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janie leonhert!
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dn angel
to be there for all of my friends and to be there for the poeple I love and care about.
I make story's
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
I am a litlle sad now
I just wanted to wish all my friends a great and loving morning! I am a litlle sad now one of my friends is mad at me.I only wanted to help him out.but I wont give up on him.I realy do care for him and If he dont believe me.I just have to fine away to make him believie if you are that persoon that I meen and you are ready this.I WONT GIVE UP ONE YOU I REALY DO CARE FOR YOU! WHY WILL YOU NOT BELIEVE ME? NOT ALL HUMANS ARE BAD YOU NOW!well I am feeling a litle better now.lots of hugs and kisses from all of us.
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
realy sleepy
yesterday I made some dn angel wallpapers but they dint show up here by also made a kai wallpaper that one dit schow up.but under dn angel wallpaper I think I was realy sleepy last night to make such a dom mistake.
I now beyblade and dn angel I like them both.well dn angel is my nummer one and gravitation is nummer 2.well I fix's it.I put my kai wallpaper under beyblade hoop it will show
up at the right anime sorry about that.
well moving one hee dit you now that I have dit background all a few day's.hoop you are a little proud of me.I made that background out of two anime dn angel and gravitation and put them together as one wallpaper.well I hoop that all my friends had a nice day.lots of hugs and kisses from all of us.
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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Monday, July 3, 2006
good morning
good morning to all my friends.
hoop you all are doing I made some new dn angel wallpapers and one beyblade wallpaper.yesterday I join a new side to make friends.the side name is name is there also jaine niwa.myn friend SecretMaiden ask me to join that side.but I like more.
I have a lot of nice friends here that also like anime.well lots of hugs and kisses from all of us
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
a Bright and Sunny...Good morning!
I just wanted to wish all my friends a Bright and Sunny...Good morning!yesterday I made a new fiend here by his name is demario he is very sweat and very nice to me.I just hoop that we will stay friends for a very long time.well moving on do you see myn new god banner on myn side myn best friend squirrel made that for me.I just wanted to thank her one's more for doing this for sis alana is the god of thunder her picture is also super cool just like myn picture.well I am Sending to all my friends a big warm hug to happy up UR day!
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
this is so weard
okee this is so weard you now that I told you that I made some dn angel wallpapers for my side a few day's ago.yesterday they show up at my side.but alana made yesterday some new e-cards and they show up also at her side yesterday.why where my wallpapers late and here e-card's not? well hoop that this meen my wallpapers from yesterday will schow up also I have made yesterday some gravitation wallpapers.
well here a litle poem for al my friends to wish them a great morning:
banzaiinu1,Basket 1,daisuke37,Dark Flame 3479 Dark4893,DarkAngel Wings,darkmousy19,darksan1234 Darth Dark Angel,dbzfreak93,Esruc,FlamingDragon fraiken,Highwind Phoenix,HotAngel910
Kaiz Dark Angel05[ squirrel],kitabug69,Krad chan Kradlover,kradlover1222,kradsgirl,KratosLover101 Kytten,Lunascape,maiden of ice,marikxishizu NocturnalClivya,PhantomDark101,Poke` Gal Lisa rikachan,Rzeznik,Satoshi-daisuke,SecretMaiden Sk8erAlchemist,somegirl,vince demonhunter xXRikuxDaisukeXx and Yamis Pharaohess.
May your day be filled with sunshine!
A good morning hug
For you my friend
Have a good day
From beginning till end
well hoop you like it lots of hugs and kisses from all of us.
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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Friday, June 30, 2006
this is just not funny any more.yesterday I made some nice dn angel wallpapers but they din't schow up.but I wont give up now I realy love to make wallpapers and e-cards.but I am also a little happy my friend Esruc is feeling
a little better now.he was very sick the poor thing.but here is a nice poem for him and all my fiends:
banzaiinu1,Basket 1,daisuke37,Dark Flame 3479 Dark4893,DarkAngel Wings,darkmousy19,darksan1234 Darth DarkAngel,dbzfreak93,FlamingDragon,fraiken Highwind Phoenix,HotAngel910,Kaiz Dark Angel05
[squirrelkitabug69,Kradchan,Kradlover,kradlover1222,kradsgirl,KratosLover101,Kytten,Lunascape maiden of ice ,marikxishizu,NocturnalClivya PhantomDark101,Poke` Gal Lisa,rikachan,Rzeznik Satoshi-daisuke,SecretMaiden,Sk8erAlchemist somegirl,vince demonhunter,xXRikuxDaisukeXx and Yamis Pharaohess. it's a poem of true friendship.
hoop you like it.
True friends will share with you,
Things they feel in their heart.
They will always be there if you need them. Even if you are so far apart.
well lots of hugs and kisses from all of us.
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
almost done !
I am almost done with malinza side.she also want a profile of her and satoshi.just like what alana has one her side.van her and krad oops I meen krad-chan if I just say krad myn sis will kill me [lol just joking].
well today I made some dn angel wallpapers hoop that they turn up at my side.yesterday I made one Gravitation wallpaper but that wallpaper din't show up.o well I just will make a new one of Gravitation.well I hoop that all my friends had a very nice day.lots of hugs and kisses from all of us.
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
dn angel background.
I realy like this background Hoop that I can keep it up my side for now and wont have the obsession to changed it again.myn sis alana[kradsgirl]has the krad versie of myn background
and malinza[satoshi-daisuke] alana best friend has the satoshi versie of my background I also have a dark versie of my background they are all up my side by you like one of them and you want them to be one your side.
please take them I realy dont mind I am just happy that you like my backgrounds that I made.
well lots of hugs and kisses from all of us.
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
helping out!
sorry if myn post is a bit late now.but I am helping alana's friend with her side here.
she just join my and she ask me of I would help her out with her side.
her name is malinza and her name is{satoshi-daisuke].she loves satoshi uit dn angel.
so malinza loves satoshi,alana loves krad and I
love daisuke.oo boy now we only have to have a friend thats in love with dark mousy [lol just kinding]well hoop you had a nice day today
lots of hugs and kisses from all of us here.
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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Monday, June 26, 2006
thank you xXRikuxDaisukeXx
my friend xXRikuxDaisukeXx wanted to thank me for her she had made a nice picture of me,daisuke and jean.I have seen the picture it was just so cute.just one big happy familie.
but you can see for your self now.
tell me want you think of it:

I JUST LOVE THE PICTURE THANK YOU SO MUST.hoop you not mad at me now. for putting it one my side.
I was just so happy and that was so nice of you that you made that for me.well lots of hugs and kisses from all of us.
bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.
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