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Oregon...wishing I had a lap to lay across...T_T
Member Since
Paradoxical species: a Cute/Anti-Cute Crossbreed.
Real Name
Erica, Erikeet, Erika-chan...
Growing more wise and less intelligent every day...
Anime Fan Since
The Summer of '99.
Favorite Anime
My anime world's dying...gack...Excel Saga, Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha, Naruto, Pokemon, Armitage, Dual!, G Gundam, and Rouroni Kenshin.
Draw comics successfully without using blasted screentone. X /
RPGs, other games, drawing/penciling, writing, Magic, anime, laughing, cute shit.
Staying alive without pumping myself with drugs, alcohol, GE food, and spiritual evasion. Plus some.
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
It's so freaking--I don't know! Lately, I've been acting giddy, happy, hyper, WEIRD, RANDOM, accident-prone, bubbly--
--and I'm on Cloud Nine. WTF? Yeeeeaaahh...people might think I'm just in a good mood, in love, crazy, or had too much sugar. Maybe a combination of all, minus the sugar, of course. ^^;
I'm a happy idiot. I don't know why. I'm temporarily a ditzy brunette. I dunno how long this'll go on--probably for a long-ass time, probably not. 9.9; I've been acting uncharacteristically cute, and just plain offbeat.
Yesh, I still get irritated easily, as always, but overall, I wish I could run up walls and sing upside down--
...wait, did that make sense? Coming from me, it probably didn't. -_o;
*thinks about a certain someone* Anybooze, good fortunes for Erica--I finally my own room got before all my 19 years of living a room with my sister!! Whoohoo!! ^o^ But only because moved out my brother did...went for Portland to college--so moving out did he. <_>; Before transferred out of Eastern Oregon University he did, Justin was to come home for holidays he did, but now that Portland State University no campus has, he with friend permanently lives...<_<;
Erica ishad. Very shad. T_T
But me ish happy now! Vewwy vewwy happy now ishee!! Own room she has!
Best friend of year 5 also has, but he romantically involved with another, so he not see me as significant no mores. Proof is in teh way he acts. But no worries no mores! I is fine! Yeshyesh, finefinefine! Eee-heeeeeeee!!! :D
Me no care! Nonono! Not at all! To get over something you have to find something betteh!! Betteh I I found!
*runs away, slams into incoming viewer* x_X
Buh-bye for now! Something else stoopid next time Erica will post!! ^o^
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
Well, today was boring as all hell.
I woke up around 8:30, had corn flakes and Minute Maid, then went to apply at the supermarket, Roseaurs--hopefully I get into the bakery, heh. ^_^
I already applied to a few other places, but no one's hired me yet, and I can't find the freaking phone book anywhere so I can ring 'em up. <.>;
I'm at a point in my current life where I don't know what to do. Everything makes me feel uncertain. I dunno when I should go to art school, or what. I'm still feeling incredibly indecisive.
So far, my key abilities include penciling and/or concept art, creative writing/art, and a growing interest in baking.
I know that I will go to an art school, but I dunno what to do about a career.
This sucks. I wish life didn't have to revolve around making a damned living all the time. Everything's about money. Shit, we may as well have it for breakfast every morning. >_O
I feel like I'm on some sort of assembly line--go to school to get educated, graduate, get more education so I can make more money. Then what? Retire and die of old age?
Psh. Boring plan, heh. But when I step back and take everything from a bird's-eye view, it appears that this is everyone's goal, or what everyone wants. I'm not saying it IS so, but to me it just seems like it.
I dunno. Maybe I'm being a dumb blonde in disguise. I hate long-term goals, heh. I like short-term goals. Whee.
Whatever. It's my life and I'm pleased to know that I can live it in any way I want. If I wanna go to an art school, I'll go. I wanna learn about baking, and better my creative writing skills, cause I love writing fiction.
So I guess I'll end up as a gaming artistic baker, heh. That writes fiction, lol. XD
At least I can give myself a title. :-p Whee!
*falls over cause she can't find anything intelligent to say in her entries* #T.T#
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Friday, September 3, 2004
AH--!! AH--!!!
