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Oregon...wishing I had a lap to lay across...T_T
Member Since
Paradoxical species: a Cute/Anti-Cute Crossbreed.
Real Name
Erica, Erikeet, Erika-chan...
Growing more wise and less intelligent every day...
Anime Fan Since
The Summer of '99.
Favorite Anime
My anime world's dying...gack...Excel Saga, Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha, Naruto, Pokemon, Armitage, Dual!, G Gundam, and Rouroni Kenshin.
Draw comics successfully without using blasted screentone. X /
RPGs, other games, drawing/penciling, writing, Magic, anime, laughing, cute shit.
Staying alive without pumping myself with drugs, alcohol, GE food, and spiritual evasion. Plus some.
Friday, February 20, 2004
Food is good.

Anyways, I just started my account up yesterday, and I'm just experimenting with things.
I'd greatly appreciate it of anyone would tell me how to add an image to the background of my page, 'cuz I tried, and ****ed it up. ~_~
For some reason, I've been getting into chicken chow mein recently, or chicken stir fry. It's the kind you cook w/rice instead of noodles. oO Anyways, my mom used ginger soy sauce, chopped almonds, and sliced broccoli and water chestnuts. GAAAAAAHHH!!
Anyways, I've decided to do something...well...different than just posting crap up...well, actually it's...similar, but... AH, what the hell!!
For some reason, most of the people I know don't like oatmeal. WHY? It's not the colorless **** people assume it is! Well, I had some instant Western Family-brand oatmeal this morning for breakfast. I tend to add milk rather than water, and I eat two packages at a the wrapper, of course. oO' I had Bananas 'n Peaches 'n Cream, all mixed together. And on the way to school, I ate a HUGE-*** banana. It was nummy, too. I like fruit 'cause you can just toss the peeling where ever 'n the hell you want! I love biodegradable litter. Toilet paper's the same, too, so you can't get lost and litter in the woods at the same time when you go hunting!
So...I ate like a monkey this morning. ^_^
Yeah. My feds don't come in the mail until Monday, the 23rd. Whoo hoo! I'm gonna go buy FF X-2. But I dunno about MZM (Metroid: Zero Mission). Last year, I borrowed Metroid Fusion, liked it, didn't beat it, but got pretty damn far, then returned it.
I am thinking about buying the GBA Metroids myself, but I'm sure MZM's gonna be around for a while, so I've decided against buying it right away. ^_~*
I've got plenty of GBA games. I have Golden Sun, Golden Sun: TLA, Robopon 2: Ring Version (SUCK), FF Tactics Advance (GOD, I love those ninjas), Sword of Mana (I've reached the Mana Sanctuary; I'm also thinking about entering the Treasure Hunt contest in NP, but most of the questions will require me to play through the game again...but contests have time limits, so I doubt I'd get around to it), Mario World, Yoshi's Island (I have both for SNES, but couldn't resist taking it with me on the SP), Breath of Fire II, Pokemon: Sapphire Version, Legacy of Goku (SUCK--gave it my third cousin last year, which is the first of my games I've actually gotten rid of), Tetris Worlds (great bathroom entertainment), Mega Man and Bass, and...I think that's about it.
The only Game Boy (Color) games I own are Pokemon: Blue, Yellow, Gold, Crystal and Zelda: Link's Awakening. o_O' I used to own Metal Walker last fall, but I couldn't get into it and exchanged it at GameCrazy for Legend of Dragoon on my trip to Utah.
Well, my right leg's falling asleep (I have it propped up on my knee), so I'll sign off for now!
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