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myOtaku.com: dark moon fox

Monday, May 30, 2005

Sorry for not being able to visit and sorry if this is a little long^^;

Image hosted by Photobucket.comLOL�.I am so so so sorry I didn�t get to many no a lot of you last time I updated!!!!! I had to babysitt-_-�lookie I got a boxy thingy up!lol��ill have to go put one up for 2 love voice now^^:SHE REVEALED MY NAME!!!!lol but I guess I don�t mind that much^^ I guess mags isn�t that bad�so now ya no my name^^lol er�not much going on,I have to return my manga books to the libraryT__T well im gonna leave you with a quiz, and a couple of pics
P.S here are my state test thingy madige scores!
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If you cant read it-it says
Language Arts-
Social science-
Fine arts-
Physical development-


Battery average-
This year I think I did pretty good on the tests for a seventh grader�.but I was pretty weak on the fine arts this year,,,,haha everyone of my friends were like i hate you because I got better test scores than them^^;
~*+You are: The Angel Of Darkness+*~

Everything in life is miserable. You have
seen such pain that you have begun to stop
caring, now nothing matters, not even yourself.
You hate everything on this earth and you wish
it could just go away.

~*+Which Angel Are You? +*~ ~*+Pics+*~
brought to you by Quizilla

Lately I have been having a craze for fanatasy and tim burton like artO.o
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This picy was done by a wonderful artist by the name of Stephanie Law, you can get her work at places like dancingdragon.com

And I don�t know who did this one but it was so cute =3 I had to put it up^^
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