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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I've just been too lazy XD
Ja, that pretty much sums up why I haven't been posting and replying in the last week (almost). I've been too lethargic to do anything, it's really quite depressive actually, now that I think about it. lol
Anyway, I'm quite bored tonight... I'm gonna try go to bed earlier than usual though, so....... I'll be leaving now.... ^^
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
.... zOMG
I'm so tired........
Anyway, i have to go to my lovely old school tomorrow. Yup, Westville Girls' High, how I look forward to this -_- I gotta speak to 'em about letting me have my results, cause I didn't hand in a portfolio last year. So...technically I havent passed matrics until I retrieve those results... leaving me in a sticky situation.
I always knew they'd find a way to bite me in the arse as I was leaving -_-
Well, seeing as I have nothing to do and I'm tired... I'm gonna try go to bed :/
First time in over a month I've been to bed before 6am, gonna be tough falling asleep
Soz for the long post. But I'm very, very bitter with my school -_- And I'm tired...
Seeya tomorrow or something. Oh and plz vote for my fanart if you haven't already (you probably have so nvm :P)
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Thank you those who voted for my fanart. I'm gonna work on it and resubmit. I did make a few mistakes and I feel maybe it's worth fixing for once ^^
Anyway, while I was writing this post i decided I'll submit another I've been holding back ^^
Also I still wanna know if I should delete my older pictures.
Please vote ^^
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
hmmm... over a year I think.
Well, my first submission in over a year:
Lady X
I feel a little nervous about submitting again, but maybe it's time I started over. I just wanna know, do you think i should delete my old pictures?... anyone?
I'll try drawing more regularly now, I lost a lot of time over te past year. I could have improved so much, but it was a mistake I made. Anyway, my new fanart is a character design for Poo62's story, but the character is unconfirmed as of yet. The identity of the character will be revealed by Poo62 at a later date. As for now, I await news from the ppl behind MyO about my picture.
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Just experimenting
Don't worry, it's unlikely I'll be keeping this look, just playing around, seeing what works. I'm just too tired to put it back now. I'm so buggered, it's been over 24 hours since i slept, and i have to be up in an hour.
(sigh), why do i punish myself like this?
Well, just thought i'd post now in case i cant do it later. Excuse the bad grammar/spelling, sleep deprivation does strange things to the mind @_@
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Well, I got a couple pf conflicts atm, one being the ever-present Simon situation. Not going into detail with that one, but I'm confused anyway, so it's kewl.
I'm also having trouble trying to decide on how my site should look. I'm too fussy.
Otherwise, Poo62, I'll send you the pictures when I've gotten my scanner working. Maybe when you're next on MSN. As for you Ryuu, chin up ^^
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Silent Hill 4 is making me schizo
Silent Hill 4: The Room... well, I played about 20 minutes of it, and i had to stay up all night cause I was too afriad to sleep :/
I have an addiction, to horror, but this game is just too much for me, I've been seeing things since. I've decided, for my own mental safety, not to play the game any further. Dunno how long I'll adhere to that, but I'll try T_T
Anyway, Poo62, I've been working on your characters (I'm so proud, i did some work).
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Thx for the quizzes Disasterpiece
I was just around, visiting sites, got bored, so i did some quizzes.
Also, I'd just like to wish Wolf of Darkstar good luck with his training. 5 months is a loooong time. If you get your hands on a pc, make sure to say hi.
The irony of this quiz stings:
 You have a goodbye kiss...sweet and romantic, but tragic. Is your beloved one leaving?
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
And one more to make it a set
 You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You probably just don't give a damn,but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Well, I'm at the local internet cafe where Simon Anderson (former flame as of last week Friday) is working is last shift (he's moving to England in 2 days). I'm gonna miss all the special treatment i get here for dating staff :P
Anyway, I'm gonna learn some html, so maybe I'll find a way to achieve my sinister schemes of site sexiness.... somehow (illiteration, oh yeah!)..... and potassiyumminess (better, wolf? :P)
Potassimyummy, <3 your tummy!
Oh, I also fixed the song on my site :/ Sorry about that, i didn't know it was broke. Well, gtg, i got a nightpass here, so I'm gonna exploit it fully and play games ^^
My post for today, i dunno if I'll be able to make one later. So, seeya guys.
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Why hath thou forsaken me Adam Otaku!!!!

well, for some reason i can't use the copy paste exploit to achieve my sinister schemes of site sexiness. I blame Adam! 1500 characters just isn't enough. Seems I'm doomed to eternal unhappiness and illbeing. DAMN YOU 1500 CHARACTER LIMIT!!!!! A CURSE UPON YOUR HOUSE!
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