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South Africa
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Unemployed (damn)
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Just call me daki/darky
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I'll think about it another time
manga / anime character designer
Anime, Playstation, MMORPG's, misc pc games... I like minesweeper :/
| Dark mercenary
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Monday, March 22, 2004
hello........ today was a public holiday here in SA....... I don't know if it was only here though. I don't even know what holiday it was...... I bet it was something important..... like the day Nelson Mandela was released from robin island....... and for all you people who don't know what I'm talking about.... that's our ex-president dude.... and he was the first black president after the Apartheid era....... if you still don't know what I'm talking about, then you're very lucky...... apartheid was something disgusting and I'm ashamed that such intolerance and racial prejudice was allowed in this country...... I'm in a political mood at the moment because it's nearly election time and I want nothing to do with it..... I think none of the guys rallying for the post of president, actually deserve it.... There's the ANC (Mandela's old party.....) who haven't really done much to change the situation in this country.... AIDS is still ravaging our country, rape is still running rife, racism is a serious issue (on both sides) and there's alot more I probably shouldn't mention... it just makes me angry..... then there's the DP (democratic party... the major contendors with the ANC), they're going around with posters saying "Daar is weer hoop." (There IS still hope) implying that they are the only hope for SA, "Get rid of corruption!" implying that the ANC is corrupt and that they aren't...... which is rubbish.... they're all corrupt....
But the DP isn't the only one smeaing the opponent..... ANC is giving off alot too.... to be honest, I can't tell who is more full of hot air......
then there are the other insignificant parties that only recieve about 3% of the votes..... One is rallying "Bring Back the DEATH PENALTY"..... that's a cheap campaign.... but you know what? It might just work.... there are a lot of rednecks out there who just can't wait to start killing off ^Black^ prisoners...... there was a vote on tv and 90% of SA wanted the death penalty reinstated..... of course.... there are still thousands of people who don't have tv's and thus weren't counted in that little poll......... the poverty in SA is depressing...... a lot of stuff is.....
Whoa......... I just had a little political preaching thing going on...... I won't be mad if you didn't even read it, I was pretty much ranting....... still not entirely satisfied yet...... hmm....... hey, zedstef..... you wanna talk politics? *looks hopeful*
Anyway.... i didn't really update did I?..... Oh well I should do that then.....
...... hello..... (what should I say now!) oh yes.... new member to liberi fatali..... Gotencha.... welcome to the team...... I'll add you to the list when I mess around with my site again.....
Um....... school's as hectic as usual....... I gotta read two books by wednesday.... and they have to be of literary merit.... I haven't been reading lately..... last book I read was Lord Of The Rings..... (All three parts are counted as one book..... I was dismayed when I found that out last year.....). Hmmmmmmmm....... I might post again later (trying to get rid of those annoying quiz results.... they take forever to load!)....... and any suggestions or whatever..... I'll be happy to hear it..... anyway..... i've got this message staring at me right now:
This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
If the problem persists, contact the program vendor.
I never really pay attention to that stupid message..... it pops up so often I just ignore it until I have time to restart my computer -_-
Oh well...... I suppose I better go do that.... (And I was gonna post some pictures!!!!....)
Maybe later....... darn......
PS...... sorry about the depressing email lighty.... I was a little...... moody..... again.

(just one picture =P)
Comments (9) |
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Primey's fine...... he's back too.
......... well, primey's cool again. Not that I ever doubted him you know. *Sniff* Yup, I'm the champ. I'm so strong and powerful I'd never doubt him! *hands on hips* Yeah!
Anyway, onto something more exciting....
(He he...... I didn't mean you weren't interesting primey, it just came out that way ~.~).
Who is as amped for this movie as I am?!!!? I can't wait! FFVII: Advent Children is based off my second fave game of all time!
........Although..... Cloud's makeover coulda done with a bit more hair..... Oh well..... he's still cool in my books (Zedstef...... we are so watching this! I don't care what you bloody well say!)

Sephiroth rocks...... he's so twisted..... he looks a little....... intoxicated in the sequal though....... Oh well. Anywho, I've been on for too long..... and I gotta sleep more often! So goodnight to you guys..... poo62, ma jr and Mr Richter. I'll reply to your comments tomorrow. Bye!
Comments (44) |
Monday, March 15, 2004
......... a suicide note?
