago
Do you LIKE to fly?:it was my first time and it was okay
This is over.:YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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