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Friday, April 15, 2005
Listening To: Evanescence
Ack man! It's like 6:30am here, i haven't slept at all, and i ain't even tired! And i'm running out of coke >.> Damn it all *shakes fist* I'm hopefully going out today with Rich etc. I want to go out *pouts* i miss Paul n Mic honestly. Although i was out with them last week, we don't hang out as often as we use too, i'm usually with Rich instead (Mic's bro).
Anyway, i didn't get up too much yesterday, made some new graphics, not too many, but i had alot of requests over at LF, so they had be occupied for a while:

And you know what? I kept crying yesterday. And i had *no* reason too. I was actually happy, and then i started to cry, then i got into a slightly depressive mood. And then i cried once again. But nothing trigured it o.O I don't cry *that* much, so it was just weird. Ohhh and i think i might write a fic, what you all think? Feel up to reading a One-Shot fic by lil old me?
Ohh, and i *really* want to change this theme (its beginning to bore the hell out of me). But what should i have?
Joey Angst
Seto Angst
As you can see, its all guna be YGO related. But i *so* need to change this theme, as much as i love the dancing lollipops, the rest of the theme is BLAH!
Anyway, i'm off, but not before i give you two questions (answers can be as crude as ya want XD I'll post me own answers tomorrow):
1 - If you were the opposite sex for a day, what would you do?
2 - If you could ask your fav anime char *anything* what would it be? And would do you reckon their reaction/answer would be?

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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Listening To: Linkin Park
Hey yo people. Sorry bout not updating yesterday, went out for a while. Dropping off CVs to a few places, seems i've almost certainly got a Saturday job, and if i'm lucky, a more premanant fixture. There all at clothes stores, but i don't mind that, seems easy enough.
I want a huge shout out to LockHeartifa. Happy Birthday babe ^.^ You mean alot to me and alot of other MyOtaku people, never change hun, your the best <33 Now for your daily dose of computer graphics:

And this is a poem i wrote especially for LHT. Love ya babe <3

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Listening To: Snow Patrol
Sorry i wasn't here yesterday. I was just lazing around, watching TV and junk. And i honestly had nothing to talk about, so it saved you some time on reading my crap anyway haha. Tomorrow i'm on another hunt for a job *le sigh* lets hope i get one this time. Or at least an interview. I want money *pouts*
Anyway, i'm bored, and you probably are as well, so heres some more junk i made (the first 3 won awards):

I'm quite proud of that last thing. Took a damn good time to do ya know ~_~ And the amount of pink fucking gave me a headache (i'm being serious). Anyway enjoy enjoy.

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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Listening To: Evanescence
No pretty things today, i was barely on the computer yesterday. I never went bowling with Sarah, she had some things to do, and i honestly couldn't be bothered XD I just laid down for hours upon hours just thinking hehe. I did however go out with Michelle, Rich and Paul at night.
Paul has his arm in a cast, and Mic and him were arguing quite abit ~_~ I am soo fucking sick of arguments its unreal! *Le Sigh* But it was fun, we drove around for awhile. And Michelle was trying to be as random as me. I think i was just really hyper last night X3 I kept jumping around in circles and being overly stupid. Paul, Mic n Rich have nicknamed me 'Fruit Loop' -.-; I ain't random, i'm just always in me own damn world haha. Paul confused me with this right hand. left hand thing. I think he actually gave me a headache >.> But that was short lived since i got stoned and then went home to sleep like a baby b^.^d
Neh neh neh neh. I have nothing else to say, YGO is on in 20mins and i will be making extra bits and bobs for your viewing pleasure hehe.

