Sat. Oct, 20th
Hello again my fellow otakus! What has been going on with me lately? School, work, exams, WoW, the usual for Shanny. Not much else to say, I guess, unless you already know more, heh. Moving on. So how are we all enjoying the back and forth Fall weather? I personally love Fall for the inconsistency of it. That, and I love the color when the trees start to change.
I don't know why I'm posting, I can't think of anything to say, heh. So I'll post some goodies at least. Many of you may not know who Regina Spektor is, so I'm going to introduce you. =P She's a gorgeous Russian borne singer with a very alluring voice. The best plug I can think of, is for you to see for yourself. So watch, you won't be disappointed.
Us - My favorite song of hers
Fidelity – My favorite video of hers
Watch, learn, and love. :D