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myOtaku.com: dark moon fox

Saturday, November 13, 2004


im glad u guys like the new theme^-^ i had a pink bg but i couldnt find the right color for the main bg so i changed it,the grudge is an awesome movie! yep it like goes really werid though and it takes place in tokyo!!!!yeah but the bad thing is that th people in front of us kept taking and screaming on every single time thye grude person poped out. and tyhen they kept throwing popcorn at us-_- and what was worse my friends didnt shut up and kept yelling at eachother and my mom wants to no why i put up with their abuse towards me...but other wise the movie was rather good.^-^ well today nothings happening yet. and i started playing the yu yu hakusho ps2 dark tornament and it is really confusing but u can watch eps of the show on the gameO.o its werid but for now i gave up on it. and i for got to tell u a while ago like in the begining of the week i got 300 hits! i love u all so much=^-^=.:gives a big hug to everyone:.
so i leave u with a good sayuki pic!
umm this is ok i dont have right pics for hits but oh well^-^

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