Dark mercenary
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Monday, February 9, 2004
I'm so embarressed!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaah!
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Hey there, just updating...... well, Chie's upset, her sister was hurt so if you could please drop by and cheer her up. She thinks she's responsible.
I was sick today, so I didn't go to school. Turns out we had a couple of pop tests today that counted for year marks..... just my luck. The one day I'm absent they launch tests that actually count..... I swear it's some sort of conspiracy to make me fail the year... that reminds me! Take a look at my next post!!! The cult's a hoax!!!!!

You are probably branded as the 'Oddball' among your group of friends. You are obsessed with the paranormal and anything that's weird and stands out, even if it's completely useless. You often get strange looks thrown your way (like the time you dressed up as a chicken just for the hell of it). You don't try to be eccentric, but somehow you just end up being that way. However, you don't mind because you're just being yourself and having fun doing that. |
*sniff* it's like they know me!
*look of realization* They're watching me!!! The quiz people are watching me!!! Can you hear them?!?!?! *looks around frantically* They're coming to get me!!! They're coming to put me in their quizzes! Help me! Watch out, the quiz people are taking over the world! If they have their way we'll be writing quizzes for the rest of our lives!
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Sunday, February 8, 2004
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Bloody Scott! *Roars and tears up cushion with teeth* That fool will rue the day he ever sets eyes on me!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!I'm sorry he's causing you so much pain lighty (laateee). Scott Skelton, I'm warning you in advance that if you ever utter one word of disrespect to one of my friends.....
 Animation from you can kiss your arse goodbye, 'cause it's gonna be kicked so bad you won't even recognise it!!!!!!! *howling like a wild animal*
 Animation from
I don't mind sharing the brunt of Scott's vicious little rumours. It would be worth it if I could rough him up a little.......... *imagines pummeling scott till he's braindamaged..... then stuffing his overinflated head down the toilet and unleashing a hellzone grenade attack*........ aaaah..... I feel a bit better now......... he's even more obnoxious and pig-headed than ma jr...... speaking of annoyances; RikkuX kept me up all night. I thought I may have actually caught up on the sleep I've been missing.... but I was so wrong..... so very wrong...*shakes head solemnly*..... no rest for the wicked it seems... for certes.
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Saturday, February 7, 2004
...........uh, ja I know I said that I wasn't gonna be around today, but plans change.....

What Anime Bad Girl Are You?
#18's my favourite DBZ chick because:
-She's aloof
-She's capable
-She's mechanic (in nature)
-She's the strongest DBZ female
-She can put up with Kurillin
There's more but I'm running out of time..... I'm really sorry that I still haven't replied to your comments:
Chie, Gotencha, Zedstef, moon star.... uh who else?....... oh well, I'm sure he's not important. I'll do it tomorrow! (Zedstef, I'm going to RikkuX's house tonight.... I didn't want to because of her parents, but she wanted me to go.......I'm just gonna avoid them). Sorry, no time for pictures... I gotta fly! Aaaaaaaaaaah! My internet bill is gonna kill me!
 Kapow!What anime cliche are you? The Second time around.
Ooooooh! That's me alright.

What's Your Anime Weapon?
An eyepatch!!!!!!!! Your joking!!!!!!!! Wow, look at me! Im so cool with my little heart-shaped eyepatch!
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Friday, February 6, 2004
*sigh* finally..........
Alright, this is how it goes:
I'm sorry I wasn't able to reply to your comments (I'm sure they were very meaningful and I would have loved to have read them.... that's excluding ma jr), but I've been really busy.... no really.... Anyway, sorry about the weird colour thing I have going on, it's reflecting my mood at the moment... so here's something pink and bright to take away the solemness.
 Otaku Level 5
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
Uh, how many levels are there?..... 10?
Anyway, I watched DBZ broly again today (they don't show DBZ on Fridays for some reason, so I had to watch some form of DBZ).
Also, one more thing before I fall asleep at my computer (I'm always tired when I write, aren't i?). Those animations from the post on the 4th, aren't they working?..... Uh...I'll post a picture but if it doesn't work properly don't kill me, I'm still checking.......

