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| Dark mercenary
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Sunday, February 1, 2004
Personal Censorship!!!
Ha ha ha, I decided to delete that post because it was a little too..... uh..... hentai?........... well, anyway..... sorry I've been around less lately.... but I'm gonna be even less frequent.... I just have alot to do.... also I started a new picture.... ja, another one.... I never finish what I start... although it would help if I had a working scanner.... anyway, I don't really have anything to say...... hmmm.... broken blade sounds interesting.... i think I'll go check his site out..... I wanna change my avatar though..... I would put Trunks there (man he's hot), but some people (ma jr!!!) have a problem with chicks putting males on their avatars! Oh well!
Btw, Gokuu turned SSJ3 today on dbz. I was really excited (not much excites me you see). I tape all the episodes.... and watch them later, so I haven't watched it yet.... I'm gonna watch ASAP! I flashed on while I was doing homework (and getting ready for dinner at the same time) and he was already ssj3!!! I practically wet myself with excitement (not really, but you get the point).... oh ja, zedstef, you'll never guess.... that episode I missed... well, we got the episode tape in the videostore!!! Yeehaw!!! (guess what I'm taking out next time!!!)........... seeya people.... i didn't have time for quizzes, but I'll try next time. *adds smiley gif. for first time ever*

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Top ten most annoying things to do/say to a video shop employee:
1. Return 10+ videos in the wrong boxes (eg. tape #1491 in box #52) and they're unrewound to boot!!!!!!!
2. Return a movie with an unknown greasy/sticky substance all over it..... *shudders* (wipe hands vigorously on shirt and wash hands three times to feel clean).
3. "Do you have that movie..... with that guy..... you know.... with the hair?" (proceeds to make circular motions around head symbolising some weird hairstyle)
4. Mistaking the title of a movie (we have to read it out to them to make sure it's the right one) for conversation. eg:
-Catch me if you can (-_-)
-Just married (twice couples looked at me like I was insane, they thought I was asking them if they were married!)
-Sexy man (speaks for itself)
-Slap her she's french (idiots)
5. Asking where the "adult" movies are kept *blush* (deprived people) ..... even worse, asking me to recommend any good "adult" movies.
6. Little kids run in and move everything around so the tags don't correspond with the bloody video!!
7. Taking out my DBZ videos ;_; (especially irritating when there are five minutes left till I can choose my free videos and they snatch them right before my eyes!!! It happened yesterday).
8.Bringing in pets, putting them on the counter, and asking me to take care of them while they look for a movie.... -_-
9. "Don't look at me, you're making me shy" *look away* (bloody moron, i just looked up at him and smiled and he went all retarded!)
10. "Is 'x' movie in?" Meanwhile 'x' movie is still showing on the circuit. Ehcumelha (insolence in Al Bhed).
Anyway, I'll add something after seven explaining what my day was like..... (ha ha, you guys missed me ^_^)
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Friday, January 30, 2004
I'm very excited, dbz's come back on the air. *holds back the urge to jump up and down and screech* On monday's episode Gokuu is gonna turn ssj3!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! I'm so excited!!!! Go Gokuu!!!!!! Wooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!! (as Selphie would put it).... well at least I don't go around making songs about trains.... hey, that's a good idea....... hmmm.... oh zedstef, you should post that song you wrote about Piccolo, I'm sure Ma Jr would love it (he he he, evilness). Well, that's why my site has been looking so ssj3 lately.... cos that's where i am in the series..... I am really excited.... you know, it got to a point where the only thing keeping me sane was DBZ (that was before we got back in touch zedstef). I was so down on life..... after digimon ended ( ha ha ha, just kidding, digimon series 3 put me off, the 1st and 2nd series' were the best!) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super Saiyajin 3!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! *hyperventilating* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
*starts singing the dbz theme song and playing air guitar* Daa da-da daaaaah!!!!!!

DBZ forever!!!!!!!!!!!!.... And DBSA!!!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

