Birthday 1988-03-11 Gender
Female Member Since 2004-02-14 Real Name Josie dark sephiroth
Monday, August 23, 2004
Another Yummy Pic OMG Cloud and chains woop ^^ wouldnt mind being in that little scene ^_~ sorry for those who dont like yaoi but i just seem to be in this little phase at the moment lol especially with my fanfic going and all ^^ and sorry for those who find them to hot (wtf mate O.o ?? lol) and cant seem to peel there eyes from de screen (believe me when i first saw em it took it a long while to get da will power to change site XD).
Anyway thank ye to those who visited my friend Epona mucha apperciated ^^ and those who actually went to my site to read my updated version of my yaoi fanfic ^^ and i decided that one of the chapters might contain emm abit of fun between the lads haha ^^ i was debating with myself and decided it will be a side chapter and not have much to do with da storyline itself XD ok well thank ye for reading ^^ and heres da yummy pic of Cloud and Zack in chains ^^