Birthday 1988-03-11 Gender
Female Member Since 2004-02-14 Real Name Josie dark sephiroth
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Listening To: Snow Patrol Sorry i wasn't here yesterday. I was just lazing around, watching TV and junk. And i honestly had nothing to talk about, so it saved you some time on reading my crap anyway haha. Tomorrow i'm on another hunt for a job *le sigh* lets hope i get one this time. Or at least an interview. I want money *pouts*
Anyway, i'm bored, and you probably are as well, so heres some more junk i made (the first 3 won awards):
I'm quite proud of that last thing. Took a damn good time to do ya know ~_~ And the amount of pink fucking gave me a headache (i'm being serious). Anyway enjoy enjoy.