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myOtaku.com: Dark Phoenix

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Updated: Sat. April 8, 2006

WeezerBeverly Hills

May have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong oneHeh, I’m still sore today, no big surprise there. I may be going out to eat with my parents this evening, which would be a cool thing. I do hope everyone’s enjoying the Weezer.

Aww, Shadow babe, you are still my shadowan remember. Shanny’s teaching you the dark side remember, of which you have done quite well at. Ownage anyone? XD

And hey, for those older members who liked the mentor idea, go for it, yo. We’ll make out own little community out of it. =P

The O was mucked up for a good while yesterday, how long I’m not sure, so I’m going to repost my idea from yesterday below.


Repost 4/7:

This is an idea I picked up from the jedicouncil forums. When you join there, some of the older members, especially in the fanfic section, will take a newbie under their wing as a padawan of sorts. The Master, or older member, is there to answer any questions the padawan might have about the site, help them with ideas, help them get to know people in the community, and basically be a mentor. For a large community, it’s very helpful.

I’ve been around the myO for like, ever, and thought, what the hey? The otaku is growing quite a bit as well. New members come to me all the time with questions anyway. So I thought I’d give the mentor thing a shot here at the O and see if I can help anyone.

So yes, that’s right, I am in search of a padawan. What will I do for you? Well, you’ll get introduced on this page for one. I will help with any questions you may have and will even help with sprucing your myO page up. That’s right, I’ll actually help you design your page, if you wish. And you’ll at least have one person that will always visit you and comment on your page.

If you are a newbie, sound like something you’d be interested in? Want to be Shanny-bear’s padawan? I was going to have everyone PM there form, but as the PM’s still seem to be retarded, feel free to fill this out and post it under the comments. Remember, newbies only my friends. And so you know what I like as well, I’ll answer my own questions for you to read.

Nickname: Shanny
Member since: 9/27/03
Fav anime: Ranma ½
Likes: Anime, drawing, writing, fantasy and RPG’s, jamming in the car, singing to the radio, PSP, my Cruiser Leia and I’m a big movie buff.
Dislikes: Ignorance and intolerance, pushy or rude people, waiting in line, people who type shorthand, and anonymous cowards.
What I’m looking for in a Master/padawan: What I’d like in a padawan is someone whose tolerant of other people’s views, especially on the whole yaoi thing – doesn’t mean you have to like it, just be tolerant. Also, someone who’s easy to get along with would be nice and willing to follow instructions, should they want my help with something.


Jayne: Don't see much point getting involved in other people's troubles without an up-front price negotiation.
Zoë: As I said, no-one's forcing you to go. This job is purely speculative.
Jayne: Good. Don't know these people, don't much care to.
Mal: They're whores.
Jayne: I'm in.

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