(I don't think I'm making any sense)..... I'm so tired.... it's only 1:35am... well, I suppose the past 2 weeks of sleep deprivation are making me tired. I have only had about 4 hours of sleep on average, every night. I need to get more sleep.... and I can't sleep in during the weekends because I have to work *hunches shoulders*.... oh well, I'm not depressed at the moment.... just a little worn out, so I'm going to sleep. (Hopefully to wake up springy and bubbly). Thanks for visiting. Seeya tomorrow (hopefully before work)..... (Sorry zedstef, I won't be able to reply to all of your messages tomorrow).
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Thursday, February 5, 2004
Uh... sorry
Apologies for the non-existent pictures. I figured out the error..... stupid computer.... well, I did a quiz.... it was off articulosdecuera's site (what a mouthful!)
I'll post more pictures once I've actually sorted out my computer. Uh... zedstef.... do me a favour.... give your brother a kick in the shins for me, it sounds like he deserves it.
 Animation from
For certes I say....... oooh! *gets out notebook and scribbles eagerly* that's a keeper.... *looks around at everyone's startled expressions*..... uh... don't worry about me, I'm just weird......
uh.... zedstef.... what is it that you want? ........ what!?!? thanks for wishing me back..... but I don't want to eat ma jr! I'll send Buu to do it for me!!!!
 Animation from
Nothing else to report, I'm afraid *does SeeD salute*

Please visit RikkuX's site... and LuluX's as well..... (uh, if you wanna read the stuff just highlight it)

Dbz is the best! Woooooooohooooooooooo! Next episode: trip to otherworld.... or something of the sort........
Aaaaah.... zedstef..... you know.... i probably couldn't cook any better than your brother could! I'm not exactly the domestic type so my mom and gran are putting me on a rigorous course of chores and cooking so I get it right! Aaaaaaaaaah! Nooooooo! I only know how to make mac&cheese..... and eggs... eggs I can do..... breakfasts are fine.... dinners are a problem. If you want to live past 20..... you better hope I learn how to cook! They think that there's no way in hell i could go live there and not cook and clean! I would gladly do chores.... but for your own safety.... i'd have to say, at the moment, that cooking's not a good idea....
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Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Ok, here goes...
Sorry guys but I need to speak with zedstef for a moment.... so what if I was too lazy to right it in a comment!.... and my email's acting up again so this way is easier.... *pulls zedstef aside*
Ok, now to discuss DBSA a little.... ok, now that I've had the opportunity to gaze upon the brilliance of your works for a while,

I would like to air my opinions.... Acuma is really cool. I'm definatley gonna try work around what you've done eg. I like the tail, but it's too reminiscent of cell's tail.... maybe change it a little.... to match his skin... also I like the horns.... but I want to add wings.....

also the eyes are very important in the storyline so they have to be accentuated a little.... ummm.... I'll design something ( I already had something in mind) and we can combine it.... what do you think? I'll also do daemonicus' human form.... maybe I'll do a group pic of the whole lot of them...... I'll see how much homework I have tomorrow... I was thinking about having different sizes and skin colours for the lot of them..... but nothing too ginyu..... I hate them.... "rock paper scissors!"...... please.... they belong in HFIL forever! Ok, let's go back to the others. *moves back to circle of friends* Wooooooooohoooooooooooo!!!

I thought it was primey's b-day today... woops.... but 04-02-1987 looked like the 4th of February to me.... sorry... another blonde moment.... although.... I'm not in the least blonde.... hmmmmmmmmm.....

.... I really should stop here..... I need to get more sleep. So sorry my post wasn't aimed at you four people who visit my site regularly... tomorrow, I promise..... if I don't die of exhaustion at school tomorrow.... and stress......

