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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
I wish my skool would blow up !!!!!
ok i haven't done "proper" post in a while so im gonna do one now......
Ok firstly i have WAY too much homework for one person, im sure they should have a limit on how much homework u can give to one person..........
I ave 6 english essays (each havin to be at least 2 pages), 6 science sheets along with a practise exam (which takes bout 2 hours), i have to learn stacks of French (i hate French) and i'm gonna get in trouble for not doin my R.S exam properly (like i care though)........
Ok sorry i just had to get dat off my chest its been buggin me dat i get so much homework where as all my friends dont nearly have the same amount as i do (all because im smarter then them....hows dat fair).........
Ok happier news my friends Cat just had kittens and i went over to see em today they r so adorable ^_^ and my mum mite buy one (she mite buy the Ginger one hehe)...
Any other news well emmm....im bein to really hate life in general (if ryudo see's this i'll kill myself) im beginning to wonder.......ok beta not go to that subject it just depresses me even further...
Ok well latez........
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Cool Pic of Cloud and a Quiz i found
I am a A Rift Dragon!
Hey, I took the http://dragonhame.com online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Rift Dragon on the inside.
In the war between good and evil, your inner Dragon self is rotten with the stench of EVIL....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos....
As far as magical tendancies, a Rift Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic....
During combat situations, the Rift Dragon shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat....
Rift Dragons are evil dragons that came into the world during the 3rd great dragon war, when the fighting and magic powers involved became so fierce that a hole was formed in the space-time continuum.'
From a Rift Dragons Head to the tip of its tail, the dragon is black, even more than that, the dragon absorbs all light that hits it. It is even believed by some that this is how the dragon feeds, by actually swallowing light it comes into contact with.'
Rift Dragons are cruel and merciless. They are worse than the enemy of all that is good, as they seem to the enemy of all that is living. A Rift Dragon will attack any living creature unless it is a creature of great power, even those of evil alignment. The Rift Dragon's main breath weapon is an anti-matter storm that engulfs it's victims, and often causes that victim (or part thereof) to literally cease to exist.
This Dragons favorite elements are: Antimatter and Pure Evil
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Monday, April 19, 2004
I am Legato Bluesummers, Knives' servant and underling. My orders are
to make Vash the Stampede experience eternal pain and suffering.
I use my telepathy to control people for my own purposes.
Which Trigun character are you?
Find out!
Ok im not really anyone's servant so i kinda resent dat
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Poor Gaara
I no this may sound wierd but i feel sorry for Gaara of the Sand because well he lost his mother, hes father constantly tried to kill him, and the only friend he had told him that he hates him !!!! And he hasn't had sleep for well ever.....and he has a monster inside him and dats y every1 is scraed of him and all he wanted was a friend.....ok if u saw da episode where it explains gaara's past u can understand wot da hell im talkin bout !!!
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
i like this pic
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
ok LOADS of naruto things (although i dont agree with all of em)

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Friday, April 16, 2004
  *backs against wall* Your just a teeny bit angery at the world around you. You either don't like people in general, Or you just don't like your life. Black usually fits your intrest in colors *growl* but I could be wrong! *cowers in corner*
Whats Your Inner Attitude? (For girls) Anime Pics (many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
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theOtaku.com: What is Your Outlaw Star Personality Disorder?
Hehe this kinda sums me up
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Em does me havin control over life mean i can kill ppl ??? i hope so hehe *evil grin*
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