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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Listening To: Evanescence
Hello people! Ok first things first, i'm guna bitch, you don't wanna hear it, then just skip this lil part. Once again, i've found a mook who can't fucking read! Can everyone please read the first line of my intro, if you read it, it says "I'm a fan of yaoi n yuri, and won't hesitate to post either on my site. If you don't like it, leave now". I was sure as hell i made that perfectly clear. But apperantly not! Some dick decides to call me gross, tells me to get a life, and then calls me gross again! Of course the silly fucker deletes his post about an hour later, and i don't want his GB entry poisoning my GB. Ack! I'm sorry, but that is just plain annoying. Especially when my 1st line gives a warning of what my site will contain! Moron...
Anyway, i went out last night with Sarah, Rich and Mike. We only sat around Rich's house but it was cool. Rich n Mike were looking thru this magazine called MAX. Its about cars etc. And every few pages all you would hear from Mike is "Ohh titties" hehe. That made me crack up XD Just the way he said it, and how random it was. I'm going out later today with Sarah as well, bowling i think. And shes paying >.< I hate when other people pay! But she insists, and i honestly don't have money. As i said, my dad is away and i can't exactly ask him to come home to give me some money (well i can, but he'll say no, so no point XD).
Because i was out, i didn't get many icons/banners done. But i did get two poems done. They...well...they mean alot to me.
Bid Me This Painless Dream
Send me to my heavenly place,
Where crimson waters are never spilled,
And the grass is greener on the other side.
Let me spread these broken wings,
And find a place i may call my own.
For this cruel reality is choking me,
Weighing me down with long lost burdens.
Lift my dying spirit and bid me death,
For this bleeding heart of mine,
Is over flowing with sorrow.
It's poison slowly killing my system,
Destroying all my hope and courage.
And i can't survive the next blow,
My soul is already shattered into pieces.
Take me to the place where i can live my life,
Without feeling the pain of the past,
Or the dying hope that tomorrow i will wake.
Remove your death grip from me,
I wish to walk away from it all.
To not awaken in your arms anymore,
But to breathe in my own little haven.
My Release
I look over this disaster,
This living breathing plague,
And fall into heavenly sleep,
Where skies are blue,
And grass is green.
Living in this lie is bliss,
And i don't want to hear the truth,
For it might kill me.
Might kill my slumbering lifeline,
Where every sinful deceit,
Brings a smile to my normally somber face.
This dying reality is faded,
Behind forever half closed eyes,
And i wouldn't have it any other way.
I won't allow my only refuge,
To disappear in weakening arms.
Don't try to fix whats broken,
It can't be saved,
For that which is broken,
Enjoys watching it's world fall to pieces,
Looking forward to the day it will break completely.
Until that day i wrap up in fake smiles and blank eyes,
Dreaming that my dreams will be dreams no more.

Anyway, i'm off people, have a gooden!

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Friday, April 8, 2005
Listening To: Evanescence (yet again >.>)
Well first things first, if you are a member of SAFF, and i know some of you are, could you please check out the latest entry?! Ok, onto other things, i watched the last episode of AIR last night *sniff* tis sad. I love that anime, Misuzu is my fav anime girl character, ever! She's just so damn loveable its unreal!
Anyway, i will hopefully talk to Michelle today, i want to know whats happening with Paulos and all. And thank you to those people who posted links! They really helped *beams* thankies for helping me out *hugs tight* It was ultra coolies of ya'll. Other then that, my dad, Trish and Paige are all going away to the caravan today. They asked me to come, but i declined because i had already told Rich i would go out with him today, plus i wanna try and see Mic and Paul. But i still felt bad saying no, they always ask me to come, but i always say no. They are trying to involve me, yet i never go, well next time i'll definatly go ^^ Always wanted too.
Dear God, i've babbled enoughs, so here are some pretty things to keep your mind company (emm, i kinda had a brain malfunction when i done the Hula Hoops one >.>):

You can see i made a few AIR things ^^ Hehe. Ohh and i would have put up more icons, but i entered some into an icontest, and you ain't allowed to post the icons anywhere else till the contest is over.

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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Evanscence - Going Under
Well Michelle is scarying the hell out of me right now. Can't keep her off my mind. Why? Well Paul was in an accident, him and his motorbike decided to try and fly. From what i've heard he's only injured his leg and arm, although he needs an operation of some sort (only a lil one i'm thinking). And Michelle would have had a heart attack if i wasn't keeping her busy (i was entertaining her by being an idiot). So here i am sitting here like a lemon, while Michelle is probably popping veins.
*Sigh* Anyway, what else? I kinda realised something last night while talking to Val. I told her about when i was depressed about being called a failure. And well i realised that none of them had ever said it out of spite, (other then my stupid sister). So that must mean thats what they truely think? And well, i believe it now. Heh, what a comforting thought neh? Anyway, not like it matters, why should ya'll care. As pure usual, i was on PS7 for a long time, came up with new things:

