Dark Phoenix
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Friday, January 6, 2006

Updated: Fri. January 6, 2006

Yay, I have tomorrow off, huzzah! Haha, I confused almost everyone yesterday bitching on an on about GW. The people that would know what I was raving about didn’t read yesterdays post. -_- Heh, it’s all good. Man, I’m in a good mood right now. Considering I have to go to work in about 2 hours, I can’t imagine why.
Oh! How could I have forgot to put this in my previous post?!?!?! I have to display the banner Evil muffin made for me! * is proud bitch* And don’t forget it, yo.

George Weasley: But we're not stupid -- we know we're called Gred and Forge.

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Thursday, January 5, 2006

Updated: Thur. January 5, 2006

Happy 2006 everyone! Have a good New years? I’ve been playing way too much Guild Wars recently. Petie… as you know we waited until 3am for a hat, but damn it all, right after Dwayna showed up, the internet died. -_- So I didn’t get a hat, and turns out that was the last time. -_- What the crap? Any GW’s people know what I’m bitching about. Why didn’t they hand out stuff ALL day?! Bastards.
Anyway, if you’re a fan then you definitely have to see Zack’s videos, for those who haven’t seen ‘em yet! You can find them to watch [here]. Gosh, everyone should check out the awesomeness even if you aren’t a GW player. I think you have to be a member to download them, but all you have to do is sign up for a screen name, nothing else.
Also! Don’t forget, Serenity is out on DVD! Go buy it!
George Weasley: But we're not stupid -- we know we're called Gred and Forge.

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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Updated: Wed. December 31, 2005

Wow! New Year’s eve already! So, assuming you are celebrating for New Year’s, how's everyone planning on bringing in 2006? John and I are going to spend a quiet evening at home. I’m going to cook up some stuff for us tonight, and we got champaign, should be nice. Especially considering last year I worked through New Year’s, yes, all night, boo.
And just cause I’m curious, (on how to plan themes) I have a question for everyone. What is your monitor dimensions? 800x600 or 1024x780 or 1280x1024?
Have a safe and wonderful New Year’s eve!!!!
George Weasley: But we're not stupid -- we know we're called Gred and Forge.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Updated: Wed. December 17, 2005

Oh my, finally, Christmas is over. Did everyone have a good holiday? It went well on this end! And guess what the hubby got me? A flat panel monitor! Which is awesome. Anyone get anything you want to share here? I love hearing from you guys and plus, you know you get that one gift, you’re just dying to tell people about.
Man, and New Year’s is right around the corner. A new year, how exciting. Can you believe it’s going to be 2006 already?
Oh! Here’s a cute HP pic I found, it’s so adorable I just had to share. For those not familiar with HP, from left to right…. It’s Sirius holding Harry, Lupin with the book, and James and Lily under the mistletoe. ^__^
Well, lots of stuff to do today, so if I don’t post before New Year’s, have a wonderful and safe New Year’s!!!

George Weasley: But we're not stupid -- we know we're called Gred and Forge.

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Updated: Wed. December 17, 2005

Hello all! Having a good weekend so far? Any weekend plans… like going to see Narnia? =P I’m off to work now, boo, but this evening I’m going to one of my cousin’s Christmas parties. And oh man, can him and his erm, housemate cook and decorate! Really, my cousin should have just been born a girl; it would have been easier for him.
Amazingly, I think I’ve finally gotten all my shopping done! Just two more things to get, and I’m done. Heh, about time eh, like 8 days till Christmas. Oh, I’ve got to go before I’m late! Yeah, that turned out to be a real pointless post, didn’t it?
George Weasley: But we're not stupid -- we know we're called Gred and Forge.

