Updated: Thur. June 22
Mood: Extremely annoyed (I just spilt water ALL over me, gah)
Now to bitch about work.
I stayed after an hour and a half last time to help out. One of our girls had to go home early. Her sister called from Pittsburg (where the rest of her family is located), her brother was shot and killed. Isn’t that a horrible call to get? And I really stupid way to tell someone, if you ask me. They should have called her house first and talk to someone else, and had them come there personally to tell her. You don’t tell someone something like that over the phone when you can do it in person.
And… our assistant manager is quitting. Le sigh. Most of us hate the manager, and the assistant one was the really nice one to work under. The moral has dropped around work already, and she isn’t even gone yet. It’s going to suck.
I’ll talk about Celtic stories next time. Its like 5am, I’m not a morning person, and I have to get ready for work, blah.
Dany – Heh, if only the rest of us were so endowed, eh? XD Heh, and what can I say, there’s just something about us fantasy buffs.
Shadow – I’d SO love to take you with me!
Loni – It’s all about the cleavage isn’t it? I wonder how comfortable bodices are. That’s right, it’s MINE. =P
Blarney (blar’ ne), n.
Gaelic oral tradition. Irish for bullshit.