But i'm guna ask a favour of you all. If you know any decent sites where i can find free anime screenshots, would ya give me a link? I really want to do more icons other than just YGO, but i don't know where to find screenshots of other anime ~_~ Yes, i like using offical pictures haha, not fanart. It could be any anime really, i've seen quite a few, and sometimes i don't even need to have seen the anime to make something *grins* I would be grateful if you could take a moment or two to help me out here. Or if you know a decent YGO screenshot site, then i'm all ears (although suggesting Kokoro No Naka or Janime isn't much help, since i go to those two often then not).

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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Listening To: Evanescence - Imaginary
Hmm, not much happened yesterday. Found out which episodes they skipped. Not as many as i thought :O But still a damn good few. They skipped from Ep 118 - 143 *le sigh* and they are all the decent angsty episodes as well *le sigh once more* Anyway, i will try d/l em, if i can't do that, then, i will have to save up money fast XD I am planning to buy the whole series anyway, but i'll just have to do it quicker.
Other than that, i won two icon awards over at LiveJournal b^.^d One for best text the other for most creative hehe. If i get enough awards i might just post a link to them. Why? Because i am damn well proud of em XP And, as you guessed, been making more junk haha, so for your viewing pleasure:

Yes yes, Sephy loves Joey angst, i can't help it. I think hes a very good angsty person, should be more of that in the anime. But then again, i love his stupid/silly attitude as well. I just can't win can i?

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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Listening To: Evanescence - My Last Breath
Well i'm thoroughly pissed off with Nicktoons. Why? Well they show YGO, everyday at 6pm. They were showing one episode at a time, which i was very happy about. Then last week, they had this "Fairly Odd Parents" week, so they never showed YGO. But now that YGO is back on, guess what? They've skipped about 2/3 seasons! I'm not even lieing! Last i saw of it, Yugi had just beaten Noa in a duel, now its at this episode where they meet Varon, i think his name is. ARGH! So pissed off its unreal. I now have to save up money to buy all the DVDs. I really really wanted to see the episodes where Joey is in a coma, but now, i can't because Nicktoons had to be a bitch. Grrr.
Anyway, other then that i did nothing but make things, so here they all are:

Can ya tell i was in a creative mood last night? And that i love Joey angst? I'm sorry but Joey angst is love <33

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Monday, April 4, 2005
Listening To: Evanescence - Tourniquet
Sorry if i didn't get round to any pages last night. I was up my mums, and you guessed it, Lauren hogged the computer till 4am. Heh. Well the only news i have is about two movies, SAW and Identity. If you haven't seen either of these two yet, and are planning too, you might not wanna read this, may contain spoilers heh.
Well SAW is fucking great. That puppet is the scariest thing i have ever seen in my life...so i will be making icons and banners of the scary fucker XD But isn't the ending the biggest twist ever? The film totally reminds me of SE7EN (if you've seen SAW and liked it, and you ain't seen SE7EN, i suggest you go do so now).
I love the psyhco ways they think up to kill people. Or in the case of SAW, think up ways of making people kill themselves. One of my fav scenes is that Amanda, the one with the metal jaw trap on. She looks like something from a Marilyn Manson video does she not? Especially when shes running around heh, i will also have to make icons and banners of her.
Identity is genius b^.^d I've seen it before, quite a while back, but i re-watched it last night, just because i love it so. Who would have suspected the boy as the killer? Hah, me and Steve thought that the lil boy represented Malcolm (the guy with the Multiple Personality Disorder) when he was a kid, and was going thru all that shit. That Paris girl, represented Malcolm's mum, because shes a whore heh. Anyway, i've probably just confused a hell of a lot of you, but hey, thats what i'm special at.
Did anyone ever hear that poem at the end of Identity? I wrote it down...and you guessed it...will be making somethings with that poem. Why? Because the poem is just plain weird, here it is:
"When i was going up the stairs today,
I met a man, who wasn't there,
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, i wish he'd go away."
Anyway...enough of my babbling, most of you just probably skipped it anyway *shrugs* So heres a pic:

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