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Updated: Wed. December 15, 2005

I can’t believe I forgot to mention The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in the last post! It was great, brilliant! And I must say, they found some pretty kids, and not so kids, to play the Pevensie’s. Peter anyone? Ahem, all together a very pretty movie. And as I hear, stuck pretty close to the book. My favorite part had to be able just to see a centaur and a minotaur fight each other. As a fantasy fan, call me satisfied. It was a great family movie, and I’d definitely recommend it as worthwhile to take the time and go see it. Not to mention the fact that I love Tilda Swenton. Is she ever bad in anything?
Heh, Flint, you are definitely right. Man, you just love to hate Edmund. The little prat. But I think by the end, I almost liked him. Almost.
Oh, to the east coasters around me, I know there are plenty, heh. Be careful today, the ice storm was cancelled, but there calling for like 4 more inches of snow then freezing rain, which will make it icy anyway. Yeah, I’m a mother hen, I know it…

George Weasley: But we're not stupid -- we know we're called Gred and Forge.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Updated: Wed. December 14, 2005

Everyone enjoying the Numanuma song? =P
Well, as you can see, theme change time again! But this time, you don’t have to visit while everything looks funky; it’s done before hand. Still in a shipping mood, obviously. So, have you finished your Christmas shopping?
Oh, and more buttons have been added to the friends section. For some of you that I’ve known awhile, I just went ahead and made you a button and stuck you in there, heh. So if you scroll in there, see you button, and don’t like it, just let me know so I can make a different one. For anyone else that is not in there and wants linked there, comment or PM me.
Welcome to the Hyuuga Clan, [MoonRainGodess]!
George Weasley: But we're not stupid -- we know we're called Gred and Forge.

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Updated: Wed. December 14, 2005

New music is up over in the player, including the Numanuma song (first one listed), so go play poppets!
Wow! I had a great night last night! And I must share, so bear with me while I ramble… Well, John and I went to his work’s Christmas party. First of all, for the older otakus here, you know who you are, there was free alcohol, huzzah. Actually, everything was free, heh. The catering with lovely, it was those expensive little cheeses, crab dip, and these cute little cups of pot pie. Then they served dinner of ham, salad, potatoes, and corn. The best was the desert though, mmm…. Hot fudge sundaes.
The tables were lovely too. With white satin like napkins and table clothes and crystal water goblets. The decorations were votive candles in Martine glasses. There was also a DJ taking song requests.
One of the best parts though, was so that people wouldn’t have to drink and drive, they hired a limo to take people home for the night! Heh, I took a ride in it with some other girls to the store and we pestered the poor driver, Mike was his name, endlessly. And we also rode home in it. It was such fun! The inside was gorgeous! So food, dancing, and limos. What a fun night.
Heh, okay, okay, I’ll stop rambling on now. Have a good Sunday everyone!
Dumbledore: Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.

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Friday, December 9, 2005

Updated: Wed. December 9, 2005

It snowed last night! For those of you who know me, you know I hate the cold… and the winter mostly Unless it’s going to snow. And it did! Yay! And we’re not talking the dusting kind of snow; we’re talking the inches that cover everything. I can hear the kids yelling outside, they must have had a snow day.
Yes, yes, the snow had put me in a good mood. And to top it off, John and I are going to see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe tonight!! What a lovely coincidence it makes, doesn’t it.
Anyway, I’m off to work, and yet I’m still happy, haha. Have a great weekend everyone!
Dumbledore: Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.

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Thursday, December 8, 2005

Updated: Wed. December 8, 2005

MyO is going so SLOW, both yesterday and today. It’s driving me mad, I tell you. Having to wait a couple of minutes for a page to load is reminiscent of dial-up! *shudders* I couldn’t even GET on Shadow babe’s page. *growl*
Hmm, hehe, you know, Flint, Shadow, and Sahki did have some interesting ideas for piccies. I think I shall have to try to draw some of those. Can’t say I’ll do it particularly well, but I’ll try!
Oh yeah, does anyone have a particular song you’d like to request to add to the music player over on the left there? You might be surprised at all the songs I have.
Have a safe and wonderful trip, hinaru!
Dumbledore: Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.

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