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myOtaku.com: Dark Phoenix

Monday, December 29, 2003

   Thanks for the quizzes Heero and Beck!
Quiz time!!

What j-rock future do you have? by raype
What does the future give you?A big wardrobe
Are you happy?no, you're dead allready
Who is with you?Aiji (Pierrot)
Why are they with you?They love you
When will you die?November 19, 2015
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Wow, doesn’t give me long uh? But according to it, it doesn’t really matter.

Which Japanese word are you? by gokumew2
LJ Username
You are:Asa (morning)
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

How Will Snape Seduce You? by eccosophi
User Name
Your HouseSlytherin
Where?In Your Bed-Chambers
How?He offers you tea, and brings it to you naked!
Surprise!You're caught later that week, going at it doggy-style on his desk!
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Haha! Wha hoo Snape! Who would have thought he was that kinkie?

Because we demand more Firefly

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