Dark mercenary
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Saturday, February 21, 2004
..... Hi, sorry I haven't been around.......
This was the weekend I was to see my old man again *dramatic, suspense building music*
Well..... my old man *sighs with resentment*........ hmph.....
As you must have figured out by now (otherwise your pretty much hopeless), there's not much love lost between myself and my old man......... for certes....

Well....... after a panic-attack and a day of avoidance I phoned my mom and asked her to take me home (damn I wish I could drive). But hey, it went far better than I thought it would! *laughing in confusion*
Well........ now for the update on the situation of........ "the dance" *dramatic music blaring*......... I hate this topic.... but I need advice.....
Well anyway..... I had narrowly decided (we're talking 51% of the poll here)... that I would go...... even though I didn't want to..... (primey influenced my decision alot)
Well...... a new developement has just arisen...... and it's grotesque..... beyond measure......
picture this situation:
Your best friend is going to "the dance" *dramatic music*.... with a guy, and this guy tells your other friend that he likes YOU when he has already promised to go with before-mentioned best friend.....
and this friend tells your mother (ugh..... you can see where this is going) that this guy likes you........ and your mother tells you...... and pleades with you to go out with him (sad..... but my mom thinks I've never had a boyfriend, so she's desperate to fix me up with someone!!!!)...... and if you go to ...."the dance" *dramatic music*....
this guy will be there with your best friend when all you want is to avoid him.......oh ja.... and you also don't want to go anyway....

a bit of an awkward situation....... (sorry if it's a little confusing also)
advice?..... should I..... or shouldn't I?........ go to "the dance" *dramatic music* the guy's nice, but I'd never go out with him..... because I hate men at the moment....... *evil death stare*
Sorry guys but my mom is playing Psycho parent and I have to get off the net for an hour or two.... (she's not even here, I'm by myself and she's gonna keep phoning to check if I'm off the net).... I'll try come back after midnight. (i'm such a defiant child... I'd hate to be my own parent! ^-^)
 Y0U 4R3 l<40RU l<4l\/l1Y4! (You are Kaoru Kamiya.) You are the short-tempered assistant master of the Kamiya Kasshin sword style. You teach the ways of the sword that protects. Also you are pretty bad cook but don't worry you still can hold your own against most people. Who says girls can't fight.
73l-l R0R0Ul\l1 l<3l\l5l-l1l\l 1337 QU1Z! brought to you by Quizilla
She sounds cool......... *sigh*.... I wish I could watch this...... anyway, thanks for the quizzes ma jr.........
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004
I thought we had a "no promoting each other's sites pact" going on!!!!! Well now I'm just going to get my revenge!!! Hey everyone, listen up! Zedstef/lighty is a brillinat artist who deserves recognition! Go visit her site and vote for her pictures!!!!!!!! She's my co-writer/co-creator/co-conceptualist/co-character designer/co-everything!!! We're working on DBSA together!!!! Now go! Don't sit there looking at me!! Gooooooo!
Uh.... btw..... has anyone else seen Vegeta floating around my site?.... *looks around wildly*
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*jogging on the spot*
Yay! I'm happy!!!!!!!!! Look at me I'm actually happy today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Woooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Aaaaaaaaaah! Shut up!!!!! (sorry.... speaking to myself again, I keep forgetting that's not normal). I'm fighting back the urge to say something stupid (well a couple of things actually)...... anyway..... uuuh........ wwwwoooooooooooooooooooooo
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me! I'm going crazy (I'm being totally sincere..... but no-one will believe me!!!!)
Damn (mood swing).... it's my birthday soon....... argh....... what torture.... I just want to stay at home with my true friends and watch a movie or something...... or play paintball!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaah! (moodswing back to craziness).....(don't provoke me!!!) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!

ok, I've gotta say what I meant to say.... *shakes head and sits back down* Well..... I went to school today and nearly died. It was funny seeing all the "work" I got done from the day before. I was so tired from Ma jr and co. keeping me up that I actually only had 1 and a half hours of sleep..... (I was tired that day, but still pretty presentable).... then the next day I only got 4 hours of sleep and I just couldn't think! I was a zombie, I've never felt that tired in my life.... I fell asleep in every lesson (caught only twice, that's how good I am!), and got absolutley niks done!!!! Ha ha ha! I looked at my BE book today and noticed the lines running down my page..... then I remembered how I kept putting my pen on the page and falling asleep so the pen would slide all the way down the page!!!! Ha ha ha!
hmmm..... I'm hungry....... I ate dinner two hours ago....... ha ha..... and the chicks at the videoshop are so funny! They're always dieting and when they see me walking in with three (sometimes four.... depends) burgers in hand, they always ask me why I'm so skinny!!!! Ha ha ha! And they sit there and eye my food while they eat their little apples and drink their water! ha ha ha! *evil glint in eye* I make sure to let them know how nice it is!!!! I'm so evil!!!!!! Aaaahahahahahahaha!
hey lighty.... why did you make Piccolo so cocky in that episode!!!! That's not fair! You know he'd never say that. *shrugs unconcernedly* Don't worry, I'll fix it up and still make sure Chiaotsu doesn't look like a complete idiot....

I'm in a destructive mood..... I need to go blow something up..... I think I'll carry on with my ki exercises...... now where did I put the ice tray..........

