Birthday 1992-12-10 Gender
Female Location anywhere i feel like being Member Since 2006-09-13 Occupation school girl Real Name Katie
Achievements i dont't really know if i hav any Anime Fan Since forever Favorite Anime everything Goals to become a japanese anime cartoonist Hobbies drawing and playing pool Talents drawing and playing pool
Tenchigirl1992 (11:33:17 AM): wats up
IcyGirl712295 (11:33:28 AM): read this its so funny
Tenchigirl1992 (11:33:46 AM): lol
IcyGirl712295 (11:33:54 AM): so true
IcyGirl712295 (11:34:51 AM): holy crap i have 666 gold on gaia
Tenchigirl1992 (11:34:56 AM): i am so bored
Tenchigirl1992 (11:35:08 AM): o and no offense but i left ur guild
IcyGirl712295 (11:35:23 AM): i have to go to school tomarrow and what guild
Tenchigirl1992 (11:35:45 AM): for neopets
IcyGirl712295 (11:35:48 AM): oh
IcyGirl712295 (11:35:58 AM): MY BF ISNT PMING ME BACK!!!!!!!!!
Tenchigirl1992 (11:36:15 AM): u have a boyfriend
IcyGirl712295 (11:36:22 AM): yes
Tenchigirl1992 (11:36:27 AM): wat site
IcyGirl712295 (11:36:32 AM): gaia
Tenchigirl1992 (11:36:59 AM): on otaku
IcyGirl712295 (11:37:10 AM): no
Tenchigirl1992 (11:37:16 AM): on wat
IcyGirl712295 (11:37:17 AM): gaiaonline
IcyGirl712295 (11:43:52 AM): oh thats rite i didnt tell u bouts mike
Tenchigirl1992 (11:44:10 AM): ya i bet he doesnt noe wat u look like
Tenchigirl1992 (11:44:23 AM): u noe internet dating is dangerous
IcyGirl712295 (11:44:34 AM): no hes from my school not the internet i like him
Tenchigirl1992 (11:44:50 AM): u like him but does he like u
IcyGirl712295 (11:45:10 AM): AND U SHOULDNT BE TALKING MISSY!!! and i dont know if he does...
IcyGirl712295 (11:45:28 AM): im not sure if he knows my name
Tenchigirl1992 (11:45:34 AM): dont drag kyle into this Gabbie
IcyGirl712295 (11:45:42 AM): hypocrit
Tenchigirl1992 (11:45:56 AM): bitch
IcyGirl712295 (11:46:06 AM): thank u
Tenchigirl1992 (11:46:11 AM): dont u go dragging my bf into this
Tenchigirl1992 (11:46:21 AM): he hates u btw
IcyGirl712295 signed off at 11:46:47 AM. Comments
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Larten Crepsley was impaled by spikes in a pit of fire. And it was all because of that bastard Steve Leonard and if u read Cirque Du Freak u would know wat im talking about! Mr. Crepsley is the one with the orange hair and when he was killed i was really
convo between me and Ali
n3verforgiving (8:42:48 PM):too bad i onli hav brown eyes if i got to choose it would probably be PURPLE!!!
Tenchigirl1992 (8:43:08 PM): ...... purples nice
n3verforgiving (8:43:34 PM): isnt it?
n3verforgiving (8:43:39 PM): =)
Tenchigirl1992 (8:43:50 PM): =)
Tenchigirl1992 (8:45:37 PM): I WISH MY NAME WAS BOB
n3verforgiving (8:45:45 PM): WHY?
Tenchigirl1992 (8:45:52 PM): give in to the randomness
n3verforgiving (8:46:05 PM): KYLE AND BOB? HOW DOES THAT SOUND?
Tenchigirl1992 (8:46:10 PM): pepsi rules my life O.o
n3verforgiving (8:46:15 PM): mine too
n3verforgiving (8:46:23 PM): but lately its been coke
Tenchigirl1992 (8:46:30 PM): traitor
n3verforgiving (8:46:43 PM): its cuz i hav no pepsi T_T
Tenchigirl1992 (8:46:54 PM): get some
n3verforgiving (8:47:00 PM): i cant
n3verforgiving (8:47:13 PM): havent been to the market in weeks
Tenchigirl1992 (8:47:14 PM): whyyyyyy
Tenchigirl1992 (8:47:17 PM): o ok
n3verforgiving (8:47:43 PM): ill get som pepsi tomorrow!!!!
n3verforgiving (8:47:54 PM): hopefully >.<
Tenchigirl1992 (8:50:41 PM): I LOVE PEPSI
n3verforgiving (8:51:00 PM): MEEEEE TOOO
Tenchigirl1992 (8:51:02 PM): GIVE INTO THE RANDOMNESS
Tenchigirl1992 (8:51:12 PM): MY NAME IS BOB\
Tenchigirl1992 (8:51:20 PM): BOB ROX
Tenchigirl1992 (8:51:27 PM): BOB IS HARDCORE
Tenchigirl1992 (8:51:40 PM): :P
n3verforgiving (8:51:46 PM): AWSOMR DUDE
Tenchigirl1992 (8:51:53 PM): TOTALLY SWEET
Tenchigirl1992 (8:55:41 PM): TODAY IS KAKASHI'S B-DAY
Tenchigirl1992 (8:55:46 PM): SERIOUSLY
Tenchigirl1992 (8:56:25 PM): I NO
n3verforgiving (8:56:55 PM): HAPPY B-DAY KAKASHI
Tenchigirl1992 (8:57:14 PM): HAPPY B-DAY KAKASHI
Tenchigirl1992 (8:57:17 PM): CHEERS
n3verforgiving (8:57:21 PM): CHEERS!