*falls over*
C- x.X
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Bweh. . . .--. --;
Meh, it's almost 11:30 at night and I think it's about time I updated myO. A great time to, well. . .*scratches head* update it. *nods*
Lemme see. . .so late at night, so many possiblities a numbed mind can come up with. -.o
I KNOW! A SONG!! Yeah!!!
*blows on a kazoo*
A-Once upon a time,
There was a stinky old man!
And this stinky old man had
A naaaaaaame! *claps three times*
And-a this stinky old man,
Had forgot his name!
And pointed at his television,
Who took the blaaaaaame!!
He-a yelled and-a fussed,
Kicked and cussed,
Because maybe the
TV's not bein'-a right and just!
The TV-a said, "Hey, now!
"What did I do?
"You're the one who's got-a
"Nothin' else to do!" *claps*
"I can't help it
"If you-a love to
"Gaze upon meh!
"Cause I'm a tel-ee-vision
"And that's all y'do!" (whee!)
So the 'tinky old man
Went to Dr. Fox
Who lived-a in the woods
In a card--board--box!
"I forgot my-a name!
"Please-a help me Doc! *claps*
"I've watched so much
"That my memory went-a POP!"
"Here's what Fox'll do-a,
"He'll give-a you a pill,
"That if you take it
"With-a milk, your memory
"Will come back wit'a *ping!*"
So the 'tinky old man,
Took the pill and went'home,
There he consumed it with milk,
Just like the doc had shown.
*Ping!* Went the sound,
The old man blinked,
Then he remembered his name,
And thought, "Gosh, my brain stinked!"
Now that the old-a man remembered,
And what Doctor Fox says,
"Now that I know my name,
It's gotta be-a DES!"
. . . . ok, yeah, that's a pretty halfassed song, lol. What gives, it's now a quarter after midnight. *_*
Alright, alright, I'll go now before I come up with something else. XD
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Thursday, July 29, 2004
Door-to-door advertisers suck just as much as the rest.
Yeah. Just a little bit of entertainent for the bored people.
This actually happened around noon today.
A door-to-door idiot was offering four free oil changes for $29.99.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
The Many Layers of Erica.
-- Name: Erica Pridgen (if my ancestors didn't shorten it, my last name would've been 'von Pridgenhousen').
-- Birthplace: Hood River, Oregon.
-- Gender: Uh, corn flakes?
-- Eye Color: Dark Sewer Brown
-- Hair Color: Dark Sewer Brown
-- Height: 5'7''
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty-O!! It's also the strongest of the two. (My left is pathetic, heh. U^_^)
-- Zodiac Sign: Leo. If you know me, it's too obvious.
-- Your heritage: Uh...German Nazi!! Naw, just plain German. Mostly, anyway. Kidding, y'all. And I think the rest Irish or something. *shrugs*
-- The shoes you wore today: None so far...I love going barefoot. Maybe that's why my feet look so calloused. :confused:
-- Your fears: Heights, losing my friends to their own selfish desires, being clouded from the truth, and the paranoid audial/visual hallucinations I seem to get after dark, generally when I'm not around civilization. -_o Being alone and unarmed doesn't help the situation.
-- Your perfect meal: Chicken chow mein with sweet/sour ginger soy sauce, spaghetti, and buffalo burgers! AND CHOCOLATE SOY MILK! Not a meal, but my favorite foods, nonetheless. U^_~*
-- Goals you'd like to achieve: Working as an art director/character designer/concept artist on a development team. I've yet to try out computer animation. I will publish my Tizzy: Public Unrest comic and my Darkrose story (but I'm not even done with the Prologue, lol).
-- Your thoughts first waking up: "Go pee. Now. Then cater to Toonces, Neko, Whiskers, and Pedro's needs. Then I can eat whatever's in the kitchen suitable for breaking my night's fast."
-- Your best physical feature: Whatever's between ground level and 67 inches off it, except for the butt. GAARGH!! :shakefist:
-- Your bedtime: Unlike a lot of people I know, I generally sleep between 7-9 hours every night, regardless. I can go to bed between 12-3 a.m. and get up between 8-10 a.m. Generally I get up around 8-ish.
