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myOtaku.com: dark wich

Friday, June 30, 2006


this is just not funny any more.yesterday I made some nice dn angel wallpapers but they din't schow up.but I wont give up now I realy love to make wallpapers and e-cards.but I am also a little happy my otaku.com friend Esruc is feeling
a little better now.he was very sick the poor thing.but here is a nice poem for him and all my otaku.com fiends:
banzaiinu1,Basket 1,daisuke37,Dark Flame 3479 Dark4893,DarkAngel Wings,darkmousy19,darksan1234 Darth DarkAngel,dbzfreak93,FlamingDragon,fraiken Highwind Phoenix,HotAngel910,Kaiz Dark Angel05
[squirrelkitabug69,Kradchan,Kradlover,kradlover1222,kradsgirl,KratosLover101,Kytten,Lunascape maiden of ice ,marikxishizu,NocturnalClivya PhantomDark101,Poke` Gal Lisa,rikachan,Rzeznik Satoshi-daisuke,SecretMaiden,Sk8erAlchemist somegirl,vince demonhunter,xXRikuxDaisukeXx and Yamis Pharaohess. it's a poem of true friendship.
hoop you like it.


True friends will share with you,
Things they feel in their heart.
They will always be there if you need them. Even if you are so far apart.
well lots of hugs and kisses from all of us.

bye now.
daisuke and jaine niwa.

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