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I'll think about it another time
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Anime, Playstation, MMORPG's, misc pc games... I like minesweeper :/
| Dark mercenary
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Sunday, January 25, 2004
Hey!!!! Ma jr, you're a pain in the been! (leg incase you were thinking something else)..... hmph! I am insulted that you think I'm not worth the effort of being your friend! Hmph! *clicks tongue with annoyance*.... oh well..... I suppose you've earned the right....... even though you didn't wish me back..... I'll have to ask zedstef to ask shenron........ but if you do one thing to irritate me I'll put you back on my vendetta list! Nyone else want a piece of me!!!!!!!!

It's true..... speedo's are not very flattering.... poor jeice... so misunderstood.

Which Ginyu Goon Are You?
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... there are a couple of things that i need to mention.... i just hope I remember them all (-_-)... ok.... firstly, zaida... have you been logging into my site and signing gb's? 'cause I really don't remember who some of these people are.... or what they're talking about..... or is it just me?...... next up.... Ma jr... I still think you're a pervert..... ummmmm, i've already forgottem the rest... maybe it will come back to me. I'm working on a list to post on my site....and a started a new picture last night (when I should have been doing homework).... school sux..... and why do you bloody americans get to drive at 16!!! I could be the best bloody driver in the world for all i know, but no.... i have to wait till i'm 17.... which is in a month.... but that's not the point!.... hey zedstef... ask ss3 shenron when he's gonna come back onto his site. My scanner is still not hooked up.... damn...... oh now I remember what I was gonna say... I was gonna talk about my bad day..... well, my post is long enough so i'll let you wonder how it went for a while..... I'll probably write something later.......... zedstef: is dit waar dat jy sal my in Sa besoek? Is dit vir die hele jaar en sal jy met my gestudeer? Of, is dit net 'n kort besoek? En werk met die volgende blerry episode! poephol!
Anyway, i thought I'd enter this lovely quiz in.... I don't like 17 though.... I think he's gay......
 17/Trunks is the perfect pairing for you. There's something about the two most beautiful boys in all of DBZ getting together that draws you in. And who could blame you? They sizzle, they smolder, they make you crave more. Good times...
Who is your perfect Dragonball Z Yaoi pairing? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 23, 2004
Quizzes!!!!!! Best site ever!

Nice eye...

DragonballZ Character are you?
Videl's ok..... she's one of the better female characters....
Woooooohoooooooooo! Sexy DBZ men!!!! (and no that's not the only reason I watch the series...) Vegeta rocks!!!!!

DragonballZ Character are you?
Hmmmmm, this ones for my planet? Cool...

DBZ villain...... ooooooh! I hate frieza!!!!
Hey, your supreme ruler of the
....That is until Goku came and kicked your butt.
But then you came back even stronger - only to get your ass picked again by

Woweee! Apparently this result his hard to get! I got it (and I didn't cheat like you think! I got it 1st time :-})
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I'm a guy for christ's sake!..... wait! Your confusing me!!!! I'm a chick! Jesus! Ma jr! I'll get you back for killing me!!!! *adds ma jr to vendetta list* All hopes of you getting onto my friend list have just vanished buddy! Nobody questions my femininity and gets away with it!

Woops, was that your fearful special beam cannon? Looks like it doesn't quite match up to the ferocity of Gokuu's Kamehameha! Mwa ha ha ha ha! *and ma jr dies at the hands of merc's best friend Gokuu!* Mwa ha ha ha! *removes ma jr from vendetta list*
Vengeance has been wrought. (And don't think you can regenerate, your head was blown off!)
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Thursday, January 22, 2004
Ha ha ha ha!
Your Text Here

Ha ha ha ha! Too funny. Um.... i meant to say something..... ok....... I forgot again........... darn...... Um, please visit RikkuX's site, she's new.... well, visit in like two days or something because she'll take a while to get going.


ss3 shenron.... use this, just take that post off your site.... and zedstef, if that's you on that poor guys site, I'll keep my word...
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Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Confessions of a Piccie fan

(sigh) I'll admit it, I once said that I thought Piccolo was hot...... for a green guy. Are you happy zedstef and ss3 shenron? Well, it's true I'm afraid. But I have a habit of rooting for the underdog. No-one I know likes Piccolo so, he's one of my favourites in the series. I think he's underappreciated, and Chi-Chi hates him! Poor guy! I can relate to him, so that is why I like Piccie. Thank you and goodnight... I forgot what I was going to say now........ oh well. Oh thanks for signing my gb and posting comments, I assure you that I always read them even if I don't have time to make a post or visit your site. (If I haven't visited your site yet, give me a shout and I'll drop by. I have a bad memory so forgive me ^_^). And zedstef, take that post about inviting people to come to my site off. I'd rather they came of their own accord, you know? I'm not ungrateful! Just, a bit independent, sorry man! I'm such a nuisance! And primey... do you know when your computer will be fixed? Just asking ^_^
Pia's/RikkuX's site should be up and running soon, so please be supportive, and if you have any criticism, make sure it's constructive. I love criticism (once again I enforce, constructive criticism only) so if you have any problems with my drawings or site, please just say so. I would honestly respect you for it. That's all for today, I won't mention the extra homework I received today..... one thing though, I actually listened in a class today. Only because the discussion was worthy and the teacher (Mr. Untiedt) treated his students like adults. That's all for today, i'll welcome any comments. And any reminders to sign gb's if i've forgotten.... oh btw primey... XXIV) I have a very bad memory.... did I mention that already?
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Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Intro to a new SA female...
... listen up, there's a new SA chick joining the site! Her name is RikkuX. She's really friendly so expect her to sign alot of your gb's. Anyway... I think that's a suitable intro, her site should be up and running in a couple of days... unless she gives me her password, then I can help her out. Anyway, let me update you guys (all two of you) on my life..... I went back to school today and it's worse than I could possibly have ever imagined. I have the deputy principal as my English teacher and she is the most insufferable woman I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. She's larger than life.... in every sense. She's has such a commanding presence..... why me? Well, art is going to be the biggest thorn in my side..... that's what is making me dread school....... you'd think I would enjoy it but I have to do art theory as well, so now I have a 5 page essay to write in three days and an oral to do on the bloody essay on that day! And it's such a stupid topic: South African contemporary artists... i mean come on!!!! I don't know any frickin' SA artists!......... let's just leave you guys with a simple yet effective: I hate school.
ps hey primey! s'up?
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Monday, January 19, 2004
-_-.....not even f***ing funny....
This is probably the last thing I'd want to be.... at least I have "hidden" powers....
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Sunday, January 18, 2004
hello, how is everyone today?????
a special thanx goes to all who wrote in darky's GB ( if you are wondering, im writing on behalf of darky, seeing as though she is away, oh yeah, its zedstef here.)well, let me fill in any gaps here, ok, darky and i go back for years, we are very very good friend, therefore she has let me update her site while she is away.
well, have a nice day everyone. and dont forget, if you are new, to sighn the GB.
chow 4 now.
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poor darky is starting school on tuesday.oh well, i am filling in for her once again. i wonder when she will get back onto her site?
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