Birthday 1910-08-06 Gender
Female Location the farthest place from life, yet the closest to living Member Since 2005-01-17 Occupation 0.o Real Name Michelle, but it's Mi-san to you
Achievements none realy... Favorite Anime i don't like anime the only one i do like is Angel Sanctuary and thats it Goals it'd be nice to push Cassie off a cliff...... Hobbies drawing, poetry, and staring at the wall Talents poetry, drawing darkangel501
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
k this is wut i got with my mone (sry but i didn't listin to any of yer sugestions -_-')
Samurai champloo soundtrack 1
NewType mag.
FLCL vol.1
Kill Me Kiss Me vol.5
thank yu/ auto play
yay i got my music to autoplay! (bout frigg'n time!) thanks to BurningDeamon the help!!!! Comments (0) |
4th of July!!!!
OMFG! my 4ty was soooo crazy! my mom got engaged! and i made $42.50
doing absoultly nothin! i'm funan go to boreders to day andget, angesl sanctaru, and sugestion in what manga i should get also??
any who back to the 4th my kitin got BBQ sauce on him, and i fell in the 2ce! yay! bored! booo blaaah bla! the fire works sucked! tell me wt manga i should get! bye! Comments (7) |
this quiz was, col every one should take it! oh read my poem further down! Your soul is lost
you lost, every thing seems so confusing, and unreal to you. You often sit alone trying to find you self, and have yet to do so. You have few friends, because most people think you are strange, or distant, but thats not your fault. You keep trying and end up falling, but keep trying, you will find you self some day.