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*re-adds ma jr to vendetta list*
Next time, off the friends list.
*glares with disgust*
No more Miss nice Dark Mercenary.
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Thursday, January 29, 2004
..... %*&@!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stupid computer!!!! I did two quizzes, wrote a really long post (I'll never remember what I said now!) and..... ah man! I can't remember!... well, my computer shut down before I could submit my post!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRUSTRATION!!! (as Fujin would so aptly put it) anyway, I got sexy angel for one quiz result (i explained that I didn't like my quiz results because the sexy angel one suggests that I love myself and think I'm gorgeous when I didn't answer the questions that way! and......) I got gentle kiss for whatever type of anime kiss you are.... I didn't like that one because ma jr might start thinking bad things. Ha ha ha. Oh, I remember what I said now. I was asking if primey was jealous..... is that why you don't want me to give my email address to ma jr? hmmmmm........... maybe I should....... I don't know....... should i?
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Ha ha ha ha ha! Are you jealous primey!? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha! (sorry, it's just funny)...... well anyway, more bad news..... looks like everyone is forcing me to go to my matric dance..... they asked us class by class if we were going and I was the only one to put my hand up....... and my whole class went crazy! It was like a massacre! They all practically jumped me and started screaming "you have to go!!!" "why!?!?!?!?" "You are going!!!!" It was frightening!!!! They shut me up and told the chick that I was going! (sorry if this is poorly articulated... i'm ina rush!). My mom is practically threatening to disown me if I don't go and my gran was speechless with shock when i told her...... why is it such a big deal if I choose to go or not!? I have enough on my mind at the moment and the only possible reason i would go is if my mother followed through with her disownment threat. (btw, zedstef, that's not what the fight was about..... you know, where i jumped on the bonnet of my mom's car to stop her leaving). let me tell you about that, I was having a tiff with my mother (don't ask) and the phone rang, i answered it and she decided to get smart and leave while I was on the phone! I heard her car start up and just dropped the phone. she was reversing up the driveway at top speed (she's such a maniac driver! I was traumatised as a child!)... so i sprinted up the drive, jumped on her bonnet and started pounding the damn thing with my fists. She was a little surprised by my demented behaviour ('m so evil!! Ha ha ha ha) but she stopped and we talked it out. Yay, glad I got that off my chest *smiles cynically*
That reminds me, ma jr, what the hell? you want my email address? uuuhhhh.......... wel, first gotencha, could you translate that (if it's too rude/perverted/twisted/sick I understand if you don't want to ^_^). Ok, sorry guys but i'm at school right now so i can't reply to your comments. i'll do it when i get home. *logs off*
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Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Sing along time!
Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, i think I'll go eat worms. Down in the garden, big fat juicy ones watch as they wriggle and squirm. i'll bite off their heads and suck out their guts and throws their skins away. nobody knows that I can eat over 36 worms a day! ..................................... ladies and gentlemen, the effects of long-term sleep deprivation. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
...... *snort*..... ma jr su....cks....worms............ zzzzzzzzz...... goodnight mommy........
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zedstef, stop stressing. You're not the cause of my depression. I've been like this for a long time. Anyway, I can't update my site as frequently as I have done lately.... my schoolwork is preventing me from doing all of the things I love..... this is going to be the worst year of my 14 year school career..... 14 years...... how sad. most of my life..... but then again, it wasn't always so consuming.... requiring every waking second of our lives.... maybe it's just WGHS though..... bloody school needs a wake-up call. I only have an Afrikaans werktaak, an english rewrite (oh wait.... I don't need to rewrite.... I did well in that test), an art poster, read this book by monday..... hopefully they won't give me too much more tomorrow.... i need to finish my dress design poster..... sorry, i'm just going over my homework so I remember to do it. I gotta log off soon.... it's 10:10 and I have to wake up early to get my uncle's kids ready for school. I have to wake up at 5 am....... god the kids are terrible when they wake up..... wait, scratch that..... they're always terrible. Me and kids do not get along...... I'm afraid of large groups of children. They're frightening. Ever since I went to nursery school in England..... the kids there are so spoilt. I was traumatised for the rest of my life. A large kid came up to me and ripped a fistful of my hair out! (seriously, a handful of hair. my mom threw a fit because I had little ringlets back then). Apparently they picked on me because I was small and had a funny accent..... and wasn't used to the cold weather... SA is a very hot place..... (yes zedstef, I know, not as hot as where you are ^_~). Now don't tease me because of my "funny accent".... it sounds sort of english but with a bit of afrikaans..... closest thing to afrikaans is dutch... maybe german. But I don't have a german accent..... sorry if I'm ranting a little. I'm just a little overtired and dreading waking up so early tomorrow. hmmmm..... you know what would be useful for otaku...... if you could see if the people on your list were logged on/off. If there is alreay something like that I'm sorry, i'm still relatively new here and am feeling my way around........... I'm so tired.... i was falling alseep in my lessons again today..... oh well, i better end off. I haven't done my homework...... again..... (sigh). I hope you know zedstef, your emails take up my homework time. Just joking. Oh and remember, don't feel bad about something that's out of your control.... tot siens my vriende.
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Monday, January 26, 2004
It seems depression is a very common thing.... alot of people think they have it but really don't, then there are others wo don't even realize until someone tells them.... like myself. Well anyway, I was pretty stupid not to notice.... the constant sadness, the morbid thoughts, the black clothing.... the need for darkness and solitude, the will to sleep life away..... but then you get those people who come along and say stuff like this: "sorry man. well, i hope you cheer up, when i get bummed, i think about the future and about seeing all my friends again and studying with you. and stuff like that." it might not seem like much, but the slightest consolations can mean the world sometimes.... thanks to my friend for that..... also..... what was i gonna say now..... well, I'm really tired. it's almost midnight and I need to catch up for the sleep I missed last night doing homework..... turns out half of it wasn't even due -_- otherwise my first test went ok..... oh damn, that's what I forgot, I have a test tomorrow..... Business Economics... Amalgamation, forms of Ownership and....... whatever..... don't care.... just want to go to sleep. I'd rather fail the test than miss more sleep (i hate being tired during the day)..... I feel like I've aged years ahead.... I feel like a forty year old who's starting to realise that their life has reached an anti-climax and will keep accelerating faster and faster downhill until, one day, you reach the end of the road.... I always have dreams where I'm driving (a recurring dream), sometimes I'm alone, sometimes the people I care most about are with me...... I never remember how it ends though.... those are the dreams I remember...... I talk in my sleep, but nothing as hectic as primey.... just mumbling, strange languages, crying.... never screaming....... maybe I like to suffer in silence ^^.............. Ma jr.... your a freak, a perverted freak. Don't force me to get out my gunblade. You don't want me to do that. If you say that again I'll have to go all mercenary on you.
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Sunday, January 25, 2004
...... so much pain........ primey..... and now, so much homework........ this is my final adieu gotencha, primey and ma jr..... I'm going to sleep..... after my seven hours of homework....... I've gotta get on that..... and zedstef, where are you? bye everyone...... seeya tomorrow.
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