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Tuesday, November 2, 2004

halloween totally rockz chicken poxz soxz moxz !!! hahahha!! i have eaten candy for 2 days straight now hahaha trick or treatin was fum i always go trick or treatin who dont go trick or treatin? evry one at skool is insane too guess they eats lots of candy too im soo happy! sry i havent written in a long time been a while huh? well here i am writing lol
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Thursday, October 21, 2004

me and will arent together anymore. so much for that. but neway skool suxz. people are so complicated just making everything as confusing as possible. they r all weird. some r weird in a good way others in a bad way. im so sick i could throw up with confuseness and anger. i feel sick 4 real anyway. my throat hurts and its dry and scratchy. neway im sure u dont wanna hear my complaining but its my site and i can say whatever i want cant i?
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Friday, October 15, 2004

Will and his family went to wild adventrues for the whole weekened and im soooooooooooo lonely and dieing of boredom. ugh i had to do this essay thing for my language arts class cuz i didnt turn it in on time. i hated it. i hate it. i hate everything...almost...wish Will ws here. grr.. angry....BUT i got the NEW KITTIE CD!!!!!!! listening to it helps me get rid of my anger. damn it i wish Will was here. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

omgosh its been a while since i wrote i havent been on the computer since then. i have worked on the story im writing and guess what else? i have a boyfriend now! he roxz! hahahaha! his name is Will. he`s so cool. im soooo happy!!! i could scream with joy! i have been angry since skool started cuz i hated evrything but now i luv everything!! ugh i feel so happy i might throw up...WITH JOY!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

   this smiley is cool isnt it? lol
i 4got my lunch today and starved for like 6 or 7 hrs or however long we r at skool... i finished another one of my books by V.C. Andrews. i have read 9 already they r really long tho. i like to read a lot its much more funner then homework and skool to bad we cant just read a few novels once a yr and write about them or write our own story. in fact im writting my own story. its ...well i dont have a title yet and barely a first chapter but i got it planned out.its about this girl who who lives on the moon and doesnt kno how she knows all the stuff that she knows lol like she knows how to talk and walk and think like normal ppl but doesnt kno how she learned it. she has really freaky nightmares and feels like its really happening and wakes up and it floats away from her and she cant remeber what she dreamt. so neway she gets really bored, lonely and really curious about the dark side of the moon and decides maybe she should just go wonder there nothing is going to happen until she does something rite? i m not sayin anymore lol. maybe i can publish it one day...when im done...
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Sunday, September 26, 2004

   i saw resident evil2
residnet evil2 is soo freakin awesome!! but the first is always best rite? there was a lot more action in this one it was so cool! i think i still like the first one best tho lol. my friend went with me and she got all freaked out and scared! lol it will be all quiet and then suddenly one of those scary infected ppl jump out at them! it did that a lot thru the whole movie and the last one i like it tho. lol llalallalala....ok i just had to get that out of my system. lol k well cant wait for all these hurricanes to come.first jeanne is coming and we dont have skool monday!! rock on!!! and 2 others : karl and lisa(my moms name lol) mite not come to us tho they r out there do funky things but at least i dont gotta go2 skool tomorrow.hahahaha!!
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Thursday, September 16, 2004

   i guess i havent written in a while...
srry bout that. i have been reading a lot. vc andrews`s books. i lend some to some of my friends and they said they couldnt putit down so far i have read 6 gonnin on 7. lol. Johnny Ramone of The Ramones died he was 55 he died in his sleep. i read bout it on the internet. its so sad when famous ppl die. i liike the ramones...
skool was purdy good today i have made 3 new friends!! yay!! k well i am gonna go read lol reading isnt as bad as u mite think!

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Thursday, September 9, 2004

i had 2 go back 2 skool 2day... only tomorrow left. y do we gotta go 4 2 stinkin days?!?!!? ugh i hate skool. last yr was a good yr but i dont like this one at all! only a teeny tiny lil bit maybe. lol neway hurricane ivan MAY POSSIBLY come our way. but there is hope out there. gosh hurricane after hurricane. lol i feel srry for all the peeps in jamaca they r gonna get hit by ivan and its a catergory 4 or 5 now not sure. but 5 is the highest. snot! they dont even have a way of escaping it. they just r there on the island no planes or boats r gonna leave or come now... i pray they will be ok. even if their homes get ruined their lives r more important. and all those other persons who r gonna get hit hard by the hurricane i pray they will be ok too. well i g2g now. maybe i`ll read or sumthing or just surf the web 4 awhile.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004

   hurricane damage
the hurricane gave us some damage we got trees knocked over our fence is broke on some parts. some houses have trees in front of them and cars have trees on them. my neighbors trampaline flew over the other side on the fence. tornado warnings. tons of rain. power was out for 12 hrs. it was fun and cool and that is the first hurricane that did anything to us since i moved here. it was awesome. the yards r a mess there is branches all over the road. one of our street signs is all crooked. it was kool. i didnt have skool today i got a 5 day weekened! HURRICANES ROCK!!

How to make a Darkangelofdreams

3 parts friendliness

5 parts silliness

1 part leadership
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Serve with a slice of lovability and a pinch of salt. Yum!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

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Sunday, September 5, 2004

my mom looked up on the computer how many hurricanes went over jacksonville and there is only one that is recorded in history. hurricane dora in 1964. wait i said this already havent i? neway the tropical storm that is coming closer called ivan is forming where dora did. is has been exactly 40 yrs and dora got to jacksonville around the 11th and 12th of semptember about the same time they think ivan will come. pretty neat eh? well ithink so. in a way i guess its creepy but who cares we mite get a hurricane i have always wanted to be in the eye cuz they say its calm and peaceful and beautiful. i wanna be in the eye!!!
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