Tenchigirl1992 (8:57:35 PM): *LOUD CLAPPING*
n3verforgiving (8:57:54 PM): *PPL DRUNK ON PEPSI*
Tenchigirl1992 (8:58:04 PM): PEPSI
n3verforgiving (8:58:17 PM): TOTALLU
n3verforgiving (8:58:40 PM): TOTALLY*
Tenchigirl1992 (8:58:44 PM): AWESOME
n3verforgiving (8:59:02 PM): OMG THIS IS THE LAST EPISODE T-T
n3verforgiving (8:59:08 PM): IT WAS SUCH A GREAT ANIME
Tenchigirl1992 (8:59:14 PM): WAT WAS IT
n3verforgiving (8:59:38 PM): NVM this is the last episode
n3verforgiving (8:59:43 PM): mahoromatic
Tenchigirl1992 (8:59:48 PM): ...
Tenchigirl1992 (8:59:51 PM): say wat
n3verforgiving (8:59:57 PM): thats the name
Tenchigirl1992 (9:00:06 PM): ...
n3verforgiving (9:00:12 PM): mahoromatic
n3verforgiving (9:00:20 PM): its an awsomely sad show
n3verforgiving (9:00:26 PM): well at the end
n3verforgiving (9:00:31 PM): most of it is funny
Tenchigirl1992 (9:00:53 PM): ZZZZZZZZZ
Tenchigirl1992 (9:01:13 PM): IM NOT INTO SAD STUFF
Tenchigirl1992 (9:01:30 PM): I FEEL LOOPY
n3verforgiving (9:01:31 PM): onli the last episode well like last 3 eps are sad
Tenchigirl1992 (9:01:40 PM): WATEV
Tenchigirl1992 (9:01:30 PM): I FEEL LOOPY
n3verforgiving (9:01:31 PM): onli the last episode well like last 3 eps are sad
Tenchigirl1992 (9:01:40 PM): WATEV
n3verforgiving (9:01:55 PM): man wen i watch sad stuff it makes my heart hurt
n3verforgiving (9:02:51 PM): its not like it literally hurts
Tenchigirl1992 (9:02:57 PM): WATEV
Tenchigirl1992 (9:02:59 PM): G2G
n3verforgiving (9:03:03 PM): its just hurts as in makes me really sad
n3verforgiving (9:03:04 PM): k bye
Tenchigirl1992 (9:03:16 PM): BYE
n3verforgiving (9:03:30 PM): bye
n3verforgiving (9:03:33 PM): T-T Comments
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adopt a chibi today. anyone u can think this r just examples. anyone u want that is anime i will get it with a certificate of adoption. pm me if u want one
by the way if ur wondering why sakura isnt in this its because i hate her Comments
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besides the rest of my sucky day. my friend danielle decorated my locker. now usually people decorate each other's locker for there b-day but today if u didnt already know is... KAKASHI'S B-DAY he is officially 27 today. GO KAKASHI Comments
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it's pooring and i had to walk home. not to mention nobody recognized me at school cuz it was picture day and i wore camo pants a green superman shirt and here's the shocker... make up O.O!!! so u can c why today sucked. let's c wat else sucked about today.... o ya my new arch rival Bryan Bakka is being a complete ass to me and my boyfriend. he's also really vulgar. he was asking me and shannon out and yelling really gross sexest stuff. and he knows i hav a boyfriend cuz he talked to him on the phone. I HATE BRYAN SO MUCH!!! Comments
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
the only reason i put this on is because i feel like a reject and i will get my revenge... and i also like the song
the smart ones who came up with todays theme
Tenchigirl1992 (5:11:31 PM): wat theme should i change my site to
Sasori12 (5:11:53 PM): don't know who are you liking this week
Tenchigirl1992 (5:12:05 PM): crepsley
Sasori12 (5:12:12 PM): ok then
Sasori12 (5:12:36 PM): make a crepsley memorial since hes going to uh..n/m
Tenchigirl1992 (5:12:43 PM): they dont hav any crepsley bg's
Sasori12 (5:12:51 PM): oooo
Tenchigirl1992 (5:14:23 PM): help me think of something
Sasori12 (5:14:34 PM): ok
Tenchigirl1992 (5:14:45 PM): I MISS CREPSLEY
Sasori12 (5:14:45 PM): how about...?