-- Your most missed memory(ies): Huh? Being with my best friend Jon, which are also my most treasured, but second only to the memories I have with my family.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Neither. They include phosphoric acid, which eats away at the enamel on your teeth, not to mention it contains white sugar, which weakens your immune system somewhat for about 4 hours.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Again, neither, which is one of the reasons why I'm Not Proud to be American. If I wanna burger, I wait until my dad's able to grill it on the barbecue. My heart thanks me.
- Single or group dates: Both! But if I'm just getting to know someone, a group date makes things easier and funner.
-- Adidas or Nike: Mostly Adidas--I like the striped, retro look they got. *shrugs*
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: No tea for me.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Neither, but on occasion, coffee with cocoa mixed in. I try and keep caffeine consumption to a minimun.
-- Smoke: No. Why should I? o_O;;
-- Cuss: Without thinking, yeah.
-- Sing: Like Rikku from FFX-2. It's sad. But luckily, I don't sing very often--it's mostly cuz I suck with lyrics. >_O
-- Take a shower: Duh, unless I'm on a trip, lol! But I don't shampoo every single day, since it would wash off the good oils. But I am clean and niiiiiice-smelling, too, unless I've been over-active, heh. U^_^ Hey, I don't sweat perfume! Perfume sucks, anyways.
-- Have a crush: Ahaha...not for a good four or five years now. Even if I end up "having a crush" on somebody, I'll get over it quickly.
-- Do you think you've been in love: It's inevitable.
-- Want to go to college: It depends on what kind and what they offer. I'm not about to just grab one and expect good things.
-- Liked high school: Aaaaaah...mixed feelings. What stands out most is being goofy and stupid, and playing Smash Bros. Melee and Halo during lunchtime.
-- Want to get married: Mmmmm...I shouldn't be thinking about that now. But yes, of course, but when I'm 24-26, heh.
-- Get motion sickness: Yeah, unless I cover the car window to blot out the motion from the corner of my eye.
-- Think you're attractive: Lol! It depends on my mood. But yeah, of course, but not very much at all. But I do hate a few physical features about myself, of course, but I DO know that I'm fine, as long as I don't go over my jean size of 9 through 12-ish.
-- Think you're a health freak: My brother calls me a hippie. And I'm a tree-hugger. And I don't drive. WTF is wrong with that?! It's a bad sign in society when the name "health freak" becomes part of someone's vocabulary.
-- Get along with your parent(s): My parents rock. Most of this is due to respect and doing what I SHOULD do to them, not what my adolescent horomones tell me. Sorry, rebels, I don't succumb to ignorant bigotry anymore. I'm glad that phase is over with, heh! ^_^
-- Like thunderstorms: YEAH! WOOHOO!
-- Play an instrument: Recorder, keyboard...sometimes my brother's bass...and I suck all around.
In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: No, I prefer sanity.
-- Smoked: No, and for many legitimate reasons, too.
-- Done a drug: Over-the-counter or illegal? o_O;; Whatever I can use for allergies, but that's it. I can take heachaches.
-- Had Sex: No. I'm too occupied to care.
-- Made Out: No, and I'm proud to have the magic ability to control myself, whether or not I have a boyfriend.
-- Gone on a date: Hm. Well, no, if you mean with a boyfriend, although it doesn't really have to be one.
-- Gone to the mall?: That's a n00b question. Of course I have! The Edmonton Mall in Canada! w00t!!
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, nor do I plan to. Too much white sugar.
-- Eaten sushi: Nope. I prefer my meat cooked.
-- Been on stage: Yeah, but for an award and for graduation. I didn't even feel nervous, although I do get restless when I'm waiting to get off it. >_O
-- Been dumped: No. And "dumping" someone is a pretty low term to use. And so is "breaking up." Just tell people you're just simply not dating the other person, instead of being all dramatic and making a federal case out of it. o_O;;
-- Made homemade cookies: Yep. I hate cooking, but I love baking. To me, there's a difference.
-- Gone skinny dipping: Hell, no.
-- Dyed your hair: Ahaha...yeah, and I regret it. It was a nice bloody color though.