(wouldn't it be great if school uniforms looked like SeeD ones?)
next episode: Goku's time is up
ps the fusion episode was funny....
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Tuesday, February 3, 2004
Hey! Zedstef! I'm waiting here! The next episode of DragonBallSA is two weeks overdue!!!! *makes irritated debt collector face again* ![]()
Come on!!! Do I have to tell you what happens again!!!!!!!!!!!! Again!!!!!!! *sigh* ....... *shrugs exasperatedly* .... I feel like Chi-Chi here. Having to constantly nag you! Oh ja, I have to ask. did you finish off the wrapping paper intro thing? I wanted to post it (or you could).... well, maybe it wasn't that good then.... I wish I'd had more time. And BTW, Gokuu is the correct spelling since in the real version (Japanese) that's how his name is pronounced and spelt, so wah!!!!! *sticks out tongue*
Oh ja.... and I watched today and yesterdays' episodes of DBZ, Gokuu went ssj3 and went at it with buu! I could harldy hold back my excitement!! All the kicking and warping and punching!!!! Yeah!!!!! And Maajin Buu had a whole in him from Gokuu's kamehameha wave!!! And Dr. briefs is so ditsy!!! lost the bloody dragon radar!!!! And when Gokuu spoke in that calm, whispery tone! I could have jumped out of my skin! Nothing! I say nothing! Gets me more jumpy than DBZ!!!!!!! (Except maybe a couple of moments in FFVIII). Next episode: Fusion Dance......... it looks hilarious.

Sorry I didn't write about anything more relevant but I'm still stoked DBZ came back on the air! I was suffering chronic DBZ deprivation!

Ummm..... I'm still choosing my next avatar, so help me out, ok? Rinoa, Aeris, #17, Videl or Tifa..... thanks! Oh, and moonstar, thanks for not telling me about DBGT, it would have spoilt it for me, i'm determined to see it eventually... um.... ma jr.... surry to burst your ego (not really), but I didn't right an ode to you. It was to the real Piccolo! *looks up to the heavens* wherever he may be. Oh..... and RikkuX set jme up with her drop dead gorgeous cousin...... cow.......... now i have to go the the dance/prom. I don't wanna!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been whinging for 5 months about how I don't want to go and lo and behold, first available chance she gets, she sets me up....... I have very strong issues against this dance.... I could make a delightfully long list if anyone'd want to hear *smiles hopefully*
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Monday, February 2, 2004
Dedicated to Piccolo...

Piccolo. The Namekian warrior who was once Gokuu's arc nemises, now one of his greatest allies. Piccolo's heritage was a mystery for many years throughout the db series... although I don't know how he couldn't have realized he wasn't native with the green skin and the big ears.... I love his antennae, they're so cool! Anyway, it wasn't Gokuu who spawned Piccolo's will to join against the fight against what he had stood for his whole life..... but rather, Gokuu's son.... Gohan. Gohan's innocence and dependance on Piccolo, awakened a paternal side that brought about an entirely new change in him. From then on we begin to sympathise with his character, and when he is killed by Nappa to save Gohan's life, it further enhances the feelings of anguish at his sacrifice. There are many complex characters in DragonballZ, Piccolo is one of them and is often an underappreciated character.

I just felt like giving an ode to Piccolo....

I was so proud of Gohan when he defeated cell..... (sorry.... been in a dbz mood the whole day)..... I had a really bad day.... thank god for dbz or I would have cracked. 
....... More DBZ tomorrow.... well, I really gotta go watch that episode of dbz, I'm very excited about it.
I beat up Pia/RikkuX at school today.... just a little..... she betrayed my trust, but it was all fun and games (I chased her halfway around the school!!). Ha ha, zedstef, remember how I always used to chase Pia like that?!?! She would love to irritate me! I went after her like Vegeta on a coffee high!!!! Ha ha ha! She really knew how to get at me though.... anyway.... moral of the story: Don't try to set up Dark Mercenary with a guyfriend. She'll kill him and kill you as well. If I wanted a man I would go find one! Bloody men are so high maintenance.... and needy too...... nope, I'm flying solo for a year or two...... hmm, what should I change my avatar to? ..... it's either Rinoa (fave character), #18 (ok, DBZ female).... or Tifa or Aeris..... hmmmm. What do you think?
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