Sasori12 (5:14:51 PM): ok then
Tenchigirl1992 (5:15:13 PM): THEY DONT HAV ANY CREPSLEY BG'S
Tenchigirl1992 (5:15:24 PM): CREEEEEEEEEEPSLYYYYYY
Sasori12 (5:15:53 PM): katie go to YOUr happy place with kakashi and gojyo and sanzo and sasuke and everyone
Sasori12 (5:16:01 PM): like dani does
Tenchigirl1992 (5:16:07 PM): AND CREPSLY
Sasori12 (5:16:29 PM): yes and crepsley is a alive and well sessomaru brought him abck
Sasori12 (5:16:33 PM): or something
Tenchigirl1992 (5:16:39 PM): ...
Tenchigirl1992 (5:16:47 PM): ur stoned off ur rocker
Sasori12 (5:16:59 PM): no thats the cookie man
Sasori12 (5:17:16 PM): do u know theres a guy on otaku with the name mr.cookieman
Sasori12 (5:17:24 PM): i mean mr.cooki
Tenchigirl1992 (5:17:28 PM): yes i no
Sasori12 (5:17:34 PM): cool then
Tenchigirl1992 (5:17:56 PM): CREPSLYYYYYYY
Sasori12 (5:18:50 PM): then use that one who cares if it repeats
Tenchigirl1992 (5:19:00 PM): i do
Sasori12 (5:19:32 PM): ahhhhh well ican't think of anthitng
Tenchigirl1992 (5:19:42 PM): think harder
Sasori12 (5:20:09 PM): try someone you like who u haven't made a site holland or something
Tenchigirl1992 (5:20:16 PM): how about i support gay marriage
Tenchigirl1992 (5:20:22 PM): no wait nvm
Sasori12 (5:20:27 PM): ok
Tenchigirl1992 (5:20:39 PM): think of somethin
Sasori12 (5:20:50 PM): i did its your turn
Tenchigirl1992 (5:20:59 PM): i am sitting here on photobucket waiting
Tenchigirl1992 (5:21:17 PM): it doesnt hav to be anime
Sasori12 (5:21:48 PM): how about a singer or something or a band like panic at the disco or fall out boy
Tenchigirl1992 (5:21:58 PM): fall out boy
Tenchigirl1992 (5:22:09 PM): no wait avenged sevenfold
Tenchigirl1992 (5:22:15 PM): no linkin park
Sasori12 (5:22:19 PM): ok then
Tenchigirl1992 (5:22:24 PM): no panic at the disco
Tenchigirl1992 (5:22:32 PM): no limp bizkit
Sasori12 (5:22:32 PM): ok then do that
Tenchigirl1992 (5:22:41 PM): no weezer
Tenchigirl1992 (5:22:50 PM): o wait wat about ludacris
Sasori12 (5:22:55 PM): ANYONE JUST PICK ANYONE
Tenchigirl1992 (5:22:55 PM): wait i hate him
Sasori12 (5:22:58 PM): brb
Tenchigirl1992 (5:23:01 PM): kk
Sasori12 (5:23:22 PM): you and yourself fight over wats going to be your theme
Tenchigirl1992 (5:23:52 PM): >_< no i need ur help
Tenchigirl1992 (5:24:02 PM): HIM
Tenchigirl1992 (5:24:11 PM): no 69 eyes
Tenchigirl1992 (5:24:16 PM): yellowcard
Sasori12 (5:24:23 PM): how about BAM
Tenchigirl1992 (5:24:27 PM): ummm blue october
Tenchigirl1992 (5:24:35 PM): BAM
Tenchigirl1992 (5:24:45 PM): DON VITO
Sasori12 (5:24:50 PM): fine
Tenchigirl1992 (5:24:54 PM): PHIL MARGERA
Tenchigirl1992 (5:24:56 PM): APE
Tenchigirl1992 (5:25:01 PM): CKY
Tenchigirl1992 (5:25:18 PM): SOME RANDOM PERSON NAMED BOB
Tenchigirl1992 (5:25:30 PM): I AM COMPLETELY OUT OF IDEAS
Sasori12 (5:27:41 PM): ok then now u gotta chose one of them
Tenchigirl1992 (5:27:54 PM): Bam
Sasori12 (5:28:08 PM): ok then there u go
brb i'm gonna watch tv now
Tenchigirl1992 (5:30:21 PM): fine be that way
Sasori12 (5:30:37 PM):
Tenchigirl1992 (5:32:30 PM): u still there
Sasori12 (5:33:20 PM): no
Tenchigirl1992 (5:33:25 PM): o ok
Tenchigirl1992 (5:33:32 PM): hey wait a minute
Tenchigirl1992 (5:50:31 PM): how about hardcore punk
Tenchigirl1992 (5:52:09 PM): or i think im gonna do linkin park instead
Tenchigirl1992 (5:52:41 PM): HELLLOOOOOOOOOO
Tenchigirl1992 (5:52:49 PM): fine be that way
Sasori12 (5:56:11 PM): shannon's not here right now please leave a message after the beep
Tenchigirl1992 (5:56:33 PM): beeeeeeeeep Comments
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