myOtaku.com: dark sephiroth
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Ok HUGE vent. Im pissed off with someone at bluelaguna. Lately alot of people make threads like 'banner and avatar making'. Our forum has some real cool banners and avatars. These people have the programs to make them and ask people for requests. But the minute I ask for a request i get shot off. Why? I dont fucking know, its not like im asking for fucking mission impossible. And these ppl always say they have spare time on their hands, and that they LIKE creating these thing for people. WHY NOT ME!! Just cos i want a banner thats abit more emm darker then most you blow me off. WELL FUCK YOU!!
Sephiroth: I think you should calm down, its only a banner
D Seph: Well i got real excited about this, because the piccys i picked were WAY cool and completely show what type of person i am *pouts* Anyway help me go kill a few thousand random people
Sephiroth: But they aint done nothing
D Seph: Since when in the fuck did you care about others? Give me the sword ill do it my fucking self *grabs masamune and goes off killing random people*
Sephiroth: Emm i dont think shes coming back *watches D Seph* nope, ok ill finish her post. Well her extremely bad mood isnt only because of the silly little banners. Her sister is going university and anyone whos knows D Seph well, knows her sister is her biggest idol in life. And also lately people seem to think shes really ok, and happy. Until they see the new scar on her arm that is. And even then they dont seem to bothered. D Seph thinks people have stopped caring for her (in real life) and she feels like some sorta ghost. *Sigh* shes so sad, yet she keeps it all to herself. Anyway she reached 4000 hits. Although i dont think shes really bothered atm. Have you ever noticed that when she says she depressed and hate slife that she seems perfectly ok when commentin on ppl's site? Thats her puttin on an act, she been doin it recently. She doesnt want to lose anymore friends cos of her silly depression bouts. She thinks shes lost two of her gals over msn, they dont speak to her as much, and it bums her >.> Ok well better go and stop her before she kills more people. And dont worry shes glad shes back, otherwise how else could she vent so much?
Sephiroth: Ohh before i go, D Seph went on a search for a YGO yaoi piccy, especially for all you YGO yaoi fans

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