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| Dark Phoenix
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Shadow Strike (02/10/08)
Hey! You like MASH too? SWEET! We should PM sometime!
Shadow Strike
SkySpy (01/30/08)
werid but cool background!
vampirechik3 (01/22/08)
Hello, im the one who posted a comment in your post, and im still really sorry about what happened. Alot of ppl i no r having a bad new year, but it will all pass and hopfully youll be happy, you should think on the bright side and that hes in a better place thats what i tell miself because mi cat died not too long ago. Well i have no right telling you how to think, im not trying to but i dont want you to get offended. Well, im really sorry, and if you want to talk you can pm me, well hope you feel better and hope things turn out better for you, bye.
Vampire Luver (01/21/08)
hey i am lauren it is so nice to meet you. i am a friendly person and i love to meet new people aso e-mail me anytime you get the chance and add me if you choose too.
soramitsuki16 (01/18/08)
hey yas thought i'd sign this thing
Akula (01/18/08)
Yay! I've found another Otaku Legend! I'm happy!
I absolutely love your nick!!!!! I adore Phoenix!!!
Your site is cool! :D
You are great artist!!! Your fanart is very beautiful!!!
I'm big fanat of Death Note,especially of Light!!! ^ - ^
I hope we be friends!
The Shirt (01/11/08)
Greetings. I thought I saw an avatar with an interesting aura floating about it. I was quite right. Somebody I would definitely be interested in. I came and noticed a lovely homepage. Allow me to properly praise you on the job well done. ::*bows gracefully*:: It's been a while since I've seen a new face that wasn't using one of 311's layouts. ^^;
Not to mention, you appear to write using correct grammar. I like that. Speaking of which, that is how I found you. Guestbook signature. And an outrageously long one too might I add. :O
I noticed in your introduction that a few people I am familiar with were close to you. It made me smile. They are indeed worthy friends, no? Vicky, and Shadow-sama. :]
Lethean. Pleased to meet you. ::*notices Yensid down there*:: Wow, even she's been here? I really am missing out...! I hope to hear from you soon. If I may use it, I wish to address you as "Aki-san". Do you mind? ^^
Tursaku (01/02/08)
i'm randomly going around signing bgs & ur site site really good! so i signed! hope we can be friends!
im random (12/25/07)
HEY!! Luv ur site!! Visit mine sometime!!Cool SITE!!
~im random
Shattered Peices (12/02/07)
Dont mind me; Im just another crazed person hopping along signing guest books. =]
Such a lovely site you have here. I really like it.
Truth, no lie.
Feel free to pm me anytime youd like. My arms are always open, even if that does sound sexually, which it isnt, and if you think it is, I vill kill you. =D
Merry Christmasss Seasonn.
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