Birthday 1988-03-11 Gender
Female Member Since 2004-02-14 Real Name Josie dark sephiroth
Sunday, May 16, 2004
YAY Well the party was VERY boring but i found out something out thats way cool..........MY MUM IS FINALLY LETTING ME HAVE COLOUR IN MY HAIR......i think its cos i constantly bug her bout it hehe
.......Im going to get red streaks b4 the dina dance
Ok yea not a big thing to those who have multi coloured hair.............but i hate the boring colour of my hair and my mum has always said i cant get it coloured till i leave her house all because my hair is blonde and she says ppl would kill to have ur colour hair..........
And today i went to get the boots to my goth outfit that im wearing to my dinner dance (a farewell disco at my skool for those who are leaving)........
When i get a job there are two things im doing
1-Going up to Bradford to see CG ^_^
2-Buying tons on the stuff from Camdem Market.........i was walking around and wishing i had loads of money there was so many cool things there ^_^