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Banging my head against a brick wall....I'll be back in a few minutes
Member Since
College Student (AKA crazy person who is broke)
Real Name
Algebra...isn't that enough? Oh, and I still haven't been in a car accident yet.
Anime Fan Since
umm.....something like eighth grade which is....6 years ago now.
Favorite Anime
Furuba, Saiyuki, DNAngel, Chrono Crusade, Vampire Game, Full Metal Alchemist, Fake, AI love you, Princess Ai, Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Death Note, etc.
take over the world! ;P (with my super-cool army of chibis!
anime, reading, writing, drawing, flute, and singing in the shower (though quality of singing is still undecided)
mostly artsy stuff....drawing, writing poetry, and fanfics, too! oh, and torturing, I'm good at that, just ask my little brother(s)!
| darkangel901
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/01/06:
Result Posted on 01/27/06:
They hit the nail on the head...
You are hiding sadness. One of the most diffcult
emotions to hide. You keep smiling day to day
even though it is killing you inside. You
insist you're fine even when you're not.
Someone is always willing to give you a shoulder to
cry on. Let the tears flow.
What Are You Hiding (with pics)? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/27/06:
Meh...too true, except it's the other way around, I have great friends, but my family....well, we won't go there will we?
You are the Angel of Lonliness.
Good Traits:
You are another one of God's beautiful creatures.
You hold dear to you all that you have
because you feel if you let them leave, you
have no one else to hold onto. You do have a
wonderful family, whether or not they may be
divorced, because the family you have is able
to suffer that same feeling of lonliness with
you. The reason for that is because you lost
your best friend, be it your actual best
friend, a pet, or a family member. Either
way, you do try hard to love what you still
have, though it may not be enough, because
you are one of the most depressed people you
or anyone else knows, ever since that fateful
Bad Traits:
Though you do appreciate what you have, you are
always finding yourself alone and away from
family. You're not quite sure why, but even
though they are going through everything you
are, you feel they will never understand YOUR
emotions. You believe there is now a
permenant brick wall between you and everyone
else that was once so close to you. All you
want back is what you lost, but knowing that
this can never be, you tend to isolate
yourself more than you really want to.
If you get this as a result and find that what is
written is really true, or that you just want
someone to talk with, feel free to write to
me. In this particular, I totally understand.
Your Best Friend is Most Likely:
The Angel of Fun
- What is Your Inner Angel - brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/27/06:
 Cho Hakkai
A man with a very sad past. You want someone who
can care for you but who you can share things
with. Hakkai is that person, he's very caring
but has a tendency to hide his feelings,
you're someone who he can trust to let his
feelings show
Which Saiyuki Bishi is for you? (girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/22/05:
awesome! (he was always my favorite character!) ;P
Result Posted on 11/22/05:
eeks! yea, that's a new way of looking at it...I guess
Result Posted on 11/22/05:
yea, that's me...I love cats! And I'm sorta weird...
Result Posted on 11/22/05:
hee hee! yay! ^^ (I
Result Posted on 11/22/05:
yay! ^^ *sparklies*
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