It feels like days since I wrote that post.... I can't believe it was me...... anyway...... primey's troubles shouldn't be displayed in such a public manner.... it's nothing to be concerned about..... we'll sort it out..... thank you for your kind words.... primey will be fine. I'll see you on Friday...... good night.......
Comments (13) |
Friday, March 12, 2004
(sigh)....... lighty....... you silly moron..... *shaking head*
..... well uh...... I was going to tell you that I could frequent otaku again......... Lighty! You're 5 days late with that announcement!!!!
......... Oh well, that's why we're friends I suppose...... cause we both looove to procrastinate!
Anyway.......... hello everyone.
Secondly, someone voted no on all of my pictures?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaah! The indignity!!!! Oh well...... I was going to delete a few anyway...... hmmmmmmm..... first I'd have to actually submit some stuff........... argh....... I have more important things to worry about for now...... like my art project..... I'm not going to finish by the end of this weekend!!!!!!! So, I know I just said I'd be back to paying more attention to you........ well I lied.......... just a little. But I'll try next time!!!! Anyway, this post is long enough and I got an art project to butcher, so hopefully I'll seeya later (still sorry about not being around though)
Oh wait!!! Please visit RikkuX's site! She's been updating regularly and she needs some love! Ok BYE!
Comments (18) |
hi guys(its zedstef here)
darky asked me to announce thats she is not able to go onto otaku till the weekend, so dont worry, she hasnt left you for long:)
chow 4 now
Comments (2) |
Friday, March 5, 2004
OMG! I'm like, sooooo hot!!!
Enneagram Test Results Type 1 | Perfectionism | |||||||||||| | 50% | Type 2 | Helpfulness | |||||| | 26% | Type 3 | Image Awareness | |||||||||||||||| | 62% | Type 4 | Sensitivity | |||||||||||||||||||| | 89% | Type 5 | Detachment | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Type 6 | Anxiety | |||||||||||||||||||| | 89% | Type 7 | Adventurousness | |||||||||| | 34% | Type 8 | Aggressiveness | |||||| | 29% | Type 9 | Calmness | |||||||||| | 34% | Your Conscious-Surface type is 5 Your Unconscious-Overall type is 5w4 | Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
......... I dunno....... Maybe...
Sorry...... I have nothing to say..... I'll try actually write something next time...... time doesn't cater for these kind of things.....
 -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Don't think so. I'd be an abusive girlfriend.
 You are going to Marry orlando Bloom. He will always treat you right and is very romantic. He will do anything for you. He is very polite and has deep brown eyes and is very good looking (which is another plus!). He can make anything cheesy look really hot(like sliding down stairs on a shield shooting arrows or wearing pointy ears for example). Congrats!!
Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (now 12 (i just added more, and still more to come!)results that have pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Nothing wrong with that. Orlando's great.... although....... he's such a playboy.... hmmmm.
Sorry guys...... I must take my leave of you. I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Comments (70) |
Monday, March 1, 2004
..... Always with the craziness...
^no bloody comment^
Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results Sociability | ||||||||| | 22% | Aggressiveness | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 74% | Assertiveness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Activity Level | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 62% | Excitement-Seeking | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Enthusiasm | ||| | 10% | Extroversion | ||||||||||||||| | 47% | Trust | ||||||||| | 26% | Morality | ||||||||||||||| | 50% | Altruism | |||||||||||||||||| | 58% | Cooperation | |||||||||||| | 38% | Modesty | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Sympathy | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Friendliness | ||||||||||||||| | 48% | Confidence | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Neatness | |||||||||||| | 34% | Dutifulness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 70% | Achievement | ||||||||||||||| | 46% | Self-Discipline | ||||||||| | 30% | Cautiousness | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Orderliness | |||||||||||||||||| | 54% | Anxiety | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 86% | Volatility | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 74% | Depression | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 86% | Self-Consciousness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 70% | Impulsiveness | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Vulnerability | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 82% | Emotional Stability | ||||||||| | 21% | Imagination | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 82% | Artistic Interests | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Introspection | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 74% | Adventurousness | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 66% | Intellect | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 90% | Liberalism | ||||||||||||||||||||| | 70% | Openmindedness | |||||||||||||||||||||||| | 78% | | Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test
I'm so stuffed up.... what is my problem...... you'd think I was meant for a life in a mental institution.....