(sorry about all the dbz gifs, I just had fun watching it again today....... hmmm.... maybe that's a reason why I'm happy.....)
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Sunday, February 15, 2004
Bubblegum crisis

Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 was a bloody good series.... not only was the animation sleek and appealing, but the hardsuit designs were awesome. The story starts off in Neo Tokyo with Lina, a country girl willing to give the city life a go. She meets Priss Asagiri (my favourite female character in a series) when Priss knocks her off her feet with her motorbike. From then on the story rapidly accelerates and the mysterious yet deadly Knight Sabers emerge. A group of vigilantes who tackle the ever present problem of mutating rogue voomers. 
The team is headed by Silia, a strong-willed woman with a mysterious past that is only revealed near the end. Nene, the hacker child prodigy is the youngest of the group. Priss, the lone wolf of the group is the lead singer of a rock band, and easily the best fighter of the team. This series is action packed and humourous, yet still mature enough to appeal to it's older market. I personally thought the series started off great...... but the last couple of episodes were disappointing..... they seemed rushed..... but the plot twists kept me intrigued right till the end and the music wasn't bad either!
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....thank you guys....
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None of these stupid emoticons express how I feel!
.......... please go to primechaos's site........
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Saturday, February 14, 2004
(sigh) .....misunderstood.........
ok, now I'm getting a couple of fools misconstruing my meaning..... in the previous post.
It's not that I'm unhappy about being alone..... or that I need someone in my life......... I know deep down that I'm a solitary person, and that I could live the rest of my life alone, that's one trait I inherited from my mother.... we're both the kind of people who never feel lonely..... i need my solitude. But one thing I'm afraid of is that it's not really enough... I've realized that although my mom and I rarely spend time together (although we lived in the same house).... over the past year that I'd moved out, she missed me........ even the most aloof of people require companionship...... once they've experienced it....... that made me think...... maybe I do need that.... (god, now I'm starting off on a whole new tangent.......). I've lost my train of thought.........
Another problem I face is that I have a very idealistic view of love...... I would just never find a guy who could fulfill all my expectations........
Yet another problem is that the attitude a daughter has toward her father usually determines the type of man she loves..... it doesn't help that my father is a gay (I'm not prejudiced, I'm very open minded to homosexuality, it's just that in this context, it's bad), a druggie, a free-loader, the type to abandon.... and take advantage of someone....... I can't believe I'm revealing so much about myself.... I'm sorry i never told you this stuff Lighty/zedstef.... I just never knew how.....
I think I've revealed a little too much about myself...... this post will be deleted straight after zedstef's read it.... she needs to know some of this........ anyway, now that I've revealed a sufficient amount of information to make me feel uncomfortable, please try and understand what I meant....... I hate it when people don't understand........
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explaination is required?..... ok....
It seems that some of you are wondering why I don't share in the Valentine cheer...... well, that's because I have never liked the holiday..... I don't like it because I hate men..... now I have to explain why I hate men.....
well, once you've been burned, you become hard and cold on the outside..... I suppose......
I have previously been the burner..... but in my latest relationship, I was the burnee....well, unless you include my stalker..... then he'd be the burnee...... I'm not making sense am I?...... well, cryptic is my middle-name. I've only ever been in three relationships (once again excluding my stalker)..... and I just got claustrophobic...... really fast.... after a week or two I broke up with them....... I didn't enjoy that......... (one didn't want to leave..... I felt so bad....for weeks he asked me to take him back....)..... it may sound like I'm being egotistical by mentioning my former beau's but I can't stand this topic of conversation..... I'm so secretive about my relationships that even my family doesn't know about it.... the only person who understands how I feel is zedstef (if I have to go down with the ship, you sink with me! I'm pulling you under!) she's been in one relationship.... with a total loser who didn't deserve her.... ugh..... I hate talking about this..... anyway, my latest beau broke up with me...... but a week later he wanted me back...... obviously I told him to %$#%$@ &^$^$ &^%&$ ^%$^# and screw himself....... anyway, I've never liked people anyway..... I just view valentine's day as a day of enjoying the people you love..... which brings me to my second point....
it's like saying that there should only be one day set aside to devoting and expressing your feelings to the one you love... what about the other 363/4....... does no-one else feel this way..... I feel like I'm alone in thinking this..... if you need more reasons, I'm willing to argue my point..... anyway, this is difficult for me.... so just ignore it, or consider it.... don't judge me by it......
thanks for listening...
ps. this post will be erased in 24 hours.....
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Thursday, February 12, 2004
Yaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in such a weird mood today!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Wooooho he hey!!!!! .............WTF?...... sorry I'm definately having a split personality moment here.... whoa........

Ha ha ha ha ha! *laughing fit*.............. huh?......... Why am I laughing?!!?! ...... ok?........ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
(ahem)....... anyway, onto more disturbing matters............ ma jr......... *sigh* ma jr, ma jr, ma jr.......... what can I say?.... you're really getting on my nerves. -_-
How much trouble can you cause in one night while my computer was going kamikaze on me.......... it seems enough...... now I have to rectify everything you said!
DBZ was great! (as usual!). I didn't know that Mr. Satan's "present for you" attack was actually in the series..... ha ha ha! He's such a......I don't know what to call him he's so ignorant! Not to mention obnocious...... and I can't forget pig-headed, egotistical, brain-damaged, false, pompous, boorish, mentally unsound..... ja..... that's enough.

he he he......

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Tuesday, February 10, 2004
For the first time since I joined, I have nothing to say........ wow.... I'm so confused....... well, my day sucked
Something really upsetting just slipped my tongue a couple of minutes ago.....:
"You're like a little lost puppy dog aren't you?.... even if your owner kicks you you'll still come running back as loyal as ever." What a depressing image...... That happens alot unfortunately...... It just slips out sometimes.... no wonder my family thinks I'm sick...... wow..... I can't believe I said that........ *crestfallen* what kind of sadistic weirdo talks about hurting such trusting creatures?..... ok, so maybe I still have a slight protective side to me.... for the underdog (literally and figuratively)........ Oh well, I've confessed my sin...... time to forget about it (watch the streams of hate mail about abusing defenseless little puppies come swarming in). Something's wrong with my computer..... everytime I submit a comment something weird happens....... oh well....
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