Glad everyone liked the traffic things. Red will have to take the credit for sending me those, though. I was surprised that a couple of you did some for where you live. I thought that was so awesome! So! So everyone else can see them (cause I like to embarrass my friends, yo), and because I thought that was friggin great here are the ones people contributed!
One hand on wheel, one hand on beer, gun rack on rear window, 4-wheeler and dead deer in back, two squirrel tails and a raccoon tail on antenna, and ability to talk without removing cigarette from mouth: Louisiana. (brought to you by the one and only Yami Loni!)
Both hands gripped on wheel, riding brakes and pumping accelerator, squinting through review past soccer mom decals, screaming at three kids in the back seat while over-compensating for cars that want to merge ahead: Knoxville. (Gray Underpants)
One hand on the wheel, talking hands-free, taking notes with the other hand, bumper-to-bumper preferably speeding unless police checkpoints are known: The Netherlands. (Shinigami)
Those were just awesome you three. Praise them. I dont have anything else tonight, cause this is waaay past my recent bedtime and Im really tired. Have a great weekend everyone!
What a hottie...