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myOtaku.com: DarkAngelAnubis

Friday, August 20, 2004

Wiccan Sabbats
Our belief that the the moon being a physical manifestation of the power and glory of the Goddess, the Sabbat rites are clelebrated at midnight on the night before the day of the festival.

We have 8 great Sabbat festivals and thirteen New Moon and thirteen Full moon Esbats during the year.
Our religous year begins with Yule.

The Great Sabbats are:

Yule -December 21: The winter solstice. We celebrate the return/rebirth of the sun

Candlemas -February 2: A fire festival. In olden times all new witches were initiated at Candlemas, "the Feast Of The Waxing Light"

The Spring Rite -March 21: The Spring Equinox. The celebration for fertility of man, crops, and animals.

Rudemas -May 1: A fertility Sabbat.

Beltane -June 21: Midsummer festival celebrating the summer solstice. Gether as many Covens together as possible

Lammas -August 1: Rites for increase in material supply

Autumn Equinox Rite -October 31: Celebration for the reunion of souls of the family members who have left the physical plane.
We can ask them to return on this night and give us messages of wisdom.

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