Mood: Sleepy
Listening to: Time of Your Life, Green Day
I’m such a bum about returning guest book signatures, and I know it. Gooooo laziness. Really, unless people ask me something, I generally don’t return them. So um, if you’re here… and I (suck) didn’t return the favor, don’t take it personal.
Well, it snowed, a lot. The drive home, while the sun was up was very pretty. But going in last night was horrible. The roads were crappy. But I made it… and now yay for days off! Time to watch some Ranma!
I’m a little brain dead right now, so that’s it. Have a good day everyone!
Welcome to the Hyuuga Clan yuukichan!
THAT welcomes L34F!
Even though Shampoo is my gal, everyone is a bit of an Akane/Ranma fan.