Well, no history today, Im running short on time and I have to get ready for work, BOO. Anyway, Ill post it next time. I just wanted to say thanks for all the welcome backs everyone. ^__^ Aannnd, since everyone else is doing it gah for peer pressure, yo. Im going to go ahead and post this so I can start lining people up. Ripped from Sephys page. =P
Some Lovin'
1. Reply to this post if you want me to tell you how cool you are!
2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post just about you and why you rock.
3. Post these instructions in your journal and give your friends a much needed dose of love and adoration!
Because everybody loves getting a free ego boost.
EDIT: And just because I can... one of my favorite asian men. Watch him, you'll want his children.