Updated: Thur. February 16, 2006
Im still really tired today, blah. I just want to go back to bed, but work awaits. Beck has made a post on the THAT site, so go check it out members. She needs your input.
As for the rest of this post I have some treats for Firefly/Serenity fans! So, fan or not, check em out anyway. =P
YSB A Firefly music video with scenes from Our Mrs. Reynolds and Trash. Well done and the song fits perfectly. Who doesnt love to hate Saffron? XD I adore Inara.
Verses to Live by A play on the Demotivators, Firefly style. Made by members of Fireflyfans.net. God, these are great.
Peace, love, and yaoi.
Paul Smecker: So you're telling me it was one guy with six guns, and he was a senior frigging citizen?