-- Stolen anything: Hm. The last thing I stole was a pack of gum from Roseaurs when I was four years old. But seriously, I'm not that much of a cheap-*** anymore. I walk the path of honesty.
LAYER NINE: (it's about time the subject focused on guys!! x_xU)
In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color?: Why would that matter? It's not like I enjoy staring into his eyes for minutes on end! My attention span's too short. -_o
-- Best hair color?: AH! Dark. Oooh, yeah, dark.
-- Short or long hair?: I'm never fond of very short hair. Not shaggy or messy, but in a "you need to get it trimmed" look. Guys in Japan have that look, too. *_*
-- Best weight: No unders or overs for me.
-- Best articles of clothing: Don't care, as long as it's not the "baggy" look and their clothes aren't sloppy. I don't like big, loose t-shirts on my guys. It makes them look puny, lol.
-- Number of drugs taken: Tch. Like I keep track.
-- Number of piercings: None so far. I'll get my ears pierced this summer, but that's all I'll do. I don't NEED any more than that. U-_-
-- Number of tattoos: None. Nor do I care. What's the point?
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: I don't know. Maybe three times, including the high school paper, sadly enough.
-- Number of scars on my body: Hm. I used to have tons of cat scratches, but so far, there's only one on my left arm, where I accidentally stabbed myself while cutting a box up. XD
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Since I'm honest, open-minded, and mostly, if not at all, humble, A LOT! The one that stands out the most includes my best friend, and only he should know about it. -_o
Hoped you enjoyed reading it... sorry it was so boring! Peace out!
Current Obsessions
-Wanting to defeat Undine in Tales of Symphonia, and I still can't.
-Animal Crossing (Please hit me!)
-Vin Diesel
-Not having a scanner.
-Wanting to help out my friends any way I'm able, but that's always an obsession.
-SEPHIROTH!!!!!! DANTE!!!!!!
-MXC on SpikeTV (only I don't have cable anymore T_T)
-My good 'ol inked/sketched cat-chan kids.
-The Legend of Zelda fanart I did with Prismas on black paper.
-Mega Man X and Mega Man Xtreme fanart.
-I was gonna put up my penciled Rei Ayami portrait.
Check Out My...
So, Do I Do...
Art Trades - Nnnnnope.
Collaborations - Uh, no.
Requests - Tch--yeah! But if I have time. A friend wanted me to draw a vampire w/a katana, but I lost my patience and gave up. I couldn't do a good enough action pose. I'm a perfectionist. But if it's a fanart, such as DBZ, I'll need resources.
Friends, Loves and Clubs!
??? o_O;;
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Monday, July 26, 2004
BLARGH! ! ! !
AHAAHAHAAA! ! ! LOOK! LOOK! MyOtaku has been updated! ! ! ! Holy shiznit!
YEAH! *coughs*
Anyways, I finally got A.C.R.O.S.S. back up, that Excel Saga fan club-thingy I started before v7 came around. I currently have about. . .4 members, 2 which mysteriously vanished but meh. *shrugs*
Panda has always been and always will be the official pizza chef. I say she's improved since we last had her pizza--nowadays I don't need a stomach pump. XD
And something bad happened yesterday after I entered the OB Chat for the first time (hey, good thing is, I got to know more peeps). For some reason, Shin kept showing his legs all the time, traumatizing me into an unnatural state. I think he started doing that after I found a human hair in my slice of cheese.
(<_____>) And Laura showed me her and her youth group leader (ice)skating or something, and now I'm scared shitless seeing that she looked like she wanted to eat the camera. I swear you could fit a watermelon in that mouth. (O_O); Gaaaawd.
Anywho, with that bantering aside, I bet you're bored, huh?
Cool, that means I can be through with updating. WHEE!
Yes. I'm done updating! No more for another week...or month! Or year! Gahahahahaaaaa!!!
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Monday, March 8, 2004
Guess what I had for breakfast again? HIPPIE CEREAL! WHOO!
Well, a cat literally walked into my house last Monday. She's spayed, about 3 years old, which is about the same age as my own cat, Neko.