Introverted (I) 89.29% Extroverted (E) 10.71% Imaginative (N) 63.41% Realistic (S) 36.59% Emotional (F) 55.56% Intellectual (T) 44.44% Easygoing (P) 72.22% Organized (J) 27.78% | You are an Idealist, possible professions include - information-graphics designer, college professor, researcher, legal mediator, social worker, holistic health practitioner, occupational therapist, diversity manager, human resource development specialist, employment development specialist, minister/priest/rabbi, missionary, psychologist, writer | | Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test
..... I dunno...... don't care anyway.... stupid time-consuming tests (curse my curiosity). It says I'm an idealist.... well... that correct..... I could have told you that... -_-
Tch..... I was expecting Hitler or something......... that's weird.. SAVE the world.... I was aiming for destruction....
Comments (40) |
Friday, February 27, 2004
I took it again.....
 You have wings of STEEL. No one's really sure why, but at this point in your life you've shut off emotion to the point of extreme apathy. You are cold and indifferent much of the time...or perhaps you're just a good pretender. Next to impossible to get close to, even those who do never see the real you. It's entirely possible that YOU don't even know the real you. You have a certain fascination or attraction to destruction on a massive scale - disasters, perhaps even death or the concept of the Apocalypse. Because you hold so much inside, one day you're simply going to snap. Then the mask will fall away, and your true wings will be revealed. Until then you will deal with whatever comes your way in icy bitter silence and acceptance. On the positive side, you are fearless and immeasurably strong - not much can crack through your defenses. You intrigue people, who can't help but wonder why you're the way you are. A loner and one who spends much of their time brooding and contemplating life and death - you are a time bomb waiting to explode and create some destruction of your own.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
 Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for one reason or another - possibly, you made one tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't commit. In any case, you are faithless and joyless. You find no happiness, love, or acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most days are a burden and you wonder when the hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching picture. You are the one that few understand. Those that do know you are likely to love you deeply and wish that they could do something to ease your pain. You are constantly living in memories of better times and a better world. You are hard on yourself and self-critical or self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved, you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite your tainted nature, your soul is breathtakingly beautiful.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
I'll update tomorrow......
Comments (55) |
Thursday, February 26, 2004
.....just updating....... & school sucks...........
....... Maybe........ and if anyone says anything about my surname....... I'll kill you all *totally serious*
Totem "roach"......... how ironic is that -_-
 Intellect! Brainy you ^^. You are hight intelligent. You love riddles and to solve them. You think logic and you have a great creativity.
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
My intellect! Ha! That's ridiculous! Ludicrous! God damn unlikely! Oh well....
I've got so much work to do..... i've been going to bed at around 01:00am-2:00am every night........ and having to wake up at 6am every morning........ I'm just so worn out.... I never have time........ for anything..... even sleep..... i should log off now (11:26pm) then I might be able to finish my homework my 2:30..... if I hurry....
Comments (15) |
Monday, February 23, 2004
Quizzes....... again............
yes...... that's my surname...... live with it........ (sort of anyway)..... the one with my real surname actually described me perfectly..... (not the vampyre part though obviously..... unless that's still to come).
Your sad very sad. All your relationships go wrong, or they don't stay very long. You don't get to atached to any one any more.Tip,sorry maybe you try to'll find someone soon.kay.^-^
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.^-^ brought to you by Quizilla
I could never have hoped for a better result... the greatest love story..... Squall and Rinoa......
*screeching* Aaaaaaaaaaah! Get it off! Get it off!!! Bloody perverted freak!!!!....... uh..... who is Yuuki Miaka anyway?......
Anyway, if anyone wants me to crit pictures, it's what I do... so just ask.... and tell me which particular one you'd want critted (it takes forever to go through all of them)....
....... Ma jr, you want help choosing the colour of your dress?...... Well..... i wouldn't wear anything too revealing *looks at green, rough namekian skin*....... um.... something red?..... to bring out the healthy hue of your..... tanned complexion? *snickers*
*growls seductively, then looks awkward*..... I don't think I'd be a lion..... maybe just a kitten.....
drana yna duu syho caqiym dansc mehgat fedr lyds........ dryd zyc dra sucd ehhulahd uha E luimt drehg uv......
 You're Paine! Fighting can solve anything and get you you're way in life! nobody better cross your path!
Which FFX-2 Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Tch! What would you expect?
Anyway..... the dance decision thing is done...... most of you said "do what you want"..... so I won't go..... thanks, you made it a little easier.....
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