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myOtaku.com: dark moon fox

Monday, October 25, 2004


im tired today, i had a really good sleep this morning and i had to wake up by the phone.. it took three times for my mom to call me...yeah im tired but this is why my mom always wakes me up instead of getting up on my own because my timer on my clocks are always off! stupid clocksXb I got a tokyo shirt! i am very happy that i got it yep=^-^= well today went ok i guess to much homework though, i forgot my clothes and mr. bunton said it will hurt my grade when i have an a+ in gym>.< sometimes he annoys me.TOMORROW! IS CLASH DAY!is cant wait!^^but any ways today i dont no what to put up so ill give more about me thingy! and somethingy else.oh and do u guys no how to upload button so when people that dont have codes for buttons i can put? its really starting to confuse meT______Tother wise i would have lots of buttons up@-@thats why im asking..now i feel completely useless, well i hope u guys have a good day today
if u dont feel like reading all of this u dont have to!^-^

You Know It's All About You (Over 100 Questions)

Created by niney123 and taken 4520 times on bzoink!

.:General Info:.
Name:Freak- a -leak! ( nick name)
Age:12 1/2 (yeah pretty young but still born in 91!)
Height:5.1" still
Birthday:january 30
Hair Color:well lets just say it has a lot of colors in it...
Describe yourself in one word:strange...very strange
Describe your personality in one word:out there (i guess)
.:School Life:.
What grade are you in:7th yeah i no
What school do you go to:ccms
And where is that:IL (boringest state)
Do you get good grades:yep
Favorite Subject:dunno
.:Love Life:.
Sexual Preference:ummm i uh, boys?anime maybe^_~
Do you have a bf/gf:no, i am independant but i used to
If so,what is their name:tyler
How long have you been dating:a dayO.o
Do you consider yourself in love with them:not anymore
If so,why:uhh because found no intrest
Have you had your first kiss:yep
If so,when:when i was 7 or 5
Do you have a crush:yes
If so,what is their name:jimmy
Why do you like them:i love his personality
Do they know you:no not really
Do they know that you like them:nope
How long have you known them:since i was in 4th grade
Best Friend(s):every close i mean really close friend i have or it would be i treat them equally=^-^=
How long have you been friends:since 2nd grade
Do you consider yourself a good friend:im ther when the need me most of the time(does that count)
How many friends do you think you have:lots but not all the time( a few really close ones)
Most popular:brittany
Most conceited:me i think?
Friendliest:all of us^^
Meanest:kaitlyn/ brittany/me sometimes^^
Oldest:uh kaite
Most recent:lizzie
Person:orlando bloom/ hiead!
Show:lots cnat really answer that
Band/Singer:GC/ayumi hamasaki/gackt/chaos system and lots more
Place in the world:tokyo!
Dream Vacation:to go ever place i wanted to go
Dream House:somewhere near a place i love or by the ocean
Dream Room:a black room that sems more organized and filled with the things i love
Location:i place i like
.:Last Time You:.huh?neverO.o
Watched T.V.:not all today
Went to the bathroom:not to long ago
Ate:umm at 4:48 pm
Slept:24 hours ago
Listened to music:every hour of my life
Used the phone:dont like phones-_-
IMed someone/Got an IM:dunno
Went to school:umm like at 7:28am
Played a game:not on week days
Took a shower:today
Hugged someone:yesterday
Went on a date:never yetT____T
Wrote a letter:during the past summer
.:Last Person You:.
Hugged:dont give hugs
Laughed at:everyoneO.o
Cried over:many things and the passion of the christ
IMed/Got an IM from:-
Hurt:some one i love very deeply....
Talked to:umm myself
Spoke to on the phone:kaitlyn
Ate with:family
Spent time with:myself
Played with:my dog
.:Have You Ever:.
Been out of the country:no
Been out of state/province:yes
Done drugs:no
Done anything illegal:yes
Slapped someone:yes
Cut yourself:uh maybe once but thats it not really meant to though i was thinking werid thta day(wasnt my self)
Played an instrument:yes
Hurt someone for no reason:yes
Hurt someone:yes...
Killed an insect/bug:yes
Gotten stung by a bee:no
Lied to your parents:yes
Stole Something:yes
Kissed Someone:yes
.:This Or That:.
Rock or Rap:rock
Singing or Songwriting:song writing
Tennis Shoes or Sandals:tennis shoes
Phone or Computer:computer
Biking or Skating:skating
Analog or Digital:um both?
Coke or Pepsi:pepsi
Sprite or Sierra Mist:serria mist
MTV or VH1:i like both
R&B or Country:neither
Cingular or T-Mobile:t mobile
Cats or Dogs:uh i dunnop
AIM or Yahoo:aim
Bzoink or Quizilla:quizilla
.:Word Association:.
Good Charlotte:i love
President Bush:_
T.V.: anime
Rock:fav music
Rap:its ok
Chef:id like to be
Boys:not crazy over
Calendar:not needed in my house
Fan:i am
Evil:can be
.:Right Now:
What is on your mousepad:gateway box
What are you doing:typing
What song are you listening to:desire(29 pslam mix)
What's in your CD player:nothing right this moment
Day of the Month:25
Day of the week:monday
What website are you on: theO
.:Random Things:.
What color is your mousepad:red
What color is your keyboard:gray
What is the phrase you use the most online:awesome
Did you like this survey:long and ok
Are you sad that it's over:no
What are you gonna do after this survey is over:go on friends websites
Do you like pop-up ads:NOOO MUST DIE
How long have you been online:an hour and 47 min

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