I forgot to shut the back door, and I was sitting in the living room and, when I leaned back to look at the door, there stood a black and white kitty, about Neko's size.
It looked familiar (neighbor's cat, perhaps?). Obviously, she was either neglected or lost. Or maybe she decided to move out of her old house and live with us, and our four cats.
And as you may have guessed, we took her in as a "foster cat." My mom put up a sign at the supermarket, stating that the cat was found [insert address] and acted lost. It kinda did.
And to all who care, I named the cat Kaoru, from Rouroni. She responds to that name pretty damned well!
Kaoru's apparantly used to people, and maybe cats, being around her. She doesn't fight or fuss, and she's pretty humble and accepts the "the order of the cat" that floats around our house.
For example, when out three "elder" cats (two are about 12 years old, and the other's 17) growls at her, Kaoru just looks at them, but usually just avoids eye contact.
And when Neko, my kitty, bats at her and "whines," that means she's saying "Mine!" She did that when Kaoru attempted to walk over to me, lol! (I was sitting on the floor behind Neko) Eventually, as the week passed, Neko grew more tolerant of her.
I dunno if the batting and meowing (not yowling) is Neko's way of playing or keeping Kaoru in her place, but now, they BOTH sleep on my bed, sometimes as close as a foot from each other, but they don't sleep together in that sense.
Neko's not very affectionate, or in any way enjoys showing it, but she's not evil, either. She's just tolerant and somewhat standoffish, so she generally gives off the message that's always clear: "You can be near me but just don't touch me, okay? Then I might acknowledge that you exist."
Cats are great, lol! ^_^
Oh, yeah. Right now it's 12:45 PM. I have an art class next.
What will I do that's so grandiose?? Post my artwork on OB! Shazam!! Consider yourself fortunate! I also hoping to seek out some competition (however, there won't be any stupid Art Contest 2004 for me...the rules suck).
In the next two hours, ready yourselves as my art explodes onto the scene! I'm talkin' mainly originals here! 'Won't be seein' TOO much fanart, no siree!
Oh, yeah, the weather's been godly as of the first dawning hours! 70 degrees, and clear! So why am I donning a goosefeather jacket? Because I CAN!!
Nyah! =^.^=
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Tuesday, March 2, 2004
Hrm. Well, I'm not gonna say much today. Poor Panda's sick...or was. ^.^' *orders a pizza* Maybe she should take a break.
I decided against buying Metroid: Zero Mission for a while. Same goes for the new Harvest Moon game for the GCN. I'll just get those later.
I need to quit putting off scanning my artwork/Wang and Nut comics and posting it up. Everyone on OB's missing out. *winks*
Well, speaking of, my DBZ collage-poster won Second Place at an Art Show. SHAZAM! It was for the Mixed Media category. The medium was colored pencil/ink.
Whoo hoo! All Hail the Great Dark Serena! *coughcough*
I dunno if I'll be able to post THAT up. My sister won't let me use her digital camera to photograph it. Not only is too big to scan, but it's probably too big to post up, too.
Doubt it, though. <_<
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Ugh...maybe I shouldn't have pulled an all-nighter Monday when I bought FF X-2, but I just simply couldn't resist. Now it's Wednesday, and I have I'm not depressed (gimme a break here) or anything, I just feel...lethargic. Of course, I've been like this before.
Maybe I'm sick. Nowadays don't feel like attending classes and whatnot, or even enjoying things I typically enjoy (there's a new sketchbook at the stationary store for 20 bucks I've been drooling over. It's a hardcover sketchbook that is bound like a book). I just wanna go home and crash. I don't seem to have any juice in my particularly large batteries.
Uurrrrr.....*head drops onto table* Then there's my schoolwork that I need to do. It's not like I'm deliberately slacking off or anything, I just...there's just times when I don't feel like doing it. I don't mind schoolwork (well, it depends, usually), such as History, but for some reason, I've been loathing it.
Sorry if I sound like I'm whining. Maybe I am whining. Whatever the case, I'm not in a sunny mood right now (well, it IS about 10:30 in the morning). There'll be laughs later.
Promise. ~_~
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